Wound up with an emergency c-section, huge baby of over 10 lbs, baby with jaundice, lost 11% of birthweight, early thrush, etc and managed to make it through the other side. Still feeding her at 15 months and she only had formula one night in her life where I was panicking about my latch (sorted it in morning).
You might want to bring the wedge pillow with you to the hospital. I found feeding there quite difficult as the beds are tiny and there aren't enough pillows. The wedge will really help. Try and get as much help as possible from the midwives, though you may find different people show you different ways. I only really cracked it once I got home and things were calmer. My milk came in on day 3, so having the c section didn't delay it. I also took fenugreek as various times to up my supply as my baby was hungry. It really did work though it does make you smell funny.