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Blighted ovum, should I opt for D&C?


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2013
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Hi all,

I have been reading post on this forum from last week when, Doctor couldn't find out heartbeat or baby. Was expecting it to turn into a miracle but, obviously I was clutching straws.
Anyway, here is what is happening. If pregnancy would have progressed well I would have been 8 weeks today.But, at 7weeks scan my Doctor could not find heartbeat or baby. She called me after week with possibility that my dates would be off. But, I was sure of my dates.
Went in today and again couldn't find anything also, the sac didn't grow. I was referred to different hospital for second opinion and D&C. Went there same day and found the same results. The Doctor was very supportive and asked me what I want?
I have opted to wait for a week because my symptoma are almoat zero so HCG levels might be going low. The sac measured 6weeks long so, since two weeks have already passed I am positive that my body will do things on it's own. but, after one week I will have to decide on something because with toddler around it would be difficult to go through so much physical and emotional pain.
Just wanted second opinions, if you have positive or negative thoughtsabout D&C could you share with Me?
Sorry you're going through this :hugs: I had a d&c after finding out at the 12w scan that baby had died around 8 weeks. I just wanted it to be over with and not to have to go through the pain or see anything so I chose the surgical route. It was a positive experience for me, I was scared but everyone at the hospital was lovely to me and I went to sleep and woke up and it was over. Pain no worse than a period and minimal bleeding, just like a light period for a few days. Good luck with whatever route you decide xx
I let everything happen naturally. However if it would have taken much longer than a few weeks I would have entertained the idea of medical intervention. For me, the worst was about 7 hours long. I think mine was quick and I lost blood fast. I ended up in the er because I was dizzy and bleeding more than a pad per hour but I didn't loose too much blood as my levels were fine. For me, the idea of intervention was terrifying for some reason. I'm sorry you're going through this, it's awful. Sending positive thoughts your way!
Sorry for your loss :hugs:

I went for a D&C twice, but I don't mc naturally. The last one was almost 4 weeks back for a blighted ovum. Both D&Cs were straight forward xx
I found out I had a blighted ovum at my 10 week appointment. I didn't start bleeding until 11 weeks and at 12 weeks opted for the D&C. I preferred this choice since the sac was at least the size of an 8 or 9 week pregnancy. It was also a quick painless process instead of being drawn out as I feel it would have been for me naturally.

If I would have been earlier in the pregnancy, I might have gone with the natural route, but I feel the D&C was the right option for me. If you're not progressing, it might be worth considering the D&C. I didn't have any pain or severe bleeding with mine.
I have had both. I had an OV and started spotting and chose to do it naturally. I then had a viable hb on my second but started spotting went in and there was no hb. I chose to get it over with because natural is longer and a lot of bleeding.

The D&C was quick but I was first put off when the nurse called it an abortion! It cost me as much as it would have to have a baby (2K). Altough the bleeding was less, I have been a little haunted by other people's stories of not having a hb but then had a healthy baby. The only thing that gives me comfort is that I was spotting already.
Thank you so much for your replies everyone. I am sorry you all have to go through this pain.
Reading all the replies I think, I know what to do now. As I have already opted for waiting a week i will take D&C route if nothing happens till then.
I am just worried because, the doctor did tell me that there is possibility that uterus might get few scratches which might effect fertility But, the chances are low.
Could you not have medical management to help things on its way? )eh the oral tablets or pessaries)
I couldn't have a d&c as I was further along (18 and 15 weeks) so this is what happened with me- but I know my friend that lost her baby at 6 weeks also took this option. Just putting it out there in case they hadn't iffered you that option.
Could you not have medical management to help things on its way? )eh the oral tablets or pessaries)
I couldn't have a d&c as I was further along (18 and 25 weeks) so this is what happened with me- but I know my friend that lost her baby at 6 weeks also took this option. Just putting it out there in case they hadn't iffered you that option.

Oh my, I totally forgot to ask it. I don't know how it slipped my mind. Thank you Lora. I don't know whether they offer those pills. Have to check it out with doctor on nect visit if it doesn't progress.
Btw, I know you were further along. Saw your photos on fb. Beautiful, but heartbreaking.
I'm surprised they haven't offered so far really. I think it's a very popular option here.
Have corrected my previous post- I was 15 weeks this time, not 25. Clumsy fingers!
I'm so sorry you are going through this. The waiting is awful- I chose to have the tablets straight away. I had them at 2pm and delivered baby 10.30pm. I hope it's over for you soon (in the nicest possible way) xx
I went for the tablet for a whole week but it didn't work, but it's the nature of my cervix and uterus, I don't dilate or get contractions
Thank you lora for info. I will definitely ask for it if that is the option.

Omarsmom, I am sorry it didn't work out for you. This is my first time so don't know how my body will react.
I found out I had blighted ovum today at my 12 week scan. I've been offered 3 options, D&C either awake or asleep, tablets or wait it out. I chose to wait a week then I'll go for another scan and I think I'll opt for the tablets then. I really don't want the D&C because personally the thought of an op worries me and also they can sometimes cause scarring which can cause problems in the future that worries me it'd be just my luck!
Do what is right for you, I also have a toddler at home and I totally understand how you want a speedy recovery.

So sorry for your loss xxx
I'm so sorry! I chose misoprostol (the pill) for my blighted ovum, and it worked well.
amytrisha, so sorry for your loss. Ues, the thought of having operation is Scary. I already had c-section and it was bad enough don't want instruments going in again. I will definitely ask for pills option.

Jiklebean, so sorry for your loss. I am glad you had good experience with it.

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