Borderline bilateral ventriculomegaly at 22w - support thread!

I also got told yesterday at 20week scan measures 10mm, but there have also been other things that came up which was an echo on heart and the pinky middle bone just started to densen up as it wasnt as dense the week before. My NT scan and bloods came back fine so im unsure what to think now?

Next appt is 15th feb.. any one else the same?
hi, my baby boy in now 5 1/2 months old and doing very well with his milestones. he finally made an appearance 2 weeks after his due date and was born on the 1st september 2013. he had a scan on his soft spot when he was about 4 weeks old to confirm what they had already thought (that the fluid in the vents had gone back to what they would class as not a problem/back to what they would expect). i then went back 4 weeks after this scan to get the results and all was fine and the doctor said from the results wyatt (my baby boy) will be able to live just as any other baby and shouldnt have any problems. he is such a happy and healthly baby i am so thankful.
wishing all you mums the same outcome and obviously wish you the best for the future xx
Wanted to jump in on this thread to tell our story on behalf of my wife and I, as I know 1st hand how anxious a time this can be.

11 days ago we went for our 20 week scan at exactly 20 weeks all excited about finding out the sex of the baby. The scan was going fantastically well, everything seemed perfect, including as the sonographer described as a heart exactly like those in the textbooks. Baby was looked at from top to bottom, found out he was a boy and then finally right at the end she mentioned that she had spotted an area of concern that she wanted to follow up on in the baby's brain. She then took a series of measurements.

We were then seen by a consultant who tried to explain what this meant, from "it could be nothing" to "it could mean serious disabilties" to "Of course we may find other issues in a detailed scan". A measurement of 11.9mm had been recorded at the "Posterior horn of the lateral ventricles"
Obviously we were shellshocked, anxious, scared, the works.

A follow up ultrasound was arranged 3 days later with a doctor. Obviously I went home and straight onto google, bad move. Even more fear and anxiety ensued. The next 3 days were a struggle.

The follow up scan seemed to go well, no other issues were discovered, one ventricle measured around 8 mm. We had to go for a walk around the hospital to get the boy to move so they she could measure the other side. The RH ventricule was 10.6mm. (so big difference from monday) She did say everything else she saw seemed normal but obviously the one ventricle was more prominent so we would need to be reffered to a fetal medicine centre for a detailed analysis from an "expert". My wife also had bloods taken to check for any infections.

Another week of worry, although slightly encouraged by the fact the doctor found nothing else during the scan. Cue more googling and reading of MRI's and amnios etc.....more worry.

Yesterday we went to the fetal medicine centre in Birmingham. We had a detailed scan with a proffessor in fetal medicine. He explained about the ventricles and the scan procedure. Obviously we watched his every move and every measurement he took. The ultrasound equipment itself seemed much more advanced and the picture much clearer. He did the scan and stopped part way through, "Did a consultant do a detailed scan?", to which we obviously said yes......."Well, I've looked around the baby's head and done all the checks and there is nothing to suggest this is not a perfectly healthy baby, all measurements are well within normal range and everything else is developing normally" - Cue big smiles all around. He went on to do a detailed heart analysis and all was fine.

He seemed to question the validity of the other scans and in the nicest way possible, hoped he would not be seeing us again and there was no reason for us to follow up with him. The measurements were both around 8mm. I'd have to question the different quality of equipment too in all this, I'm not sure if the ventrical had reduced or it was just mismeasurements.

I just wanted to post what happened to try and help people from initially fearing the worst, like I did. These are such tiny measurements that a slight move of the curser here or there can make a dramatic impact on peoples lives.

All we wanted to do was enjoy the pregnancy and for the last 2 weeks its felt like a bit of a rollar coaster and its been difficult to put a brave face on all the baby comments from people who didnt know what we were going through. I dont know what the rest of pregnancy will bring but for now, all is good.
Hi Scoobe and thanks for sharing - its such a scary situation, im really glad you've got the all clear :)

PW - Wyatt is gorgeous, I love your profile pic!
Hi there I am 20wks preg with a third baby boy.

I found out at 20 wk scan that a measurement of fluid 12mm was picked up.

We were offered an Amnio which we refused due to risk of mc.

Dr said condition at present is "borderline fetal Ventriculomegaly"

I went for blood test today to rule out me having either CMV virus or Toxo Virus or HSV.

Very scared and anxious at moment and in need of support.
anyone with a hydrocephalus baby?

Don't think we have any on this thread but there are some hydro mummies around - the only ones I know are also dealing with SB in their LOs xx
Hi there I am 20wks preg with a third baby boy.

I found out at 20 wk scan that a measurement of fluid 12mm was picked up.

We were offered an Amnio which we refused due to risk of mc.

Dr said condition at present is "borderline fetal Ventriculomegaly"

I went for blood test today to rule out me having either CMV virus or Toxo Virus or HSV.

Very scared and anxious at moment and in need of support.

:hugs: The torch screen will hopefully give you some answers. Please do take comfort from the experiences on this thread, chances are your little boy is absolutely fine! And his big brothers are going to absolutely dote on him :) Let us know how it goes xx
I got blood results back this morning, no sign
of infection which is great.
Next scan in 2 weeks to see if fluid stable or increased.
thanks for letting me know... if there are any hdyro mums around, please send a message. thanks a lot
Haven't been back for while.. We had repeat ultrasound at 24 wks and both left & right vents measured 14mm. I am having an MRI on June 21 and another ultrasound at 34 wks.
Dr said now out of the 'probably a normal variant' and 'something is up'.. But Drs have a real way of scaring us!
I appreciate that this forum is quite old but if anyone is still around I would appreciate some further advice.
Currently pregnant with twin boys and at 26 weeks it was identified that one of the boys had a LV reading of 12mm no other abnormalities have been seen on the quite detailed US. Two weeks later there has been an increase to 14mm and of course this has raised concerns. I am awaiting blood tests to eliminate infection but this seems unlikely that only one twin would be infected and then an MRI. All of the reading from the internet is extremely gloomy especially as it seems to be progressive ventriculomegaly.
Any words of wisdom if anyone is still reading this would be gratefully received.
Hi everyone,
I'm new to this so getting through all the pages of info on this thread. It's helping me so much so first of all, thank you to eveyone for sharing.

I was told I would never have children, went through years of treatment and eventually we had one miracle baby. The pregnancy was horrendous and he was almost born at 26 weeks. Luckily they stopped the process and I was on bedrest for the remainder of the pregnancy.

I was told after that I would never get pregnant again. Hey presto! We got another positive pregnancy test. We thought, finally we can enjoy a normal pregnancy...until we came to the 20 week scan. And then our lives fell apart and my pregnancy has been destroyed.

The doctor told us the baby had hydrocephalus. I had no idea what it was so just listened to her. She said 2ventricles in the head were enlarged to 10.5 & 10.7 and the future was bleak. She told us that most people end the pregnancy as the quality of life for a child is so bad. You can imagine our reaction....We were scheduled another scan a week later and to think about having an amnio.

Through researching, we have discivered that were not even at the hydro stage yet but VM. Were furious with the doctor for how she presented the information. All this is also being done through Spanish as I live in Spain. An added complication. Anyway we went back on Wednesday where a team of 4doctors were waiting to talk to us. The head of the department told us that it's not looking good and the effects will be horrendous if this continues. In his experience he said this always gets worse and that termination could be on the cards. He said that the ventricles also look compressed so he's not happy with the outlook. However beyond that, our baby boy is perfect. No other complications and the head is perfect.
They did an amio that day and the initial test came back today saying there are no alterations in the chromosomes. Now theyre checking for infections and in 4weeks we'll have an indepth study of the chromosomes in case soemthing else comes up.

So this thread has given me some bit of hope. It's a relief to hear of so many positive stories. Ive lost 3kilos from the stress of the whole thing and I'm so drained emotionally. I just can't believe this is happening to us. What are the chances!
I hope that this thread can be revitalized. I read through and followed everyone's posts like a suspenseful novel, waiting for the updates. It was really good to hear so many positive stories, and the sad ones broke my heart. But it is good to get a real world view of this condition to balance Dr. Google.

I went for my 20 week anatomy ultrasound for our little boy and the tech was really quiet, which always freaks me out. She left saying the baby was measuring on time (even though I know I ovulated 5 days late, so he's actually measuring about a week ahead). The doctor came back in and started doing more measurements. He told us that the tech thought the ventricle was borderline large at 10.6, but looking at it he didn't think it looked big. He measured again and had two measurements at 8.6 and 9.1mm and said that he was more confident with those measurements because he thought the original measurement was taken on an angle.

So, we have another ultrasound in 2 weeks. The doctor brought up amnio and MRI. I turned down amnio because I had the cell free DNA test that was negative, and I can't see what it would tell us. Ruling out Edward's Syndrome was the only reason I would risk miscarriage. If the next measurement has gone up, I'll want an MRI to make sure there are no other anomalies.

I keep worrying that I ate something wrong or did something to cause this, and am renewed to being a good pregnant lady. I know rationally that there's nothing I did, but it can't hurt to behave extra well, can it?

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