Buddy wanted! TTC for ~1 year, planning laparoscopy

Hi everybody. My af arrived 3days ago. Got my hsg procedures where there run the dye through in two weeks. That will be my day 17 which is a pain as just after my ovulation which is 14-16. I'm going to ring hospital tomorrow and ask them to bear me in mind if they have any cancellations next week. It's a long shot but worth a try. Hope everybody is well.
Cali- I'm no doctor, but it sounds like you made the right decision. Medicine is not like algebra where there's only one right answer. Sometimes the answers aren't clear, and the way to get results is different for every person. Good luck next week!!

Laisydaisy- Ahhhhh good luck to you with the dye test!! That's cruddy that they're planning to do it right after ovulation, but at least it will be done and you'll know if there's a problem.

AF has not shown up for me yet. She was due yesterday. I'm going to give her another day then take a test. Fingers crossed!!!!
Lazydaisys, sorry about AF and the issues you are having with scheduling the HSG. I hope they are able to squeeze you in. For my HSG, they required that it happen between CD5 and 12, so maybe they will move it up once they know where you're at in your cycle.

PyrusEK, I'm so excited for you. I hope this a BFP!!! You are incredibly disciplined because I would have been through about 10 pregnancy tests by now. So I guess either way, you won't be having the lap on Monday?
Cali- If AF still hasn't shown up but I get a BFN Monday morning I am still supposed to have the lap. I'm on the fence about whether I will go through with it if that happens. I suspect if the MD thinks I'm pregnant despite a BFN he will postpone it anyway just to be safe. I am so jaded at this point because I've been late a couple times and always got a BFN followed by AF shortly after. I could be wrong about when I ovulated. But... I've been having lower back pain for the past few days, something I have never experienced without doing something significant to cause it, so it could be.... But I've also been having cramps, breast soreness, and some emotional roller coaster riding, which all are normal PMS symptoms for me. (The bloating is pretty much constant the past few months so I don't think it means anything.) I might still cave in and take a test when I get home today.
I think it's a good idea if you test since your surgery date is so close. Hopefully it is a bfp. The lower back pain is a promising symptom!
Got a BFN yesterday afternoon, but AF is still absent. I'm going to test again tomorrow morning if she still doesn't show up. I'm really not sure what to think/feel at this point, so I'm going to try to forget about it until it's necessary!
Sorry about the bfn. :( I'm sure your doctor will advise you what to do on Monday. Hang in there.
AF showed up yesterday. I am currently waiting to be taken back for surgery. See you on the other side!
pyrus, hope your surgery went well!

I am just back from my lap and from what dh and my dad have told me, everything went very well. Apparently the anesthesia really wiped me out, because once dh left the pre op area, I remember nothing! I took almost two hour snoozing, so I guess my body likes that stuff.

My dh and dad talked to the doc, so I won't have much info until I call tomorrow. The doc found that my left tube was clear, but it was wrapped several times around the cyst. She had to remove the cyst and carefully scrape away the cyst from the tube. My right tube was blocked and she was not able to unblock it. She said that it looked like it had been blocked for years and years and had no idea what could have caused it to get blocked like that. That was reassuring to me because it lets me know that I didn't need it anyway to get pregnant so I won't be looking into that tubal surgery the other doc was suggesting.

My dad drove me home and said something about removing polyps, but I'm not sure if he meant the big cyst. I'm not sure if they found any endo or not, because both my dad and brother said everything else looked good and healthy. So that is still a big question mark.

I have before and after pics but have no idea at what I'm looking at. The main question on my mind is whether freeing my tube from the cyst will help my chances at all. My dad and dh were pleased with the results, but of course they are thinking of it from a totally different vantage point than I am. If the cyst was messing with things then I have a good reason to feel positive even if there's no endo since everything looked so good.

I am recovering well and feel good for now. When I first came to I felt really sore in my organs and was so sure they had removed lots of endo, but I guess that wasn't the case. I took a vicodin on leaving the hosptal so I feel really sleepy now. They told me to eat a liquid diet, but I am SO hungry, I will probably disregard that piece of advice.

So I guess I will rest and hang tight until I can talk to the doctor tomorrow! Thanks to everyone for your support.
Glad you are ok. Sounds like they may have done some whilst they were in there. :) x
Cali- so glad it went well! A cyst wrapped in the tube would definitely affect getting preggers, so it's great they were able to remove it. I wish you a speedy recovery! Oh, and you don't need a liquid diet. (I'm a Dietitian, worked in a hospital for quite some time.) If you feel up to it, eat what you want. I recommend plenty of fruits, veggies, and yogurt to get your GI moving and give you some extra nutrients/probiotics.

My lap went well and I am recovering fine, but the doc found nothing. Nada. I have no idea what's going on and really want some answers. I don't know how it's possible to have all these symptoms but find nothing in the lap. I guess the journey will continue!
Thanks so much for the info Pyrus! It was so reassuring to me.

I'm so sorry they didn't find anything during your lap. I know how disappointing that must be. It's so weird that you have all the symptoms of endo but they found no signs of it. There must be a cause for the pain.
I'm sure there is a cause, but I'm not sure I'll get answers anytime soon. My doc is now on vacation until the 25th, so I won't know my next steps until then. I'm considering taking a break from any testing/treatments for a while. I probably need it!
So, 1 1/2 weeks post lap and I am fully recovered! The post op instructions said not to BD for at least 2 weeks, but I felt fine by Monday and decided to ignore that recommendation... :devil: I think it was a good decision.

I have a really good feeling that we're going to get our BFP, maybe not this month, but soon. Intuition is telling me to just let go and be happy. I wasn't able to do that before the lap, but I think now that I know there's nothing glaringly obvious going on, it's easier.

Random flashback- Do you ladies remember when you first started your period? When I was 12 (7th grade) I was soooooo anxious to start. Many of my friends were getting theirs, and I started thinking something was wrong with me and that it was never going to happen. The summer after I turned 13, I woke up one morning and realized Aunt Flow had made her first visit. I was beyond relieved to learn that I was normal and the laws of Mother Nature applied to me as well.

I feel like this might be the adult version of that story. 95% of women get pregnant within a few years without any intervention. The doc didn't find anything wrong with me or my hubby, so I think it's time for me to just let biology do it's thing. I know it's gonna happen!
Pyrus, so glad to hear you are fully recovered! I feel fully recovered as well. I've been too chicken to remove the dressings over the incisions. I think I'll do that next week.

You have good reason to feel optimistic. With the lap, you have ruled out everything that could have been wrong, so it really is just a matter of time.

I didn't wait to dtd either. Me and dh did it on the Friday following the surgery because I felt up to it and I didn't want to miss out on any opportunities to get a bfp. I was on CD12 on Friday and I usually O on CD14. My O was delayed by just 1-2 days this cycle. I was happy that it didn't get delayed too long because I have heard that for other women it can get delayed much longer. I know after my HSG it was delayed about 5 days, so I was pretty shocked that I O'ed more or less on time after something as invasive as a lap and hysteroscopy.

My doc didn't give me any instructions regarding sex after lap, and I found that doctors' opinion about it online varied. Some said that it was okay as soon as you feel up to it, some said 2-4 weeks, and others said to wait until after the preop. I figured if it was really that harmful, they would all say say to abstain.

Nice story on getting your period. I got my period when I was 9 years old and I had no idea what it was. I was scared to death and I even hid it from my mom for several months because I was ashamed. I will know to fill my daughter in on the birds and bees before that time so she will see it as something to be celebrated and not feared.
Cali- Glad to hear you're fully recovered! Did you take those dressings off yet? I (carefully) removed the surgical tape a week after the lap and was pleasantly surprised to discover how far along the healing was. I'm so happy I can take a bath! Also, I've been playing in the ocean all weekend. :happydance:

Yay for no severe cycle delays! I think I ovulated on the 13th or 14th (CD 12/13) which is normal for me, but it was reeeeeeally painful. It felt like there was a razor blade dragging itself through my left Fallopian tube. Now I'm having mild cramping, which is also (unfortunately) normal. The good news is that I'm not feeling bloated!

Crazy about starting your period at 9 years old!! I did sort of understand the concept at that age because my older sister had explained it to me, but I still would have freaked out a bit. I'm sure your daughter will be grateful you prepared her. :)

Today I am making a calendar with plans for workouts. I have really slacked off the past few months and have gained a few pounds, so I think it's time to get back into it. If I'm not getting pregnant, at least I'll be getting fit and feeling better! Exercise really helps to ease the cramping.
I still haven't taken off my dressings. :blush: They don't even really itch anymore, so I'm sure the incisions are probably healed. I'm just a big chicken!

Oooh, your O pains sound really painful. Was it more painful than usual??

Good job on getting back to exercising! I find that exercise also helps improve my mood. When I'm feeling very down and depressed a good run always makes me feel better. I think I'd have gone crazy if I hadn't started back running!
Awwwww I'm sure you can take off the dressings now! My hospital RN friend (not a doctor, but still pretty reliable) says to remove them, and as long as there's no drainage, leave it open to the air. You'll be fine! 2 weeks is more than enough time to heal. :hugs:

As far as ovulation pain goes, this was one of the most painful I've ever had. The only time it was worse was a random month over a year ago. I would have thought I had appendicitis or a kidney stone, but I wasn't nauseated. Because of that, I don't think the extra pain was related to the lap, but I could be wrong.

Running is great! I agree, it really does burn off quite a bit of stress. I can't run for more than 10 minutes because I injured my hip a while back doing a 5k. Building the muscles around that joint helps to stabilize it and reduce/prevent pain, and I can still do lower impact cardio like the elliptical and bike, so I can't complain too much.

I have officially started my new fitness journey! I am sore from yesterday, but it's definitely the good kind of soreness. I'm eating lots of fruits/veggies/lean protein, and drinking plenty of water. My short-term goal is 5 lbs lost in 1 month, long term is 20 in ~4-5 months. We'll see how that affects the pain. Who knows, maybe getting super healthy will help me get preggers!:dance:
Hey ladies!

Just an update- Since the last comment in mid June, I have gotten myself a new OB/GYN. We did a hysteroscopy on Monday which was all clear, but the doc says it could help to open the tubes up and increase the chances of pregnancy. I am also going to have my progesterone tested in a week and a half to make sure that's normal. If not, we're looking at starting Clomid.

I have had increasingly awful problems with bloating, gas, and diarrhea that did not go away with consistent exercise and healthier eating, but before jumping to a GI doc, I decided to try a gluten- and lactose-free diet. Two days in, the bloating and diarrhea were 90% better. Five days in, I accidentally ate something with lactose and spent the following morning uncomfortable in the bathroom. I am going to give it more time then try adding various foods back to see if it's just lactose or both, but I have a sneaking suspicion both is the answer.

This is NOT scientifically proven, and as a Dietitian I was taught that gluten "sensitivity" is not real unless you have Celiac disease, but after a great deal of (legitimate, peer-reviewed) research I have discovered that non-Celiac gluten sensitivity quite possibly affects a large number of people, and its symptoms include abdominal pain, gas, bloating, diarrhea, migraines, joint pain, lactose intolerance, fatigue, and (drumroll please...) infertility.

Those are all well-established symptoms of Celiac disease as well. According to the articles I read, (and they are very clear that this is a new, unproven area of research) non-Celiac gluten sensitivity mimics Celiac disease in almost every way except that there is no apparent autoimmune response, so there's no test for it. The symptoms can arrive or worsen randomly.

I am considering getting tested for Celiac disease, but I am so freakin tired of being poked and prodded. But, if we rule it out, non-Celiac gluten sensitivity is still a possibility. It would be so amazing to have a concrete diagnosis and treatment plan. I am not looking forward to a lifetime without wheat if this is the case, but it would be completely worth it to feel better and be able to have a baby.

Just wanted to share in case this could help someone! Even if this doesn't turn out to be the answer for me, it could be the answer for one of you.

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