I have "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and I think it's a great book when you're getting into that 6-12 month mark where you're ready to do more than just have sex. It goes over charting, types of cm etc... That's the majority of the book.
When you're ready to move on to assisted conception (also my next step), I find there are less and less. Two that I really enjoyed:
Silent Sorority by Pamela Tsigdinos (more about her journey through infertility and ending up childless not by choice, after many fertility treatments, I found this hit me emotionally)
Navigating the Land of IF by Melissa Ford (she does the blog "Stirrup Queens", it has lots of info about assisted conception and all the lingo, how to get through baby showers etc...)
I've been looking for others but these are two I've enjoyed so far.