My son starts reception in September and I'm having a panic about wrap around care.
I work 3 days a week (long days) at the minute he goes to private nursery and I'd planned to use the breakfast and after school clubs at school but now I'm worried he'll be the only little one there! I've had a look on the local council website and there's not a single childminder listed as doing school pick ups from my son's school (I thought that might help my holiday childcare woes). It's a small school and when I went aroud they prided themselves on good interaction between year groups so I'm hoping the older ones would look out for the younger...
Has anyone else used these in reception and have you had good or bad experiences?
My son starts reception in September and I'm having a panic about wrap around care.
I work 3 days a week (long days) at the minute he goes to private nursery and I'd planned to use the breakfast and after school clubs at school but now I'm worried he'll be the only little one there! I've had a look on the local council website and there's not a single childminder listed as doing school pick ups from my son's school (I thought that might help my holiday childcare woes). It's a small school and when I went aroud they prided themselves on good interaction between year groups so I'm hoping the older ones would look out for the younger...
Has anyone else used these in reception and have you had good or bad experiences?