Buddy wanted...over 35...ttc!


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2012
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Hi, I'm looking for a buddy, ideally someone over 35 trying to conceive...it would be lovely to share thoughts and advice. Most of my friends already have children or don't want them...so been feeling a bit lonely! x
Hi Gretarose - I'll be happy to be your buddy. I am about to start AF tomorrow or Tuesday so either of those days will be CD1 for me. I just tested today at CD13 and got a BFN so I'm out this month but looking forward to April being a good month.

I am 45 and ttc #4. I've got middle school twins who are 13 (boy, girl) and a son who is 14.5 years. These are all from another marriage that lasted for a really long time but sadly ended. I've been with a wonderful man who has never had children. He is 49. I sure hope we are not making a mistake trying to have children at this age but I figure if we don't try then we will never have the opportunity. I became pregnant at 44 but that ended in mc during the beginning of the second trimester. I took a long break to recover from that but ... maybe too long a break. I'm hoping I didn't use my last egg and that I still have a few fluffy ones left. We've been ttc for 4 or 5 months now. I can't remember if we really tried in December. Anyway.....welcome here gretarose. You will find lots of love and support here

Here is a link to another thread you may like - check it out and join in!
Hi Faithmum, thanks so much for the reply...I think its wonderful that you are trying to have another child with your new man...good for you! Its lovely to meet an experienced lady who already has children.
I'm 37 with no children yet. I had one miscarriage 10 years ago with my ex partner, it was a planned pergnancy and I fell pregnant straight away. It was very painful to lose and the relationship ended not long after. It took me a long time to heal.
However I have been my husband for 7 years now and we started trying about a year ago. However, we are quite stressed a lot because he lost his job so money is tight at times, and he works nightshift so its not exactly the most baby-making friendly set of circumstances...but we want to have a family.
I am struggling this month after having some strange spotting, and then a very heavy bleed...I am feeling a bit fed up with it all to be honest.
Ps. I might need your help to understand all the abbreviations! I know CD is cycle day, but what is AF etc...?
Thankyou again for the wonderful welcome and reassuring words.
I am excited to be your friend here xxx
Hi, I'm looking for a buddy, ideally someone over 35 trying to conceive...it would be lovely to share thoughts and advice. Most of my friends already have children or don't want them...so been feeling a bit lonely! x

Hello I'd love to be your buddy :) I'm 36 and have been ttc since August 2011, I have a DS and DD from my first marriage, and if we are lucky enough to conceive, this will be our first. Wishing you all of the luck and success x
Hi Happydayz, lovely to meet you. Thanks for the reply. Good luck to you too! Sorry to be thick, but I'm struggling with the abbreviations...DD & DS? xxx
Hi Greta!

I'm 37 (will turn 38 in May), and am currently 4 dpo. Temps are high, but I know it's way too early yet to tell anything. Just busy with the 2 week agonizing wait. :) I'd be happy to be your buddy, though I've never quite been a buddy with anyone on a forum yet. Not really sure how it works, but it would be wonderful to have friendly company while we're all trying our best!

Last month was our first month trying after a year of bc. It ended as a painful chemical pregnancy. Since then, I've been pounding the vitamins, as has my husband, hoping that someday, something will stick! XD

Good luck to us all! :)
Greta, You know what? I'm inspired by your dedication. It certainly isn't easy under 'normal' circumstances let alone having to deal with a lost job then night shifts. Bless you darling for working it!! Bummer about your period. Did you used to have regular cycles? One of the best things I did was begin taking my basal body temperature which helped me to understand what my cycle looks like. I've only done it 2 months but already I'm grateful I did. The place most use here is called Fertility Friend (FF). I think your first month can be free then you can find sometimes they have 'sales' where you can join for a year for $25. I missed the sale so I think it cost me $45 (?).

Don't give up hope! Keep a positive outlook - your BFP is coming. You know these things take time (what many of us feel we can't afford).

Happy, Sakura and Greta- For all of you in your late 30's I'd give anything to be in my 30's again. Relish your feritility. Believe in it. Know it. Celebrate it

Oh yeah - I will help you with the abbreviations. I think there is a spot on here that explains all of them but you kind of pick them up as you go. AF is your period (aunt flow).
Hi Faithmum,
How are you doing? Thank you so much for your reply, and yes I will have a look at taking my temps. The Fertility Friend sounds really useful. I take it your're in America because of the dollars?? I'm in the UK but am sure I will be able to join from here?
Since I have joined this forum I have felt a lift in my spirits, its so good to not feel alone with it all. Sometimes I don't think talking to my partner actually helps me, especially when the sex feels a bit staged...I want to give our relationship some breathing space, so its such a relief to let it pour out in this safe space. Thanks for listening ladies and wishing you all lots of love and luck and baby dust xxxxxxxxxxxxx
hello sakura-saku...lets be buddies! x
Hi, I'm looking for a buddy, ideally someone over 35 trying to conceive...it would be lovely to share thoughts and advice. Most of my friends already have children or don't want them...so been feeling a bit lonely! x

Hey GretaRose,

Im 37 and currently TTC #1 after 5 years without even a hint of a BFP (big fat positive) all of my friends and family have children or are having children and I just seem to always get left behind .... so if you want someone to talk to and share thoughts with, i'm here in the same boat:thumbup:

How long have you been TTC, im currently on 5DPO with no symptoms as yet and am suffering really badly with a cold so feeling a bit run down and crappy at present :(

What cycle day are you on ?

lots of luck and baby dust

Staged sex, you say? XD
Let me tell ya, sister! That's probably all we ever do in this house, but nobody minds. That probably sounds weird, and we do love and care very deeply for each other, but the "S" word tends to just kinda get in the way most of the time, when we'd rather be falling asleep reading a book or playing mahjong on the iPhone. XD

That's not to say it's not an enjoyable experience when it happens, I think we might just both be kinda lazy, is all. ;) Then again, more and more, I get the impression that Japanese culture just doesn't place much emphasis on a hot, steamy romp. I think that kind of thing would have bothered me when I was in my 20s, but I don't really care now. At this point, we're just timing it right, and trying to make it count. :D

Hang in there, and try not to sweat that part too much, ok? :)
Hi Greta - Yes you can join Fertility from the UK too. You will need a special thermometer that takes basal body temps and you need to do it at the same time everyday but I found it gave me great information. I'm so happy you've found this place to share...I almost do all my sharing here so I don't drive everyone else around me nuts:winkwink:

Sakura - You're funny but I know that feeling. My guy loves it when it's time to :sex: try making a baby and I get worn out!

Josephine - You're playing the waiting game now. I wouldn't worry at all about not feeling anything at 5 dpo because if you are preggo your body wouldn't know yet. After 5 years hun you deserve a POSITIVE this month!! FX.

HappyDayz - What cycle day are you now? I'm CD2 and AF is HEAVY...ick.

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Hi, I'm looking for a buddy, ideally someone over 35 trying to conceive...it would be lovely to share thoughts and advice. Most of my friends already have children or don't want them...so been feeling a bit lonely! x

Hey GretaRose,

Im 37 and currently TTC #1 after 5 years without even a hint of a BFP (big fat positive) all of my friends and family have children or are having children and I just seem to always get left behind .... so if you want someone to talk to and share thoughts with, i'm here in the same boat:thumbup:

How long have you been TTC, im currently on 5DPO with no symptoms as yet and am suffering really badly with a cold so feeling a bit run down and crappy at present :(

What cycle day are you on ?

lots of luck and baby dust


Hi Josephine
Lovely to meet you. And you're based in the north east, which is my home area! Although I don't live there anymore.
Yep, I know how you feel regarding friends and family, all having or had babies recently...try as I might I do have off days where I think perhaps I will be the odd one out.
I have such ups and downs with it all, I mostly try to remain positive...and I have begun to consider all the other options that other people go through...adoption etc. Its been well over a year, obviously nowhere near as long as you've been trying...but what makes it hard for me sometimes is knowing I was pregnant 10 years ago with my ex but I mc at 12 weeks.
I haven't tried the temperature thing and my hubbie hasn't been tested yet...so I guess its still early days for us. Him being tested has been a bit of a sore subject recently, so I have backed off a bit. His esteem has taken a knocking with losing his job and having to work nightshift stacking shelves so I am trying to go easy and gently....but some days I get really impatient!!!
I am due to ovulate this weekend or beginning of next week so I'm cycle day 7 I think...
Lovely to share thoughts, keep them coming, I'm listening!
Good luck ladyxxx
Staged sex, you say? XD
Let me tell ya, sister! That's probably all we ever do in this house, but nobody minds. That probably sounds weird, and we do love and care very deeply for each other, but the "S" word tends to just kinda get in the way most of the time, when we'd rather be falling asleep reading a book or playing mahjong on the iPhone. XD

That's not to say it's not an enjoyable experience when it happens, I think we might just both be kinda lazy, is all. ;) Then again, more and more, I get the impression that Japanese culture just doesn't place much emphasis on a hot, steamy romp. I think that kind of thing would have bothered me when I was in my 20s, but I don't really care now. At this point, we're just timing it right, and trying to make it count. :D

Hang in there, and try not to sweat that part too much, ok? :)

What a fantastic attitude you have! You make me smile, and its all true what you say. I think when you've been together a long time, hot steamy romps turn into beautiful, familiar lovemaking...and I'm no way complaining. Its just weird to be placing an emphasis on timing. Especially when we struggle for time as it is...he works nights!!! I know! Worst combination!
Anyway, its good to remain light of heart.
Thank you for making me smile honey.
How are you doing?? x
Hi Greta - Yes you can join Fertility from the UK too. You will need a special thermometer that takes basal body temps and you need to do it at the same time everyday but I found it gave me great information. I'm so happy you've found this place to share...I almost do all my sharing here so I don't drive everyone else around me nuts:winkwink:

Sakura - You're funny but I know that feeling. My guy loves it when it's time to :sex: try making a baby and I get worn out!

Josephine - You're playing the waiting game now. I wouldn't worry at all about not feeling anything at 5 dpo because if you are preggo your body wouldn't know yet. After 5 years hun you deserve a POSITIVE this month!! FX.

HappyDayz - What cycle day are you now? I'm CD2 and AF is HEAVY...ick.

:dust: :dust: :dust:

Faithmum....I have been driving myself and a few other people nuts I think, so that why it feels so good to speak my mind here. It's the best thing that's happened to me in a while. I feel honoured to be speaking to all you lovely ladies about such precious stuff. x keep me posted as to how you are doing xxx
I am planning on trying in the next few months I will be 38 in April. I will be trying for #3 but sneaking into this section a little early.

The abbreviations can be a struggle but the main ones you need to know are

DD - dear daughter
DS - dear son
DH - dear husband
OH - other half
BFP - big fat positive
BFN - big fat negative
DPO - days post ovulation
DTD - having sex (doing the deed)
AF - your period

I am sure more will crop up but these are the ones that pop up the most!
Hey Greta and all! :)

Well, 8dpo, and I hate to say it, but I'm pretty sure I'm out.
Then again, it's quite possible that I have no idea what I'm talking about and may be misreading it. All I know is that last week when I supposedly ovulated, I was supposed to go to my doc to get an ultrasound so he could tell me if he saw any follicles. (I have endometriosis, so he's been doing the u/s a lot on me since last month). Unfortunately, my husband and I both came down with a nasty cold, and I had to cancel the appt., as well as most of our personal appointments at the Right Time. XD We did manage to sneak in a few times, but one was likely way too early (before we got sick, about 5 days before O) and the other was at least 24 hours after I think I ovulated. Meh.

I did feel left ovary pinches on the day I thought I ovulated. My temps were right up for a few days after that, but the last 4 days, they've been creeping down, down, down. I've only been charting for this cycle and the last, so I'm not entirely sure yet where exactly my coverline is, so it's hard to say what's normal - AND - since I had a low grade fever for at least one day last week, that likely messed things up, too, as far as my bbt reading.

ONE THING that's weird, though, is that the last few days, I've been feeling queasy. Queasy like I could get really sick to my stomach at times, a few times a day. Usually if I eat a little bit of bread or something, it goes away, but I'm not at all used to that kind of nausea.

I've had no indication of any possible implantation otherwise. Temps are just steadily dropping, soooo.....Who knows, but judging by the bbt alone, it's looking like we'll just have to wait out the witch and kick it back into high gear next month. Hopefully we'll not be sick with some kind of horrifying, head exploding cold then!!! :)

Just how important IS bbt reading? Is it always a telltale sign for everyone?

Good luck to the rest of you ladies!
Please let us know how you're hanging in there! :D
I have been pregnant 4 times and have 2 kids... I charted twice and both times my BBT did not indicate that I was pregnant. My fertility friend chart that I had certainly looked like a no go. I took it at the same time every day the entire cycle until I tested. For me it doesn't work!
Ooh! Good to know, Goddess! :D

It's been pretty weird, because I've been exhausted lately, and yesterday I craved a snack I usually NEVER buy. Also, my temp went back up a little again this morning. Figures. XD Well, I guess we'll just see when we see, then! :) Thanks for the encouragement! Nice to feel like there's a chance I might still be in there! Hope everyone else will update, too!
My name is Stephanie, married for 11 years this past November and mom to an almost 17 year old son (from a previous relationship), stepmom to a 13 year old daughter and my husband and I have a daughter together who turned 11 this past October. We have been TTC since our daughter was a year old--so basically 10 years now. We have had 5 miscarriages (although I've had 2 other pregnancy losses long before my I was with my husband)--so 7 in all. I found out that my progesterone was out of whack and was started on Provera March 8th to bring on a cycle since my previous lmp was Dec.1st (Nov. 30th with spotting). My cycles used to be 28 days and then gradually went to as long as 36 days...My ob/gyn didn't say I couldn't ttc right now but wants me to take the progesterone every month on the same day until I see him again next February (or I end up pregnant first)...
I have a great support system on the 2ww forum and although I still go there and have a thread there--out of all the ladies--5 are pregnant (2 are just now getting their positives) and they are all much younger than I am...I love them dearly, but sometimes I feel like the goose in a bunch of ducks...
It would be nice to know that I can share my experience here and there and still not feel like the odd man out so to speak...
As my ticker below says--I'm on CD 8 of 28 as the progesterone I now take will make my next AF come on as scheduled for a 28 day cycle...I'm still experiencing good ole' AF right now and hopefully it will leave this weekend as one website I went to said that 2 of my most fertile days are coming up and it would be nice to finally get my OPKs and get started trying...I'm not looking at using any supplements this time (although I have in the past)..Just taking prenatal vitamins, and will test for ovulation as my doctor suggested to see if I will ovulate at all...
Thank you for allowing me to be long winded..Hope everyone's stay here is brief!:dust:

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