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Brown bleed, feeling scared (possibly TMI - sorry)

You ladies are awesome :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hi Sally, I have only just picked up on this thread, sorry you had such a worrying time and glad all is ok.

I too had bleeding in 3 of my pregnancies!

No problems with 1st in 2001.When having my second in 2004 I had some red blood at about 6 weeks, this was a few days after my cousin had MMC. I didn`t know so much about things then. I rang NHS direct, they told me to rest, which I did and all was ok.

In May 2009 I was PG again, I did have some bleeing early on, again it was dark red, but a scan showed ok. However i had 2 or 3 scans close together and knew something was wrong as bean didn`t grow as much between each one as it should have done. Sadly MMC at 8 weeks gestation.

Then PG again Sept 2009. At about 6-7 weeks I had more red blood and thought i was MMC again. I went to doctor who got me a scan the next day. Scan showed HB. However,I have a biconuate womb (heart shaped) baby was in one side and there was a bood clot in the other (this was probably the blood in previous PG too)

Sonographer said nothing to worry about but warned me I would bleed again, a few days later on Sat Oct 24th (know the exact date as family were over for my mom`s 70th) I was bleeding all day, dark red blood. The following may be TMI but i stood over the toilet and it was like someone had turned a tap on, the blood was pouring out.

It did get better over the next few days and I had another scan at 9 weeks. As you can imagine that time waiting was awful. However, scan showed baby was fine and the blood clot was slightly smaller, so that blood was from the clot.

The clot then disappeared by the time of my next scan at 13 weeks and I went on to have my lovely little boy in May 2010.

Pregnancy for most people is a joyous and happy 9 months, but some of the unlucky ones,like all the ladies here, it is a most worrying time. Until i had my son in my arms I didn`t stop worrying.

After he was born i vowed I would not put myself through that again! However the broodiness returned and even though I have now lost baby 4, I so want to be PG again!

I read a thead the other day and someone said once you get to 9 weeks your chances of MC are very low. I don`t know if this is correct, but in 2009, after my scan at 9 weeks the hospital said they wouldn`t scan again until 20 weeks, they therefore must have been confident all would be ok. however, i wasn`t and did get a scan at 13 weeks.

If I do become PG again (waiting on DH to make his mind up) I will insist on a scan at 9 weeks and again at 13 weeks, just for peace of mind.

Glad all is good with you and hope the next 7 months pass without any further problems.
Hi everyone, sorry I've not been on here for a while. Just wanted to pop in and keep you updated on whats going on for me right now. I guess I can breathe a sigh of relief because we had our dating scan yesterday and everything was fine. Now I'm finally starting to let myself believe this is real and that we WILL be bringing a baby home in October :happydance:

Big hugs to you all and sorry for staying away for so long - its hard for me to come back here sometimes. I wish you all lots of love, strength and happiness :hugs:
That's fantastic everything is going smoothly for you and your baby, I wish you a happy and healthy rest of your pregnancy:)
Hi everyone, sorry I've not been on here for a while. Just wanted to pop in and keep you updated on whats going on for me right now. I guess I can breathe a sigh of relief because we had our dating scan yesterday and everything was fine. Now I'm finally starting to let myself believe this is real and that we WILL be bringing a baby home in October :happydance:

Big hugs to you all and sorry for staying away for so long - its hard for me to come back here sometimes. I wish you all lots of love, strength and happiness :hugs:

i am so pleased for you, sounds like you will finally get your rainbow.:hugs:
I had brown spotting around 12 or 13 weeks that lasted about 3 days....I'm 26 weeks tomorrow! Hope your doing okay...keep us updated.
Glad to hear you are starting to relax honey, I wish you all the best xxx
I am so glad you updated us Sally - I have been thinking about you & I knew you had your scan on Fri. Its great news, I am so pleased that everything is going well. I dont come to this part of the thread as it makes my heart too heavy & just brings too much back. But I still come on BnB in the ttc after loss forums usually. xx
Oh Sally that is great news!! I am so pleased you came back to update us. Like a lot of others I only pop in and out of here now but I like to keep up with all of you :hugs:

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