I wouldn't... but not because of where it came from.
I desperately wanted to feed Fin myself. I didn't make it past 3 weeks (for reasons I won't go into) and I still feel hurt and distressed about that to this day. I didn't just want to give it a go. I spent my whole 9 months dreaming about it and planning it. It was a big important thing for me. The thought of another woman providing my son with the one thing that I desperately wanted to provide myself but ultimately failed at... well it hurts me beyond explaination.
So, while it probably makes me sound awful. I would never have been able to give Fin breastmilk unless I could supply it myself. I know that breast is best, even if it is not mine, but I just couldn't do it. The thought hurts me to the point that I feel certain that giving him bottles of another woman's breastmilk would have seriously affected me emotionally at a time when I was already extremely vunerable.
So basically, while I know that nutritionally and scientifically, buying breastmilk would have been the best second option for Fin. Formula was the only second option I could consider, for my own sake an sanity. If that makes me selfish to those of you that are very pro BF then so be it, but I really hope you see my post for what it is, especially as it hurt just to type it up.
This is just my view though. I doubt other women would feel as I did. I think the idea is fab so long as it was correctly screened and endored by the NHS or similar to give UK parents confidence in it. It would also need to really be a competitive price with formula however on the market else I see mothers opting for formula out of necessity because of financial restraints