Big fat bahs.....


Aug 17, 2010
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Hi ladies,

So, I just wanted to start off my own little thread, dedicated to the utter, utter maddening worry that seems to come hand in hand with first trimester pregnancy.

I mean, nobody bloody warns you about the ever so intimate experience of trying to get knocked up in the first place (oh the fun - temping, endless boinking whether you’re in the mood or not, piddling on sticks (of the ovulation or HCG variety), symptom spotting like a crazy person, or the horror of IVF (my personal favourite) – hot flushes, totally buggered up sleep patterns, a feeling of going mental, being prodded and poked all the time). I always listened to the stories in Take A Break, whereby virginal school girls fell over on to some sperm and immediately got pregnant (I may be exaggerating for dramatic effect, but you get my gist – bints everywhere getting knocked up without even fecking trying – arrgh!)

Anyway – you finally, finally complete that mega fun little journey to hell town, and get the result you’ve always wanted – a BFP. Two gorgeous little lines, shouting “look at me, look at me, you’re not a dried up old prune with dust for innards after all!”………oh the happiness. I don’t know about you ladies, but I floated about on cloud nine for a few weeks, used all my spare moisture up peeing on sticks so I could track my progression (and there is something shockingly addictive about seeing those little lines come up as your piddle moves across the stick).

Then the worry starts to set in. My first BFP resulted in a blighted ovum (feck you universe), so that one didn’t just take the wind out of my sails, it also crapped on my crew and then sank my boat completely.

So with my second (IVF) BFP, and once the honeymoon excitement of just having gotten pregnant had subsided, my cynical side took over (I’m from London so have oodles of cynicism to use up) and I started getting all doomy and gloomy. Google became my absolute nemesis and I think I diagnosed myself with every pregnancy ailment under the sun. Despite seeing my little bean at 7 weeks with a lovely flickering heartbeat, I remained convinced something, somewhere would / will go wrong.

Anyway – I’ve managed to get to 11 weeks without incident and had my midwife booking appointment yesterday. That in itself was terrifying as I kept expecting them to find some horrifying medical condition whilst doing my obs (I swear to God I’m never usually a hypochondriac but pregnancy seems to have turned me in to one of super nutty proportions!)……..

And next week I have my 12 week scan and nuchal test – cue mentally deficient panicking of the epic variety…..I am absolutely bricking it. Hubby and I have both agreed that should anything be proven to be wrong with bubba, then we would need to seriously consider the options (this may not be the tack everyone would take, but it’s a personal decision, so judge ye not).

I’m now not sure how the feck to get through the next 7 days. It’s killing me already. I wish my belly was made of glass so I could just take a look myself. I did wonder how much a personal ultrasound would cost – turns out I’d probably have to sell a kidney and pimp my hubby out to get a down payment together……..

How do you cope?! HOW?!!!!

Good grief – I’m starting to wonder how the human race ever managed to procreate!
Haaaaahahahaha! Well written. Answer in short, you don't. I am 23 weeks and still have little panics daily. Is she moving enough, is she in the right position, is her cord ok. My mother warns me that it never ends.
Amazing true post! then you get to 2nd tri and worry about your baby having growth development problems, then you get the 3rd tri and worrying about baby not making much movements, then their born and worry about everything!

Now DD at 'nearly' 2 years old and I worry about her eating (she hates eating and would rather play as all toddlers do) and also her having a bad fall.


You worry from the second you make that decision to try...and it never bloody stops! I've got at least another 7 week's till my 12 week scan....7 weeks!!!! I'll be grey or bald by then!
So beautifully written

But my darling, you never stop worrying. Two miscarriages and a healthy 16m old later we are pregnant with baby 2 and I panic just as much. When Sophie got here I panicked she was eating/sleeping/breathing and I still check she is breathing at night such is my fear of SIDS. You have your whole life to worry. This week you wait is a small price to pay to see your healthy blobby! Good luck xxx
love this post, so well said!
i am now 6+3 and dont have my first scan until next week. after years of trying, i still cant wrap my head around it, and expect it to end in tragedy at every bathroom visit. and cramp. and twinge.
and we cant have a glass of wine to help relax! ;)
GL with your scan!
All I want is a boring, drama-free pregnancy. That's it. Nice and boring.

But nope, I had to deal with "implantation bleeding" that lasted 4 days. FOUR days. Who gets that? Then I get a side ache, no biggie right? I didn't think anything of it until two nurses made me feel like I was gambling with my life because it could be ectopic. Ugh. Nope, not ectopic got that straighten out. Then I get spotting that leads into a big bleed, and later get diagnosed with a small subchorionic hemorrhage. At the 8 week scan we find that its practically gone! Yay!! Heartbeat great! But baby by my measurement is the doctor's baby is almost a week behind. Wth? I thought, ok she's just using LMP, right? Nope, baby is actually measuring at LMP, but I have short cycles (24-25 days) and I really am 8w4d. But am I? :shrug:

So yeah, worry never ends and I'm only 9 weeks into it (am I 9 weeks, I don't know now??). :dohh: Doctor's not worried that by MY measurements I'm measuring behind since I'm right on schedule with LMP. Maybe by the 12 week scan things will level out/catch up?

Can we really take 9 months of crazy thinking and worry? :coffee:
I love everyone's experiences with this. I keep thinking that the first tri will be the worst as far as worrying but I sneak a peek in 2nd tri from time to time and see there's just a new set of worries lol. I will be glas to get through this milestone none the less!
Oh yes...Having had numerous miscarriages and issues even with one of my successful pregnancies is bad enough. Add to that the fact that I had a 2nd tri m/c in July, a blighted ovum in October, and this bubs was conceived before AF even showed. Oh and did I mention the pink staining/pink-brown discharge/red drops in toilet/occasional clot when I wee that's all been happening for the last 4 weeks? The ladies in the PARL thread are probably going nuts when I post about my anxiety...

How I ever managed to get to 9 weeks and still have brown hair is beyond me. At least my new doctor is hopeful. My old doctor told me at 4 weeks I was going to miscarry this baby because I "didn't wait like the OB dr said I should" (which he didn't by the way...He said to call him next time I get pg.)
OMG this is all so true!

My baby hiccuped on my reassurance scan on Wednesday. Of course now I am FREAKING OUT that it wasn't a hiccup but a seizure (our angel Ruby had a neural tube defect which meant that her skull didn't develop - the amniotic fluid was attacking her brain and 12w scan showed her suffering seizures as a result). I am fully aware that hiccups start at 8weeks, but can't shake off the panic!

Is it 2014 yet??
Ignorance is definitely bliss when it comes to TTC. I know too much about the ins and outs of getting and being pregnant and it disturbs my peace. My first pregnancy I got pregnant easy and it was uncomplicated the whole way. Then trying to conceive my second child, 2 MC's in a row made me an unfortunate expert in TTC and pregnancy. Now I'm happily pregnant again but yes, I know too much to settle in and just coast along, the blissful ignorance of just enjoying my pregnancy is no more. Now I know what could happen and to be honest, just "being pregnant" means nothing to me because I know it does not necessarily mean a baby at the end.

That said, I'm DETERMINED to have this baby in August. Just hell bent damn determined. My entire WILL is SET upon this goal. And it's out of my control entirely but I feel like positive thinking and DETERMINATION helps my anxiety. So I have that, at least, and it feels good. Positive thoughts, positive thoughts, positive thoughts.

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