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Brown bleed, feeling scared (possibly TMI - sorry)


1 angel, 1 rainbow...
Nov 22, 2011
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Hi ladies, sorry I've not been around here much recently - I've just been trying to keep my head down to try and get safely through this scary first trimester. I hope you don't mind me posting this thread in this section, but I was hoping some of you rainbow carriers or mum of other babies/ children may be able to provide me with some reassurance, and I feel so at home with you all here since you've helped me through my loss.

All has been fine until now but this morning I've had some brown bleeding, nothing really heavy but spotting when I was on the toilet and when I wiped. I have the midwife coming out this afternoon to do my booking-in visit but have called her already in a panic. She said its nothing to worry about as its brown and not red, and I know thats what all my books say, but I'm just so scared. I just can't lose another baby, it just would not be fair.

Thanks for reading. Any words of comfort and reassurance will be greatly appreciated x
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I am sorry I never had spotting with my pregnancy's but brown is good and it is not red and I know a lot of women spot, so don't panic, I know that is hard. i think everything will be fine and please let us know when you know. It is very normal what your experiencing just remember that..
XOXOXOOX :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi Sally...I've heard a lot of stories of brown spotting that has turned out fine, at all stages. I had some at 5/6 weeks and it was ok - there was even some bright red if you remember. I know how hard it is not to panic - are you getting a scan soon? I'm sure they will scan very quickly.

I'm sure everything is just fine. Let us know how you get on. :hugs:
I remembered about your bleed Helen, so am taking that as some reassurance.

My brown stuff has tailed off now and there's just a tiny amount each time I wipe. Midwife has just visited and was lovely - she saw how anxious i was due to my history and phoned the EPAU straight away and got me a scan for tomorrow morning -on a Saturday, such good service! I think I'm feeling better now but I do need to see a scan to put my mind at ease.
I'm so glad to hear you're getting a scan so soon - on a weekend, too! Keeping everything crossed for you, I am sure it's nothing to worry about xxx
Sally I can't offer any advice but just wanted to say I am thinking about you, I'm sure it will be okay, bleeding is very common. Please let us know how it goes tomorrow xx
I had some brown spotting in both pregnancies; the first, did ultimately lead to a mc (but it was two weeks of spotting, followed by red, followed by mc....sigh); and in the second, there was a little bit of brown (over a day or two) and a gush of red and I cried myself to sleep assuming another mc -- as you can see, my LO arrived safely in early February. I was told that sometimes (and in my case, at least, in my second successful pregnancy) that bleeding can come from a tender cervix or if the cervix is slightly irritated (and I had another 'bleed' at 14wks, but again, in the second pregnancy, it was the cervix (my poor OH and I haven't had sex in months, LOL!)....

good luck with your scan!

best wishes
I had some brown bleeding during this pregnancy, for a couple of days on and off at about six weeks which was put down to implantation bleeding coming away and another episode a couple of weeks ago when I was straining to have a #2 - gotta love pregnancy constipation (sorry far far tmi) but nothing since and Bean is cooking nicely.

Hope your scan goes well, let us know how you get on, will be thinking about you xx
You are on my mind and I am so happy you will get the scan, I just know everything will be ok. Sending so much love ... :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Sally I hope your scan goes really well, I'm sure it's just late implantation but I know it would be impossible not to worry. I'll be thinking of you and checking for updates. xxx
Oh Sally I've just seen this. I hope everything goes great at your scan today. Let us know how you get on :hugs:

I had a huge bleed at 8 weeks with this pregnancy, it literally soaked me through and was almost like haemorraging - I had another at 9.5 weeks but not as bad and both times I still had a healthy bean. I'm now 21 weeks and my wee man is going strong :thumbup:
Thanks for all your replies - I truly love you ladies, you are just amazing :hugs:

We just got back from the hospital a while ago and I'm so relieved to say that everything was fine. Baby measured 9wks and 3-4days, which is spot-on and we saw a lovely heartbeat again. Bubs even had a little wriggle just to show us he's fine (even though we won't find out, I do think its a boy again). The sonographer was lovely and spent a while showing us different bits and explaining what they were. She couldn't find any bleeds around the baby so its a mystery as to where the blood came from in the first place.

I am just soooooo relieved. Still getting little bits of brown when I wipe but nothing major. Going to relax on the sofa all day and just take it easy just in case
That's wonderful news!! I am so relieved for you, Sally. :hugs::hugs::happydance:
Fabulous news, I'm so happy for you, just take it easy and breathe...xxx
gret news hun!! i had a bleed with this pregnancy too that was a total mystery! guess these little ones are keeping us on our toes!! happy and healthy 9 months to you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SAlly................. I am so happy to read this................ I am so relieved for you.. Take it easy and try to relax and know we all are thinking of you and are here for you always..... XOXOOXOXOXOOX

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