buddie(s) wanted


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2011
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I am new to this and after 15 months trying this my first month temping - very exciting!!!

I am 29

I am on CD4

I would love some buddys that are in roughly the same position

This ttc malarky makes me slightly mental and I spend the 2nd half of my cycle with every preg symptom under the sun which means I have spent half of the past 15 months with imaginary morning sickness :dohh:

good luck everyone
Hey! I'm 29 too and on CD5. I'm also temping this month, but this is our first month trying!
Hi Rachael,

I have a really good feeling bout this month fingers crossed for both of us.

I spoke to someone on here who tells me if I am a late ovulater I may have been:sex: at all the wrong times so I am really glad to be charting - haven't till now cause didn't want to stress myself out but it has ha the opposite effect I feel loads more in control.

Are you doing/ taking anything to increase chances?
I'm taking Folic Acid and that's it. I also have a whole stack of OPK's upstairs (minus one coz I decided to do one to see what happens having never done one before!) so will use them around when I think I will ovulate. It's gunna be a case of just hoping we catch my fertile time though really, my OH lives about 25 miles away and so we only really see each other at weekends, though we're moving in together in April :happydance:

How about you?
Taking folic acid and doing the charting on fertilityfriend.com plus I ordered some pre seed?? after reading some threads on here - I have no idea if my CM is right or not so covering all the bases.

Me and my OH have lived together for the past 4.5 years but we are moving to the countryside in March:happydance: can't wait

also try and do legs in the air type things but get bored really quickly

trying to cut down on caffine and was going to stop drinking all together but had lots of prosecco last night so maybe just cut down rather than stop

Conratulations on the move - that should increase your chances!
I don't drink much anyway, long story short.... my ex was controlling and he would never let me drink, plus I had surgery in October. I don't drink tea or coffee, but trying to avoid caffiene where I do drink it, such as coke etc.

I think if I'm not pregnant before the move, then I will see how things go for like one cycle, and if I still don't have my :bfp: then I'll be trying everything under the sun!

Congratulations on your move, you mentioned countryside, where abouts? I'll be moving to Sunderland, the joys!
Norfolk broads it will be beautiful! We are renting so we are still looking about and not totally sure which village to move to but possible Ranworth = it has an amazing nature reserve and a lovely pub

All the houses we have been looking at are just that little bit bigger than you get in the city with proper size gardens which we will grow our own veg in - maybe we will even get some chickens
Sounds great! We're still looking as we will be renting too. We can't leave Sunderland due to my OH's job and the fact he doesn't drive. As I'm not working right now it made more sense for me to move there. Also means we will have his family close by for babysitting duties :haha:
Hey Rachel, how are you getting on?

These cycle days seem to be going pretty slowly!

I have just been out with my OH for a meal and eaten far too much food so I am now going to sleep

hope your well xx
Hi ladies...Can I join you???

I am 29yrs as well and CD 6! I went off the pill July 2010 (after being on it for 12yrs) and just got my first AF :S I really want a 2011 baby! My goal is to be pregnant before I turn 30!!
HI Ladies! Im on CD 4.. Can I join as well?!? Here's a little back story on me : Hubby and I have been married 7 months, and was NTNP for the first 2-3 months then in Aug we decided to full on try.. I got Preggo but lost it a month later. We officially started tryng again in december.. obvi didnt work.. so here i am fully stocked on FR opks and Clearblue digis ready to take this month by storm!!
Anybody using OPKs or anything else to help them along?? :)
I'm now on CD8, it's going so slowly it's unreal!! I think this is worse than the TWW coz at least in the TWW you can symptom spot!

Welcome guys! I'm going to be using OPK's starting tomorrow and I'm temping too.

I'm sorry for your loss emirc, here's hoping for a sticky bean this time around :dust:
I am going to starting usuing the opks today bc of my shorter cycles for some odd reason. i dont wanna miss my surge.. i am determined this month!!. i agree about the time leading up to O taking forever!!
My cycles are about 30 days which is why I'm not starting OPK's until tomorrow. Might even leave them until the weekend!
Hi ladies...Can I join you???

I am 29yrs as well and CD 6! I went off the pill July 2010 (after being on it for 12yrs) and just got my first AF :S I really want a 2011 baby! My goal is to be pregnant before I turn 30!!

Hello Finally ready,

Of course you can join more the merrier

How long is your cycle - I am CD7 so hopefully we can track together

When do you turn 30? I will be 30 in August... fingers crossed for February BFPs

Hello Emirc,

I am temping for the first time (though it turns out my thermometer is too crap so I have ordered a new one) I am also using pre seed for the first time.

have never used OPK's but have been ttc since Sept 09.

Sorry to hear about your mc I had one back in July after 6 weeks and found it really had to get started again :hugs:

Rachel - OMG these have to be the slowest days in the world at least the BD bit in the middles is time consuming then like you said you can symptom spot or at least know you've done your bit for the month, I am finding it hard this time round as I was so sure I was pregnant at Christmasand now I have to start all over again :nope:

Good luck everyone hopefully this will be our month
Peanutty-- I hear ya! Yesterday when I did my rounds and bought my opks for the month, i decided to to try and start temping this month as well. I bought the thermamator, all excited and I got home ripped open the packaging.... and then i realized i bought a regular one by mistake!!! ughhh haha dummy
Peanutty-- I hear ya! Yesterday when I did my rounds and bought my opks for the month, i decided to to try and start temping this month as well. I bought the thermamator, all excited and I got home ripped open the packaging.... and then i realized i bought a regular one by mistake!!! ughhh haha dummy

I foolishly sent my OH to get mine and he went for the cheapest available!
lol well i almost got the cheapest one asd the i saw the one i bought.. and i only looked that it was more money so i got it not looking at the type:dohh:

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