Oh no how awful! Poor Holly, I'm glad she seems okay now. They really are remarkably resilient!
Just a little note though to whoever was worried about social services checking up on them, please don't let that stop anyone taking their kids to be checked if you feel it's necessary. I'm sure you wouldn't decide not to take them if you thought there was any chance they needed it, but comments like that really perpetuate this fear of social services and you never know who might read this and be too frightened to get help. (Bevs I'm not saying Holly needs checking just commenting on a previous post)
I'd definitely take him to a&e if he needed it but I genuinely do think twice about minor things because of stuff I've read. I know it's irrational but its in my mind.
Don't believe all you read. I am an A&E sister and as much as child protection is a big consideration in the assessment and care of children we are all aware about accidents happening to all parents, if an accident really should have been avoided or several have occurred, the 1st referral would be a health visitor, not a social worker. If anything not going to A&E when you should is much more of a red flag. I don't mean to offend, but please don't be afraid of ever taking your child to A&E, we not that scary and we really don't mind worried parents either, a lot of us are mums and dads too.
My son had an accident when 18m - fell down the stairs & broke his arm (dad was in charge !) I got questioned by social worker there.
8 yrs later when I got involved with ss due to domestic violance it was on my records & questioned again !
I would of course take any of my children to hospital if needed but only if really neccersary.