BTDT mom's tell me about the time you were induced . . .

Al Syr

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2010
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I just scheduled to be induced on Friday. Please do not judge me.

My first was born naturally labor came on it's own at 38w2d.

This time I chose to be induced because it is most convenient for me and everyone here with me including my 21 month old. On the morning before I go I will be able to leave his clothes ready, his breakfast, his activities too. Also my brother is leaving on Saturday because of his orders with the U.S. Army.

Although it was my choice to induce I am nervous like you would not believe.

Please tell me about your experience whether good or bad to help calm my nerves or make it worse lol. I did have pitocin when in labor with my son to speed things up and I remember after the pitocin it was more painful, or so I thought. I am also scared of ending up with a csection.

Please do not judge, I know many will think this was a selfish choice but please.
I don't see where it's selfish at all! This is my first babe so I don't have much to add but pitocin or not labor hurts!
I can see u only have 4 days left, but its yo choice.
I was once induced and will never accept if suggested to me again.
Just prepare your self for double contractions, double pain.
Wish u all the best dia
Your the one giving birth so it's your choice, good luck xx
Got something else to suggest.
Before Friday, why don't u try massaging yo nipples with warm towel, breast pump or warm bath and indulge more in sex and see whether baby can come naturally before yo appointment.
I was induced with my DD at 39+2 and it was incredible! I got one gel in the morning and felt slight cramps starting, I was then given a second gel in the evening and my waters broke naturally at midnight, then the contractions began, okay they were sore but I expected it to be!! I was given the drugs to speed up the contractions and decided to have an epidural!! I then had a great labour, relaxing, sleeping and then going from 4cm to delivery inside 4 hours!! I was told to push but I wasnt yelling and I couldnt feel anything, I didnt even tear or need cut as I was so calm and relaxed!! I loved my labour so much that 10 minutes after she was born I said I wanted another and here I am!! I would definately be induced again, it was one of the most amazing experiences I have had and I think so fondly of my labour and birth!!

The decision is yours and I hope everything goes so well for you :hugs:
Totally your choice Hun. Xx Good luck! You're going to see you little bubba real soon and have cuddles! Yay! Xx
Got something else to suggest.
Before Friday, why don't u try massaging yo nipples with warm towel, breast pump or warm bath and indulge more in sex and see whether baby can come naturally before yo appointment.

I tried nipple stimulation, hot bath, and sex several times . . . and after 3 weeks of trying all of the above I dilated to 1 cm and 90 effaced. That is why we opted to induce. Oh and I am still in hopes to spontaneously begin labor between now and Friday at 5 am but I doubt it will happen.
The choice is entirely yours.

It is difficult when you already have a little one at home. Hopefully, being prepared will help keep you more relaxed.

Some people have good experiences and some have bad experiences with inductions. Unfortunately, I had a bad experience. However, it was totally opposite for my friend. My only reason to avoid an induction is because I want a VBAC. But, every ones situation is different.

The other advantage is that its your second birth, and not a big gap between both. So hopefully it will go well for you.

If you do go ahead with the induction, then get some rest before hand. Stay mobile during labour (you may be attached to monitors). Don't lie on your back.
Be happy and just look forward to meeting your little one.
I was induced at 42 weeks since baby just didnt want to come out. This is my experience with it. (I did end up with a c section but I expected it) the induction wast bad at all. I went in Thursday night at 7 and at 8 they inserted cervadil to dilate my cervix as I was only 1cm. I had a few all contractions that I was able to sleep through, they felt like menstral cramps. At 8am they removed the cervadil and was 3-4cm. They then started me on pitocin. I had a few contractions that were stronger than the menstral cramps every five to ten minutes. This happened until 11am when they broke my water. Then the contractions went to every 3-5 minutes and were much stronger and I had to stop and breathe through them. I asked or an epidural at that point as the pain was bad but not OMG pain as I've heard. I got my epidural at 2pm and things were much easier for me. Contractions were every 2-4minutes according to my monitor. I labored until 11pm when we decided on a c section since my son still refused to drop down and his heart rate started to drop with contractions. So my induction wasn't bad at all and if baby would have cooperated it would have been easy. He just wanted to stay in there and refused to drop at any point and they doubted I would have one into natural labor on my own before my placenta failed.
I don't think anyone should judge you! Everyone has diff circumstances, so i understand.
Just wanted to give my story with my first baby. Was induced at 41 1/2 wks due to low fluid levels at that point, but I had no dialation, no contractions nothing. My doc warned it would be a bit of a process. I started at 7 pm with pitocin.. Started contracting right away. Things slowly progressed and I slowly dilated. Got an epidural the next morning, but it did NOT work. That was the worst, I think if I had pain relief, it would've been fine, but those damn pitocin contractions are a biatch. Anyhow, I went on to have a vaginal delivery and delivered at 7:31 pm. So 24 hrs all together. Yes, it was painful, but you have no choice really but to suck it up. If I survived, you can too. Hope all goes well for you! :) ( my advice: i would suggest some type of pain management if you get pitocin :) )
Thanks for all the input so far, I feel a tad better. It is also nice knowing when it is going to happen because ever since this morning after I scheduled the induction I have had this urge to make my house super clean and perfect so when I get home with baby I can relax and not worry about my house being messy . . . My house is now spotless!
Please come over to my house to clean! It's such a pain to sweep and mop my floors these days..... I'm sure there would be a cheap flight to Chicago :)
Best wishes for you on Friday, will be looking for your update about when baby is here!
I was induced with my DD at 39+2 and it was incredible! I got one gel in the morning and felt slight cramps starting, I was then given a second gel in the evening and my waters broke naturally at midnight, then the contractions began, okay they were sore but I expected it to be!! I was given the drugs to speed up the contractions and decided to have an epidural!! I then had a great labour, relaxing, sleeping and then going from 4cm to delivery inside 4 hours!! I was told to push but I wasnt yelling and I couldnt feel anything, I didnt even tear or need cut as I was so calm and relaxed!! I loved my labour so much that 10 minutes after she was born I said I wanted another and here I am!! I would definately be induced again, it was one of the most amazing experiences I have had and I think so fondly of my labour and birth!!

The decision is yours and I hope everything goes so well for you :hugs:

This was about the same as my induction. Good luck :D
No one has the right to judge anyone elses choices in life.

I have had two inductions both due to obstetric cholestasis.

DD1: was 10 hours start to finish. I had my waters broken and the pitocin drip started at 830am.7 hours in i was still only 3cm dilated and was in agony so I got a epidural. one hour later i was fully dilated and ready to push. My DD got stuck so my OB had to use vacuum extraction to help her out. she was born at 630pm.

DD2: I started out 4cm dilated when I arrived for my induction. Labour was 3.5hours from established labour. I had my waters broken and the drip put up at 8am. by 12 i was fully dilated and ready to push. unfortunetly my DD was both posterior and had her neck flexed in the wrong direction so she got stuck in my bith canal and refused to moved any further. My OB tried both vacuum extraction and forceps with no luck so I ended with an emergency C-section. She was finally born at 318pm.

Good luck with your induction. Go in with an open mind and enjoy as much as you can.
Here is my 5c, and I also want to add that no one has the right to judge you!. Besides, you are nearly 40weeks anyway...
I was induced with my first daughter at 42+2. I got the gel at 9pm and I am not lying when I say that at 9:30 I started having contractions 3min apart. The whole thing took 9 and a half hours and my baby girl was on my chest. I had her naturally and really enjoyed my experience. but... I did find it painful. I had told myself that next time I had a baby I would def ask for pain relief.
Then I found Hypnobirthing and my second birth was completely different, so I can now give you a better opinion.
Being induced will make it more intense, therefore more painful. It's still completely doable and remember that there is pain relief!! I think if you prepare yourself mentally that it will be different to your labour that started naturally, you are on to a good start!
Good luck hun! it will all be fine, and soon soon you will have your baby! :)xxx

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