I had 5 parts to mine.
The first part was stuff like my name, the names of the people who would be with me and a short "disclaimer", something like "In the event of an emergency, if the situation becomes life-threatening for me or our baby, we will yield to any life-saving intervention on the briefest of consultation...."
Stuff I included:
- please don't touch the baby during or after the birth w/o asking
- help us keep the atmosphere calm and positive (quiet voices, low lights)
- leave me by myself apart from anyone I have specifically asked to stay with me (apart from intermittent checks)
- I will have complete freedom of movement throughout
- supplies under the mirror in the lounge [I had a HB]
- you're welcome to use my camera if you have chance
If all is going well:
- don't offer drugs (I'll ask if I change my mind)
- keep monitoring to the barest minimum
- I'll push as I want to. Please don't "coach" me unless I ask for help.
- catch my baby & find out the sex myself. If I am unable/don't want to, please give DH this opportunity.
- have immediate, uninterrupted and undisturbed skin to skin.
- avoid early cord clamping. I’ll say when I’m ready to cut it. Please give DH this opportunity.
- have a physiological 3rd stage
- be left alone with the baby in the moments after the birth.
- have all routine procedures delayed until at least an hour after delivery
- have my baby touched only by myself, my husband or my mother as much as possible.
- DECLINE Vitamin K. We may re-consider (oral drops) AFTER the baby has been born.
Please note: I will be keeping my placenta.