Hi Ladies,
Hope you don't mind if I join. Babydust I live in PA too! I'm currently on cycle 23. My FF chart, weight loss chart, and marriage chart are all in my ticker, but I had to hide my FF ticker from myself so I wouldn't obsess...lol.
I've tried 9 months of clomid and 2 iuis. I currently take prenatal vitamins, and just recently started vitamin b6 after seeing some other ladies in another thread have success with it. It seems to be working like clomid, only the effects aren't as bad and it doesn't push my O back.
I have an underactive thyroid, but I take levothyroxine for it and my levels have been good for about 2 years now. I was also diagnosed with pcos when I was 20, now 26, and I used to have very irregular cycles...skipping months at a time, heavy bleeding for extended periods...but ever since I got married my cycles have been right on time, on average 26 days with O on cd12/13. When I was on clomid it was around 30 days with O on cd15-17. I've lost 50lbs in the process and am working to lose another 20 within the next month or so.
We are currently on a break from the docs and meds and come August we will try another iui with hubbys sperm (low sperm count) and September we will do diui. Fxd I'm preggo by my birthday with is Oct 2, otherwise it's onto ivf. But still holding out for a natural bfp.