Birth Story - to share with mums to be (LONG)


Married since 2006
Aug 8, 2009
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Well its only been a few days, and I thought Id post my birth story. My son Jacob William was born at 5.02am on 12/6 weighing a reasonable 8lb2, let me tell you the story of his arrival.

It all started as I was watching all the new contestants go into the big brother house on wednesday night (easy to say I will watch no more Big Brother this year!)
I had ZERO signs before hand that baby was on his way, no show nothing. Anyway I was sitting on my ball and had just had a cup of RLT- I got a pain in my lower stomach, I thought it was the baby moving. Then it came again a few mins later, and this continued. I thought, OMG this is happnening. It was about 11.30pm. As my OH works early mornings, I left him to sleep and went through the night, contractions became regular, I had a bath which really helped, and then when he woke up at 4.30 - I told him the news.

We called the hospital and let them know, they advised to come in when contractions were every few mins. So we went around 6am, only to be sent away. When I got in the house, I went to the loo, and this big blob fell out - must have been the plug thing. It was just like a blob of clear jelly, but it was huge. I knew things were heading in the right direction. For the rest of the day I just tried to relax, I had SO many baths, but they did help, and found that it helped to hang onto the door frame as a contraction came. The only thing which was a little uncomfortable was that I hadnt slept, and when I would get onto the bed or sofa and begin to doze off, a contraction would come and I had to stand up through all my contractions, sitting was just much more painful.

By Thursday night, contractions were still irregular. I didnt know what to expect - but I was able to mostly breath through them. When they became every 3 mins, I called our hospital only to be told that they were full and we were being re-directed to another hospital not too far away. I knew that this might have happened, so I wasnt fussed. The midwife said the hospital would call me from the other hospital in 5 mins. She did, and it was the worst part. She was a patrionising COW - I got so upset. I had 2 contractions while I was on the phone to her and she said that my contractions were not intense enough, or long enough to come in and that I had to sit it out. Well ladies, after that my contractions became even more irregular and I do think that was because she had affected my mind over the whole thing - anyway it probably worked out for the best. By 5am the next morning, I had been having contractions for 30 hours - ok they were never regular, but they were never further than 1 every 10 mins.

Went back to hospital at 6am on the Friday morning, crying and explaining I was now in a lot of pain, mainly in my back. I was praying they were going to keep me in, and after being examined, they said I was 2cm - that was gutting, however they reckoned baby was lying Back to Back, so realised the pain was getting too much and I was admitted. From there things just progressed slowly, but just being in hospital was a relief. We had a lovely midwife and my OH just held me through the contractions, had the odd sleep, and laughed at my dreadful choice of baby arrival music I had saved on my ipod - including Adam rickett, breath again:blush: and Gotta get through this - Daniel Beddingfield:blush: After 6 hours they broke my waters and the MW told me my baby had a lot of hair! Now that was strange.

I knew I wanted an epidural because of the position of the baby, I couldnt have a bath now as I couldnt sit on my bum - which was very frustrating. The epidural was finally administered a further 12 hours from when I was admitted, so about 9pm at night and I was put on the drip to speed everything up as Id only got to 4cm (which took 42 hours!) Once on the drip and epidural it was BLISS!!!! Things were progressing but I was sleeping through it. Then I was at 10cm before I knew it. It was around 3.30. I was only going to be allowed to push for an hour, and even with the epidural I knew where to push, and they said they could see the baby coming down. Sadly he was slipping back, so then he was eventually delivered using forceps, but I didnt have to go to the theatre for that. I had to have an episiotomy to prevent tearing but again I felt nothing because of the epidural.

Finally my wee boy was placed on my chest when he came out and my placenta delivered in about 6 mins. I was exhausted, sewn up as I watched my OH in amazment cuddling his little boy - it was beautiful.

I know that people will read this because as I grew closer to my due date and then especially when I went so far overdue, All I wanted to do was read birth stories to see if I could have any of the signs. My advice really would be if its your first - you just dont know what to expect, and for me being open minded about things really helped. Although my labour just went on for days, and was uncomfortable, and at times unbearable, it was worth it - and once the drugs were administered - not so bad at all. I would have done things naturally if I could have, but it didnt work out that way for me, so I would not beat myself up. My only disappointment was that when they broke my waters - it was the smallest trickle ever!

Healing will obviously take longer for me, but hopefully not too long.

I wish all mums to be good luck. That moment when your baby is placed on your chest is just surreal, its just amazing. Hope this helped re-assure you.
Congrats on your little baby boy! Shame that the first midwife you talked to was a bit of a cow, but there isn't much you can really do about that.
hun congrats!! and u were quite strong, u had a long labour! but to hv ur boy at the end of it all must hv been worth it
Congratulations. Thanks for posting your story.
congratulations on the safe arrival! here's to a quuick recovery :)
Congratulations, every first borth is a bit scary - it will be a doddle next time! lol xxx
Congrats on little Jacob! Glad everything went smoothly for you.
Thanks for sharing your story! It sounds like you handled everything really well. Congrats on your baby boy! xx

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