Hi I just wanted to update with my story in case anybody googles VM.
My NT measurement was 2.5mm the sonographer told me that it was normal and I was sent away with my scan pics.
I had a call a couple of days later to say that combined with my blood my Downs risk was 1:115. I'm 28 yrs old.
I was referred to Kings College for a CVS, which all came back normal, and told me it was a boy.
I also had my 20 week scan at Kings, which was normal. Although they did tell me that my boy was measuring big, particularly his head but everything looked normal. They asked me to come back at 28 weeks for a re-scan on growth.
My 28 week scan was fine, he was measuring 3 weeks ahead in head and abdominal circ, on the 97th centile. His ventricle measured 8.6 which was fine.
Because of his growth they advised a growth scan at my local hospital at 32 weeks. I was discharged from Kings.
At my 33 week scan the sonographer said that the posterior ventricle measured 11.5mm. I wad referred to my consultant who measured it every 2 weeks, she got different measurements depending on the angle, she said it's very hard to measure late on in pregnancy.
She diagnosed Mild VM.
I had a normal CVS and TORCH was negative so she said it was isolated and mild. Again he was measuring big, all measurements over 95th centile.
I was induced at 39 weeks and he was born on Xmas day 9lb 8oz, HC was 37cm. He was scanned at 8 hours old and the VM remained.
They got an accurate measurement of 12.5mm it's unilateral. All other parts of the brain looked normal, no evidence of bleeding, no cysts, normal fluid flow.
My son is now 1 month old, he's doing great. He's very strong, putting on weight fine, very alert.
He is being rescanned in 2 weeks time.
Who knows what the future holds, when it comes to the brain you never know.