Birth story of Evelyn Lorraine


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2009
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25.10.10 – 4 days overdue so spent ALL day stood up ironing hoping that gravity would work it’s magic. Finally finished it all and sat down at about quarter past 4 in the morning (decided I wasn’t tired so hadn’t yet gone to bed.. something I would later regret!) and said to my Mum something along the lines of ‘well all that standing up was a waste of time’ … then 15 mins later I felt a little pop, like a little gas bubble or something but really low down, and a little gush and stood up like a shot thinking NO WAY.. then there was a bigger gush and I shouted ‘WOAH MY WATER JUST BROKE’ before running off in a mad panic to the bathroom where I then stood on a towel shaking and saying omg for a good 20 mins before my brain could process anything else LOL. Mum rang the hospital for me and they said to make my way in so they could check me over. Up until this point I’d only had the odd twinge but in the car I started getting little contractions which gradually got a little more regular and a little worse over the morning. At the hospital they checked me over and confirmed that my hind waters had gone but my fore waters were still in tact. I was 2cm dilated and they were happy to send me home to wait it out until my contractions got more regular/painful. I basically had 24 hours to get Evie out or they had to intervene. BUT .. all this took HOURS to sort out and being shut in a teeny horrible little room at the hospital with nothing to take my mind of the pains and just driving myself crazy meant I was getting really stressed, which in turn made the cramps feel worse.. which made me even more stressed because then I was worried how I was going to cope in proper labour when these ones were hurting so bad! Vicious circle LOL.

Once I got home and had a nice hot bath I curled up in front of the fire with my laptop and and made it my goal to just relax and breath.. and sure enough the contractions, although getting slowly stronger and closer together, were sooo much more bearable! I was happily chatting away and watching tv with my Mum and Evie’s godmum Emma in between them and just having a good old fidget and breath when they came. It was so enjoyable. My advice to anyone who hasn’t had there baby yet is just RELAX! It sounds so simple but seriously it makes the world of difference!

About 10pm the pains were bad enough that I was getting worried about coping with the journey to hospital (about 45 mins with no fidgeting and contractions everything 5 mins eek!) so we rang to let them know I was on my way and slowly started gathering everything together. The delivery suite was soooo nice, really clean and comfortable with lots of space to move around and a niiice bathroom (I had two baths heehee) so I felt totally relaxed and managed through the next 8 hours or so with the birthing ball, breathing techniques and lots of support from my Mum and Emma :)

26.10.10 - Then came the exam.. after all that I was only 3cm dilated :’( all my calm went out the window and with the next wave of contractions I just broke down! It turns out my fore waters hadn’t gone which is why my labour hadn’t really progressed. The mw popped them which made me dilate a little more instantly and she gave me a small dose of diamorphine which didn’t help with the pain AT ALL but was meant to be able to give me a little bit of sleep.. which didn’t work either lol. I felt a bit groggy for all of 10 mins then with the next contractions was snapped back into reality. Change over of the midwives came and went and I finally asked for gas and air.. MY GOD I WISH I’D DONE IT SOONER!!! Once I got the hang of timing it right I was in HEAVEN. At one point I got so cocky I said I could handle twins now ROFL. Seriously though gas and air saved my life! I got through the next few hours with ease and happiness, the whole time praising the person who invented gas and air, talking rubbish and shooting daggers any time anyone touched my precious inhaler thingy LMAO. Apparently I dropped it a couple of times and when mum went to hand it back to me I snatched it off her cos I thought she was trying to take it away heehee :p

At about 8am although I had progressed I’d well passed the 24 hours from my waters breaking so they decided to put me on a drip to speed things up. In walked two of the youngest/most good looking doctors I’ve ever seen in my life.. and there I am having lost my dignity hours ago, naked from the waist down, bouncing on a birthing ball, waters leaking and puffing on the gas and air like my life depended on it… for a second I considered being embarrassed and trying to make myself a little more respectable.. then I got a contraction and decided if there was ever a time to not give an eff this was it ROFL. Oh the shame.

The drip combined with the popping of my waters worked a treat.. to the point where things were happening so quickly I didn’t even realise! I can’t remember the point where contractions stopped and pushing started, I just remember pushing but not really realising until mum said I was doing really well and Evie was coming. I was like WHAT NOW? SERIOUSLY? And the shock sent me into overdrive, I started pushing like a trooper and although it hurt I just remember telling myself over and over that if I just pushed a little bit harder it would all be over and I’d have my little girl.. I didn’t once let myself think I couldn’t do it I just kept telling myself I HAD to do it! At one point the midwife asked if I wanted to touch the top of her head.. and I did and was just like ‘I don’t get it’ ROFL. Also mum said I was in the middle of pushing when I stopped and asked ‘Am I meant to be doing it like this?’ worried I wasn’t doing it right heehee :)

17 minutes after I started pushing Evie was born at 12.47 weighing 9lbs 3oz. I just cried and cried and cried, partly with relief but mostly with shock that after so long and after so many ups and downs I FINALLY had my girl. And she was the most beautiful thing I’d ever laid my eyes on :’)

I had a 2nd degree tear but by this point I was soooo tired that I passed Evie to my mum and with a few final puffs on my beloved gas and air I fell asleep as the doctor stitched me up. He said it was the first time he’d ever had that happen haha :D Once we were all sorted I had a quick bath and then attempted to feed Evie.. she latched right away and perfectly too :) She’s been the perfect little boob monster since, she’s such a show off and she’s made it sooo easy for me to breastfeed so far. Not to mention the fact she’s an utter angel and hardly ever cries.. for now at least :p


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Read on face book but would like to say congrats one more time : )
Congratulations on your beautiful daughter. What a lovely birth story xx
Well done! congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby girl :hugs:
Aww lovely story :) Really seemed like you were pregnant forever! Congrats on your beautiful little girl :)
awh jade! I cried. I am so so happy for you. Your daughter is beautiful, welldone..xx
Congratulations! She's gorgeous :hugs: xx
congrats! What a great job you did! Evelyn is a beautiful name for your beautiful little girl! Glad to hear everything is going so well for you.
Amazing :) utterly thrilled to read about Evie's arrival - the little blessum, and 9lbs too!

So glad you got your little girl at last :hugs:
congratulations! i enjoyed reading your lovely story. xxxxx
Congratulations hunni, you did a fantastic job. She is a beautiful little thing! :D x
Congratulations hun, you did a fab job. She is a beautiful. x

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