Broody!?! Me?!? Almost..... only for babies and bumps though!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2009
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I think I'm getting broody. It's been creeping up on me for a little while and I recently turned 30 and I think the old biological clock is ticking harder and faster these days........ Having a baby and a bump is quite appealing, but having a child kind of isn't!

So I guess my questions to you all are:

  • Did you or do you feel broody?
  • What did broodiness feel like to you?
  • Does anyone else feel the same re bumps/babies vs actual real life children?

The thought of being pregnant fascinates me, so I'm half wondering if curiosity is just getting the better of me! I've always known that I'd want kids and I've always also been scared that it won't happen for me or will take an age so maybe it's panic setting in too.

OH isn't ready despite saying he would be at 30 (he's now 31) :dohh:. I mentioned last night that I don't think there will ever be a "right" time and he is pretty aware of me not wanting to leave it tooooo late.

I've been off the pill for 6 months and keeping a track of temps on and off for contraception purposes rather than conception purposes! We've just moved from the UK to Australia and I never thought I'd be this far away from friends and family when I really started thinking about kids (or babies in my case!!), and the compulsive planner/saver in me is shuddering at the crap maternity pay here (6 weeks 100% pay, 6 weeks 50% then nothing) when I could've got much much more at home.....

But I think broodiness is happening..... Eeek!:wacko:
I think its quite normal to just get broody without thinking too much about when they are children but that just kind of grows with your child I think. Hope you manage to convince oh soon lol
Welcome! :hi:
I think the baby vs children thoughts are normal in the beginning. I used to be like that. Now I'm sort of thinking "bring on toddlerhood", they're so much more fun and they sleep longer at night. :D
Re: Mat pay, I can understand your worries. I'm in the UK but I'm a postgrad student so I get no mat pay whatsoever. Sucks but it's not the end of the world, just a matter of more number crunching.
And when it comes to your OH I think loads of girls in here will sympathise. Men just seem to tend to take longer to come around. They just need to get used to the idea and have time to think everything through (eg finances, lifestyle changes).
Good luck!
Thanks girls!

My niece is 2.5 and such a cutie, but seems very hard work. Not that I think babies won't be, but there is definitely some romance in the bump and 1+1=3 thing. Smelly dirty loud draining 8 year olds aren't as appealing.

I think OH is coming round, I keep dropping things about it into the conversation just to keep chipping away, and I think it's important that he knows it's playing on my mind more and more. I'd hate to have to be broody in private and totally keep it from him. It's not a "forbidden topic" yet - but it will be if I pressure him to much so have to get the balance right :winkwink:

A friend of mine asked what he would say if it "just happened" and I said he'd be really upset. Friend thought that was dreadful, but in all honesty I want it to be something we decide to do together rather than me tricking him into it. I want to be as un-ready as each other together - he he! have just decribed exactly how I feel, especially about the baby v Children thing!! I've always found babies intriguing and cute but I've found it difficult to commuincate with children. I find it tricky to picture myself with an 8yr old but have been picturing myself more and more with an 8mth old. So you're definitely not on your own in this one!

I'm growing more and more broody but I've been wondering whether it is more curiosity than actually broodiness. More and more of my friends are falling pregnant and my OH has been wanting children for years so "Baby Talk" is all around me so I can help but think how nice it may be to be pregnant and have a child myself.

Like you, I live miles away from my family and never thought that I would ever start trying for a family of my own without them being close but that may be the case. I do have great friends and a wonderful OH so I know I will never be alone and I'm sure it will be the same for you when you eventually become pregnant and have a baby.

I have also just turned 30 and have started to think that time is ticking away. I don't want to be an 'old' Mum and there is always the worry that it may not happen easily/quickly or even at all. I know there's lots of help out there but it can still takes time. :dohh:

You are certainly not on your own - I'm sure there are a few of us on here who think and feel the same. I know I certainly do!!

All the best. :flower:
When I got pregnant with my son I never knew anything about bonding or how I would feel towards my unborn child.

The moment he was born my heart almost exploded with love - I don't know if its hormones or what but I have never felt love towards anything or anyone the way I feel love for my son.

To me he was perfect, perfect little fingers, nose, he use to clutch his hand when he was sleeping and I was soooo sleep deprived mostly because I would sit and watch him sleep at night.

He's 8 now... I think I love him more, his nose is the name just bigger, his hands are still super cute, he has this cute way of speaking that melts my heart and he still clutches his hand when he sleeps the same way as he did when he was a baby.

Your babies turn into children but I still look at my son and see my baby... What's even more exciting about him being older is he's into cool things like funny books, logo, space, spiders, animals we do more things with each other like going to the beach, surfing, reading together, writing funny stories and drawing pictures.

Older kids are great! Trick is don't spoil then. :haha:
I think when you think about others peoples children it puts you off (atleast I know it does me).

I am just really wanting to carry a baby and have that experience, but I know once I have my child I will love it unconditionally, because thats just how it is. I think I am more scared of how my body will look :haha: I am so vain....
I am always thinking about children and how it would be to have my own, I have 2 dogs who I spoil to bits and ok dogs and babies aren't quite the same but you get the picture :rofl:

My mat pay is awful :dohh: but I know we will cope as we always do - somehow! We have planned our wedding with no savings and somehow we are getting everything we want. You cope with what you have even if its tough. I try not to think on it too much, since I am a natural worrier and it just puts me off! I think sometimes you just have to dive in headfirst and take that leap of faith.
Thanks girls. It's nice to know I'm not alone! And VanillaSpice - are you sure you're not actually me?!?! I could've written your post! Funny isn't it.

Moochacha - I expect that yes, I will grow to love my baby as a child too and even as an adult. But the old romantic in me prefers the baby image than the brattish 6 year old image! I guess babies make me broody, and kids don't which in a way makes sense.

Plutosblue - You've hit the nail on the head when you mention wanting the experience of carrying a child, I'm really intrigued too. Some pregnant people look really calm and relaxed and like it's the most normal thing in the world to be growing another human inside you (which I know it is normal, but also kind of freaky too).

Thing is, the whole idea of coming to Australia was to have a couple of years of being selfish and enjoying our time on our own before we have to settle down, as well as saving some cash to take home for a deposit/wedding/slush fund. Getting pregnant out here would scupper all of that, but I'm not sure I can wait until I'm 32 to start.

I guess from the age of about 12 I've always imagined I'd be settled with a sprog at 30, rather than galavanting off around the world. In a funny way, it's also quite liberating to stick two fingers up at the little control freak sitting on my shoulder and just see what happens.

I said to OH the other night that I reckon we would "go away as 2 and come back as 3" and he said "are you talking in code?"......................

I might have a 50p bet with you ladies that I'll be preggers by the end of the year.
I remember feeling the same way when I turned 30. I could virtually have written your post!

We just kept thinking "the time isn't right".... but evenutally came to the realization that the time would never be "right" but that we should just go for it, and at the age of 32 I got pregnant with our first child. Alyssa is now almost 14 months old, and I've loved every minute of this rollercoaster - from the BFP to the midwife visits, to the changes in my body throughout my pregnancy, to the birth, bringing Alyssa home for the first time, the breastfeeding, sleepless nights, cuddles, baths, crying, diapers, EVERYTHING. That's not to say that everything is perfect, or that I look at the world through rose-tinted glasses - there have been difficult moments throughout at times - but I wouldn't change them for the world.

We're now WTT number 2 - hope to be TTC by September this year, and I've just thrown out my BCP in an attempt to get my cycles back to some sort of order. It's an exciting, wonderful journey that I now can't wait to take again.

Sorry for the ramble!

I know exactly what you mean! Currently, all I want is to hold my baby, bath my baby, snuggle my baby and cradle my bump. When I think of an 8 yr old I think "oh dear, would I be able to cope". Like Pluto said, I know that when I do have a child, I'll love them unconditionally, whether they're 8 days, 8 months, 8 years or 18 years old (eek!) but other people's children scare me. I watch House of Tiny Tearaways and it scares the living daylights out of me, some of those children are menacing, lol.
Moochacha-I think your post was sooooo sweet. Actually bought a tear to my eye! I was like that before i fell preggers, thinking ooh i want a bump and can't wait to get my baby but i always said i like the ages 0-5, then from 16 onwards-i didn't want the middle bit. But now i see that my baby is my baby for life, just a bit bigger!

When he was new born i thought 'oh please don't grow any bigger', but each stage he has got that little bit cuter, funnier and more beautiful.He is 4 months now, and whilst i don't want to wish his life away i cannot wait until he can talk and walk etc. Each stage is unique and i think your love just growas with them x

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