I just used a regular pillow to cover my belly so that she didn't accidently kick me while breastfeeding
That's the only advice I can give. And move very slowly, it hurts like heck, but you probably already know that since you've already had a C-section before
Don't let anyone tell you it will make it hard for you to breastfeed though. I made it crystal clear from the start I was breastfeeding daughter (told dr, midwife, husband, nurses, etc. NO FORMULA!!) I had a C-section under general anesthesia with my daughter, didn't get a chance to hold her for about 4-5 hours (couldn't until they got my pain under control, thank goodness for a morphine pump!!) and even when I FINALLY got to hold her ( I was the last person on Earth who got to see/hold her it seemed
) she wasn't interested in eating. Wouldn't latch on for nothing at first but later on that evening/night, she was on pretty much nonstop (15minutes on, 15 off, 5 minutes on, 20 off, ALL night long
She had slight jaundice levels but they weren't concerned considering how often she stayed on the boob that first night. By the second night, my milk was already in. I was really surprised by that! It didn't come in that quickly with my son!
Sneak those power naps in when you can! Something about a baby nursing is so soothing to me, we usually fell asleep together so make sure you have plenty of pillows around to support her incase you both fall to sleep at the same time. DD usually woke me up about 5-10min later for a refill so those lil naps are important!!
There's plenty of ladies who start pumping right away but I didn't bother with it until about the second month. By that time my supply had really come in and stabilized some so my boobs responded to the pump really well. I had an awful time attempting to pump when breastfeeding son and ended up being able to hand express more than I could pump though THAT wasn't much either :/
Good luck with your LO!