We found out today at our 32 week growth scan that the blood flow in the umbilical cord isn't looking good, RI above 95th centile. We will now be having another scan in two weeks to check blood flow again. The dr said she would usually be worried but as our boys growth was looking good (95th centile) and his movement is good she will just monitor more closely. Any slight change in movement and we are to go straight in.
Has anyone else had this? I'm really really worried and did the worst thing possible and googled 😢.
I wish they had given steroids or something so if they need to get him out in a hurry his lungs would have had a chance to mature.
Has anyone else had this? I'm really really worried and did the worst thing possible and googled 😢.
I wish they had given steroids or something so if they need to get him out in a hurry his lungs would have had a chance to mature.