Buddy wanted! TTC for ~1 year, planning laparoscopy


Momma of 2 furballs
Apr 19, 2013
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Hey all!

I would love a TTC buddy! I'm on day 8 of an average 26-day cycle, so I should be ovulating soon. I doubt I'll be conceiving yet though. It's been almost a year, and I'm having a laparoscopy for probable endometriosis within the next couple weeks. :wacko: I'll buddy up with just about anyone, but I think it'd be most helpful to have someone to talk to who is also struggling with something similar (endo, PCOS, etc.) I'm really hopeful that DH and I will have more luck after the surgery. I could use some concurrent positive vibe-sharing and commiseration with someone (or multiple someones!) who understands. :flower:

Much love and baby dust to you all!! :hugs:
Hey im scheduled for laparoscopy on Monday and i have been TTC for nearly 3 years.

All my symptoms point to endo :( xx

When is your lap? Xxx
I'll join you too. I'm on day 17 of at 28/30 cycle. Think I've just ovulated Been trying about 22 cycles. Having the dye thing done to check the tubes june then the lap in the summer if its needed.

Best wishes :) x
Hey buddies where are you?? ( I know where you are kel!) :) x
Sorry it took so long to reply! I've been busy with visitors. (I live in Florida, so people visit often!)

Kelstar- how did the lap go?? I hope you're feeling well! I'm told the recovery time depends on how extensive the endo is and how much/where they remove it. My lap is scheduled for Monday June 3.

Lazydaisys- good luck on the dye test! My fingers are crossed for you that it's an easy fix. If not, the lap is usually an easy surgery. Let us know how it goes!

Best wishes and lots of baby dust to you both!!
Hey Pyrus. How are you getting on with cycle? My AF is due next week is yours? So jealous that you live in Florida. I live in England and its dull and miserable here today.:) x
Hi PyrusEK,
I'd like to join your group. We have a laparoscopy scheduled for the same day!!! Mine is also on June 3.

I've had quite an ordeal getting mine scheduled, so I just hope nothing happens to get it cancelled again. I'm supposed to get mine during CD 5-12, so I'm hoping that AF doesn't pick now to decide to come late. I'm usually pretty regular though.
Lazydaisys- Yes, AF is due next week for me as well. Fingers crossed that she doesn't show up for either of us! It's actually pretty gloomy here today as well, despite this being the sunshine state. I'm a little jealous you live in England! I've never been there, but it's on my bucket list.

Cali- Yay for finally getting our laps done! We'll be useless-on-the-couch buddies for a couple days. Keep us all updated on what they find and how the recovery goes.

Have any of you experienced intermittent nausea and bloating with endo? The bloating has been going on for the past 2 months for me, and it's been so bad on some days that I'm about 1-2 sizes up in my pants. Then it randomly goes away and I'm back to normal. Since that started, I haven't felt myself ovulating. I have always been able to pinpoint exactly when I ovulate and on which side, but it's no longer happening. That worries me. :(
Have any of you experienced intermittent nausea and bloating with endo? The bloating has been going on for the past 2 months for me, and it's been so bad on some days that I'm about 1-2 sizes up in my pants. Then it randomly goes away and I'm back to normal. Since that started, I haven't felt myself ovulating. I have always been able to pinpoint exactly when I ovulate and on which side, but it's no longer happening. That worries me. :(

I regularly experience mild nausea and a lot of bloating after ovulation. I can swell up so much it looks like I am in early pregnancy! I didn't realize that was a sign of endo but it makes sense.

I wouldn't automatically assume that you're not ovulating just because you don't feel it. A lot of women don't feel it and are still ovulating. Actually, I remember feeling a very strong ovulation on my left side, but when I got an ultrasound at my FS appt, it turned out I hadn't actually released an egg from that side and had a large cyst instead. Painful ovulation can be a sign of endo, so the fact that you're not feeling it anymore might even be good news. Do you use OPKs??

I never would have suspected that I had endo if it weren't for my infertility because I thankfully don't get the debilitating pain that a lot of endo sufferers experience.One of the reason it is suspected for me is that I have a persistent simple cyst that hasn't gone away in over six months. My doctor said that can be a sign of adhesions around the ovary that is preventing the fluid from being absorbed. Also, my right tube is blocked and there isn't any other reason for it since I haven't had a pelvic infection or surgery.

Another weird thing is that at every ultrasound, I have had an abnormally thick lining. I never would have thought that because my periods are usually short and light. I read online that endo sufferers often have thick linings, but for whatever reason my periods aren't heavy.
Another weird thing is that at every ultrasound, I have had an abnormally thick lining. I never would have thought that because my periods are usually short and light. I read online that endo sufferers often have thick linings, but for whatever reason my periods aren't heavy.

Interesting. The MD told me I had an abnormally thick endometrial lining as well, but that was the only thing he found on the ultrasound. My periods are extremely heavy for the first two days, but after that they're light. I used to have severe cramping only the day before or first day of my period, but now the severe pain has increased to 3-4 days. All my symptoms feel like they're progressing, but I'm hopeful that getting the lap done soon will help.

I'm glad you're not suffering some of the more awful physical effects! Although certainly I know that not being able to conceive is suffering enough.
Oh, and no I don't use OPKs. MD told me they're inaccurate, and I didn't want to make TTC more stressful. If we don't get pregnant within a few months after the surgery I may start using them though.
How's everyone doing?? I have never been so anxious for AF to show in my life. Once AF is here, then I can get scheduled for my pre op!! :happydance:
How's everyone doing?? I have never been so anxious for AF to show in my life. Once AF is here, then I can get scheduled for my pre op!! :happydance:

Good luck!! Why do they make you wait for AF to schedule the pre op?
I think they just like to do it fairly close to the surgery date and just want to be sure that AF is not delayed. It's weird because I know other doctors do laps at any time during the cycle and not just days 5-12.
I'm due for AF early next week. Bfn today not sure how many dpo. X
Pre-op appointment was yesterday. AF is due tomorrow. If she shows up, I will be having that lap on Monday. I'd prefer for her to stay away and to get a :bfp: but I'm not going to get my hopes up! The endo pain and bloating upped a notch today, plus added breast pain, so I'm probably PMSing.:dohh:

Hope all you ladies are doing well!:flower:
Good luck Lazydaisy. It would definitely be nice to not have to worry about getting this surgery!

I hope you get a bfp too PyrusEK, but if not I hope that AF shows up on time so that your surgery isn't delayed.

I had my pre op appt today. My doc was trying to talk me out of the lap, but my mind is made up. She did an ultrasound and found that what she had thought was an ovarian cyst was actually not an ovarian cyst but some other sort of thing that they can't know for sure what it is until they do the lap. So I felt a little vindicated in my desire to have this lap.
Good luck with your lap, Cali!! Why would the doc try to talk you out of it? Any specific reasons or just because it's surgery? I hope they find something easy to fix. (I'll never say "I hope they don't find anything" because that would be extremely frustrating.)

Are you doing a bowel prep? Doc wants me to do mag citrate/clear liquid diet starting at noon Sunday. I'm not looking forward to that part. Also- do you have a heating pad? I'm told that can really help with post op discomfort. I may get one today.

The things I'm really looking forward to: no more pain, no more bloating, and the ability to get pregnant!! Gotta keep eyes on the prize. We have some friends with 3 kids staying with us this week (doing the Disney thing) and the adorable-ness is through the roof. I can't wait for us to have our own!! I'm sure everyone on this forum feels pretty much the same way.

I am so relieved that my doc is not making me do bowel prep! My surgery is at 3:30 so I think I would die of starvation. I am going to pig out up until midnight to help me through.

I do have a heating pad. I am going to spend this weekend organizing all of the stuff I will need and cleaning up.

My doctor believes that the lap would not help my chances to conceive much over just doing Clomid and TI or IUI. I don't have any pain so she feels that infertility and the random symptoms I have aren't worthy of going through surgery. It was a total buzz kill when she told me that, but at least she kind of came around after she looked at my weird cyst thing one more time.

Apparently there is a debate in the medical community about when a person with unexplained fertility should get a laparoscopy. In the past before IVF, everyone had to do a lap but now they send everyone straight to IVF without checking for endo. IVF can bypass all pelvic problems including endo--although even with IVF many doctors believe that a lap beforehand will approve the chances of IVF being successful. Since IVF is the best treatment for all fertility problems, they don't even bother taking the time to diagnose the cause of the infertility much anymore.

My doctor was out on maternity leave when I made the decision to get a lap. In her absence I consulted with a colleague who felt a lap was a wonderful idea since we had decided against IVF. It's really amazing how so many doctors can have so many radically different opinions on the same issue. I've read the studies, and many doctors do believe that IVF is overused and that laparoscopy should be used on a more routine basis. Since IVF is not an option, I have to hope those doctors are the ones who are right.

I really hope they find endo or adhesions. If not, then I think it will be easier for me to let go and stop trying because I would feel it just was not meant to be.

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