Ok I have been ttc for 2 + years. I had a mc a year and half a go. We have been just kind of seeing if anything would happen.........I really hope no one here remembers me because that would mean that everyone got pregnant and moved on to the other forums. I went to the Dr last week after having lots of pain in my side for several months......I also explained that I thought I might have PCOS...........Her answer was you dont look like someone who has PCOS....So I explain the hair on my neck and few around my (O)(O)! LOL She said she really did not think so........she scheduled me for a ultra sound of my ovaries and The following test FSH, Testosterone, and e....something blood work...........Then said she would call me and that she did not need to see me again. I am like WHAT????? What about the fact that I have not had a pap in 11 years.........ARGGGG!!!! SO I guess my question is......is the blood test and ultra sound about all the fertility test that can be done and should this give me some answers? Or should I just find a new OBGYN?? Thanks Ladies!!!