Buddy wanted...over 35...ttc!

opk march 29 2012.jpeg

Probably doesn't look like much--but I'll take what I can get...LOL..I will test again this evening!

The dh and skipped last night as far as bding although he wanted to--I was asleep..he did threaten to withhold for the rest of the week--but instead we ended up bd'ing 2x this morning--felt like I was in my 20's again...OMG....TMI I know...Why is that I feel like this is my last shot--I know its not--but I guess I really want to have that 2012 baby...LOL..Don't we all?

Hope everyone is having a good day today...:hugs:
Hi ladies! Hope you don't mind if I chime in here. I just turned 39 this month and the hubby and I have been trying to get pregnant since last June. I am on my 2nd cycle of follistim and ovidrel and now in my 2ww! I did test today, at 11 dpo, and got a BFN but my doctor told me to wait the FULL 2 weeks. I just couldn't take it anymore today...lol. I hope it is still too early to tell. Good luck to all of you!!!

Wishing you lots of luck and patience with that awful 2ww. How is your experience with follistim and ovidrel? Do you have side effects?

Have a good night, everyone.


Thank you! No side affects from the medicine! I am at very impatient lady though...lol. I did see a spot of blood on tuesday morning when I woke up. If thiat was implantation bleeding, how long do you think it will be before I can test and it be accurate?
Hey all.....Very strange thing, here. Don't know quite what to make of it.

Today is my CD 29, and I don't even have a backache yet. I did a few days ago when I mentioned I did, and I thought for sure af was about to kick in, but since then the pain is completely gone. Yesterday I had a temp drop below my luteal phase levels for the past few weeks (though I don't know if it was quite below my coverline, as I really haven't yet been able to establish where that is), but this morning it was back up to luteal phase level. Waaay too late to be implantation. I'm starting to wonder if the progesterone plane was about to make touchdown and decided to pick on back up again and fly fly fly! I feel really light headed today, too. Come to think of it, I did yesterday as well, but just assumed it was sunstroke, as I had been out for a long walk (we're finally getting a few warm days and I wanted to get outside! :D ).

So here I am feeling light headed, as if I'm about to get really dizzy, feeling almost as if I could start to tremble, and I'm thinking, "Is something wrong with my blood sugar? What's this about?"...but then I suddenly realize that my af symptoms have disappeared. I'm not going to test because I've been misled by those things before and would rather just wait to see if af is going to come down or not. Other than that, bbs are a bit itchy and seem fuller, but I certainly don't notice anything out of the ordinary.

Last month I had a chemical pregnancy, and I felt all kinds of weird symptoms which pretty much told me right away, but this time NOTHING. I'm really confused and kind of wondering what you all might make of this. I'm usually right on time with a 28 day cycle, and once the back pain kicks in, it doesn't just disappear like it seems to have this time...Anyone have wildly different symptoms with each baby if you've already had a few?
To be honest.. I dont remember how my last pregnancy was that went full term..i know with my chemical pregnancy and midcarriages that my back didnt ache ....it is possible ovulation wad later than thought so implantation could occur later to.. Def sounds like preg sx... I hope its a sign you will get your bfp soon sweetie!!
Today should be my o day despite what my ticker says... Didnt test this am but will tonite... Not feeling very good due to the weather changing...but will bd tonite and this weekend....hope everyone has an awesome friday!!!!
Hey all.....Very strange thing, here. Don't know quite what to make of it.

Today is my CD 29, and I don't even have a backache yet. I did a few days ago when I mentioned I did, and I thought for sure af was about to kick in, but since then the pain is completely gone. Yesterday I had a temp drop below my luteal phase levels for the past few weeks (though I don't know if it was quite below my coverline, as I really haven't yet been able to establish where that is), but this morning it was back up to luteal phase level. Waaay too late to be implantation. I'm starting to wonder if the progesterone plane was about to make touchdown and decided to pick on back up again and fly fly fly! I feel really light headed today, too. Come to think of it, I did yesterday as well, but just assumed it was sunstroke, as I had been out for a long walk (we're finally getting a few warm days and I wanted to get outside! :D ).

So here I am feeling light headed, as if I'm about to get really dizzy, feeling almost as if I could start to tremble, and I'm thinking, "Is something wrong with my blood sugar? What's this about?"...but then I suddenly realize that my af symptoms have disappeared. I'm not going to test because I've been misled by those things before and would rather just wait to see if af is going to come down or not. Other than that, bbs are a bit itchy and seem fuller, but I certainly don't notice anything out of the ordinary.

Last month I had a chemical pregnancy, and I felt all kinds of weird symptoms which pretty much told me right away, but this time NOTHING. I'm really confused and kind of wondering what you all might make of this. I'm usually right on time with a 28 day cycle, and once the back pain kicks in, it doesn't just disappear like it seems to have this time...Anyone have wildly different symptoms with each baby if you've already had a few?

I really hope you get your BFP honey. Let me know how you are doing...I've been away from the forum a little, just been chilling but now I am about a week away from my AF and started feeling tiny bit topsy turvy. Got everything crossed for you. Greta x
Hi Septbride
Welcome, and of course you may join us. Lovely to meet you.
I too am 37 and trying for my 1st with my husband. It's been over a year and hard work. We've not been for our tests yet.
How was it for you and yours when you went for the tests if you don't mind me asking??
All the best for your results. Keep me posted

Hello Gretarose and everyone,

Thank you for the welcome -- it is nice to have a little group. It is extremely hard work, isn't it? I keep "joking" that I was led to believe that conceiving would be much more fun than this...

Certainly very happy to share what it was like to get the tests done. My husband got his semen analysis done first -- his doctor referred him to a lab and he went in and "collected a specimen" for testing. I think it took about two weeks to get the results back. Then it was my turn. My ob/gyn had me do a clomid challenge test, so I had my day 3 FSH level blood test done, then took 100mg of clomid on days 5-9 of my cycle, and then had another blood test to check the day 10 FSH level. Day 3 level was high, which was scary, but thankfully, I just got my day 10 level back today and it's a 6. I'm so incredibly relieved to hear this news, since that means I'm ovulating on my own and that the clomid is helping.

I also had an HSG test done last week to make sure my tubes are clear. It was a bit scary but very manageable. I had it done in the radiology unit at the hospital, and they basically insert a speculum, then put a catheter into your cervix and pump dye into your fallopian tubes. It causes some cramping when the dye flows through, but honestly, the worst part for me was the anticipation. When it was actually happening, it was not that scary or painful. It was actually really cool to look up on the screen and see the x-ray of my fallopian tubes! Thankfully, the dye was able to stream through my tubes, so I knew there weren't any blockages. And that's really about it.

Our plan now is for me to take 100mg of clomid for the next 2 months and see if this gives us the bump we need to conceive. If not, then we go to a fertility specialist at the end of May. The clomid does make me moody; I've been doing a lot of crying for the past few days and made some stupid mistakes at work today. Other than that, no remarkable symptoms so far.

Sorry to ramble on, but hope this is helpful! How is everyone else doing?


Sorry for the delayed response Septbride...thank you so much for sharing your experiences of the tests and what your husband had to do. I hope you are doing ok? x
Today should be my o day despite what my ticker says... Didnt test this am but will tonite... Not feeling very good due to the weather changing...but will bd tonite and this weekend....hope everyone has an awesome friday!!!!

Hi I hope you feeling brighter honey. I really enjoy reading your posts, especially because you are very wise and experienced. Lots of love and luck to you! xxx
Hello lovely ladies
Just wanted to say hi to everyone...I'm not very good at replying and still struggling with the abbreviations etc...but I love this little group that is growing. And it seems we are from all over the world! How cool is that!
I feel very connected to you all as we are all on the same journey. The wonders of technology eh?!
Hope everyone is feeling good and that the :spermy: are super strong and that
babydust is showering down on all of us!
Hey all.....Very strange thing, here. Don't know quite what to make of it.

Today is my CD 29, and I don't even have a backache yet. I did a few days ago when I mentioned I did, and I thought for sure af was about to kick in, but since then the pain is completely gone. Yesterday I had a temp drop below my luteal phase levels for the past few weeks (though I don't know if it was quite below my coverline, as I really haven't yet been able to establish where that is), but this morning it was back up to luteal phase level. Waaay too late to be implantation. I'm starting to wonder if the progesterone plane was about to make touchdown and decided to pick on back up again and fly fly fly! I feel really light headed today, too. Come to think of it, I did yesterday as well, but just assumed it was sunstroke, as I had been out for a long walk (we're finally getting a few warm days and I wanted to get outside! :D ).

So here I am feeling light headed, as if I'm about to get really dizzy, feeling almost as if I could start to tremble, and I'm thinking, "Is something wrong with my blood sugar? What's this about?"...but then I suddenly realize that my af symptoms have disappeared. I'm not going to test because I've been misled by those things before and would rather just wait to see if af is going to come down or not. Other than that, bbs are a bit itchy and seem fuller, but I certainly don't notice anything out of the ordinary.

Last month I had a chemical pregnancy, and I felt all kinds of weird symptoms which pretty much told me right away, but this time NOTHING. I'm really confused and kind of wondering what you all might make of this. I'm usually right on time with a 28 day cycle, and once the back pain kicks in, it doesn't just disappear like it seems to have this time...Anyone have wildly different symptoms with each baby if you've already had a few?

This sounds really hopeful! Fingers crossed for you!
Hi Septbride
Welcome, and of course you may join us. Lovely to meet you.
I too am 37 and trying for my 1st with my husband. It's been over a year and hard work. We've not been for our tests yet.
How was it for you and yours when you went for the tests if you don't mind me asking??
All the best for your results. Keep me posted

Hello Gretarose and everyone,

Thank you for the welcome -- it is nice to have a little group. It is extremely hard work, isn't it? I keep "joking" that I was led to believe that conceiving would be much more fun than this...

Certainly very happy to share what it was like to get the tests done. My husband got his semen analysis done first -- his doctor referred him to a lab and he went in and "collected a specimen" for testing. I think it took about two weeks to get the results back. Then it was my turn. My ob/gyn had me do a clomid challenge test, so I had my day 3 FSH level blood test done, then took 100mg of clomid on days 5-9 of my cycle, and then had another blood test to check the day 10 FSH level. Day 3 level was high, which was scary, but thankfully, I just got my day 10 level back today and it's a 6. I'm so incredibly relieved to hear this news, since that means I'm ovulating on my own and that the clomid is helping.

I also had an HSG test done last week to make sure my tubes are clear. It was a bit scary but very manageable. I had it done in the radiology unit at the hospital, and they basically insert a speculum, then put a catheter into your cervix and pump dye into your fallopian tubes. It causes some cramping when the dye flows through, but honestly, the worst part for me was the anticipation. When it was actually happening, it was not that scary or painful. It was actually really cool to look up on the screen and see the x-ray of my fallopian tubes! Thankfully, the dye was able to stream through my tubes, so I knew there weren't any blockages. And that's really about it.

Our plan now is for me to take 100mg of clomid for the next 2 months and see if this gives us the bump we need to conceive. If not, then we go to a fertility specialist at the end of May. The clomid does make me moody; I've been doing a lot of crying for the past few days and made some stupid mistakes at work today. Other than that, no remarkable symptoms so far.

Sorry to ramble on, but hope this is helpful! How is everyone else doing?


Sorry for the delayed response Septbride...thank you so much for sharing your experiences of the tests and what your husband had to do. I hope you are doing ok? x

Hi gretarose,

Yes thanks, doing fine over here -- I ovulated this weekend, so we made the most of it -- did the deed Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! Hoping that between this and Clomid, we have luck this month. I'm worried about my hub's sperm count, but he's been good about taking all the strange vitamins I've been giving him. :) Fingers crossed for all of us!

I hope you're doing well too?

Yes I am ok thanks, on holiday for 2 weeks (but not at the 'right' time really but nevermind) Its lovely to kick back and relax. I have been having bad back pain for a while and finally went for some physio this morning. I'm trying to kick start a healthier regime for myself with more walking and less chocolate!
I am due my AF next week so we shall see. Although don't feel like we really made the most of bding this time round...I have been very busy at work and my husband works nights, so not the ideal combo but hey!
I also ran out of vitamins and forgot to buy more but have some now.
Hoping everything is ok for you xxxx keep me posted xxxx
Greta...Thanks for calling me wise...BUT I feel like I'm having a :dohh: cycle...I just don't get it...All things pointed to possible O' on friday, but my opks NEVER did get dark enough to call positive..:growlmad: In fact the only good lines I see are when they sit for a long time and you can't read them past the time limit...UGH....If I go by what my body is telling me--either I'm O'ing, have O'ed or about to start without the help of the provera....I finally got my computer online--at work so its much easier than the hit and miss of the house...I have some pics to share...LOL...Some might be out there--but lets just say--SO CONFUSED....:shrug::shrug::shrug:
Even as I type this--I'm feeling af type cramps...and in my lower back/tailbone area...My nose is stuffy and I've had a low grade temp since last night--feeling just ick...Well, I'm going to finish pulling up my pics see what I can get here...

Hope everyone is feeling Super-Duper about their cycles! Have to keep the spirits up!! :flower::dust:
Friday night had I this really weird cm--I couldn't get online to show anyone so I texted a friend who thought maybe it was IB...I had a glob of ewcm that was bloody and I was crampy on the 24th--I swore it was my period starting again after just spotting...So anyhow during an inspection of my cp/cm this is what I found--I don't know if these are the first swipe pics at 6pm or the 2nd swipe pics at 9pm..I just uploaded them and haven't pulled them up to see exactly..
.weird cm friday night on finger.jpeg Ok, now that I see it--This is a pic of the 9 pm swipe/check--the 6 pm check there was WAY more.... *friday March 30th*
weird cm friday night.jpeg After I swiped my finger on the tp--I noticed it looked pink...Again--this is the 9pm swipe--March 30, 2012...Maybe part of getting ready to O'...Who knows???
opk 04 02 2012 not dry yet.jpeg This is my opk from this am--I thought I sent the pics of all my tests from this weekend to my email, but I guess not--I'll have to do that but my phone is in the car charging...I guarantee that when I get home--the test will be dry and the line will be way darker that it looks here...:dohh::shrug:

I have some hpt pics too...But I may save them as I don't want to look like a total nimrod..:rofl:...
april 2nd hpt fmu pic 2.jpeg

april 2nd hpt fmu pic 2 crossed processed.jpg

april 2nd hpt fmu pic hdr tweak.jpg

These are all the same pic...Top is the original, middle one was "cross processed" only, and the last one was HDR'ish tweaked only...:dohh: Stupid for testing so early--but I'm a confessed POAS-aholic...And well, the stupid OPK's just weren't enough...LOL

Rounding up the votes...LOL...

I've been so confused about where I am at with this cycle...LOL...But I think we have a bean brewing...What do ya'll think???

:dust: for everyone! Hope this is the start of :bfp:s for everyone!!!
as you can see in my tickers..and my spanking brand new avatar...We have lift off finally......I just wanted to spread the dust around and hope that everyone else here sees their :bfp:s soon!!!

as you can see in my tickers..and my spanking brand new avatar...We have lift off finally......I just wanted to spread the dust around and hope that everyone else here sees their :bfp:s soon!!!


Congrats to you!!!!!!!!!!:happydance:

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