I work full time and have since 7 days after giving birth. I take LO to work with me most days in a moby (close carrier) and I work, and she bf's when she needs to.
Must be nice to have that luxury! Most women either have to stop working if they want to breastfeed, or pump or formula feed if they must go back to work. You don't hear of many women being able to do that.
Angelica- many babies do just fine on formula and breastmilk! MANY babies feed very sucessfully and exclusively off formula from the beginning with no issues (not sugegsting you stop BF'ing here at all).
I hate hearing people say they feel bad or guilty about not breastfeeding exclusively, it really is sad, and there are alot of different situations and reasons for doing different things.
Have you tried pumping? It sounds like you have a good milk supply, you could easily pump and mix the formula with your breastmilk... The at least your still stimulating the increase of your breastmilk.
Each to their own, what works for one mother and baby, does not always work for the other. The only one who knows whats best for your baby is you and no choice you make will ever be bad or make you a bad mom, so have confidence!