Bullying at work - share your experience


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
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As the title says...

I've been in a dreadful situation over the past couple of years - had rumours started about me, my emails have been gone through, been blamed for every mistake made by the bullies, criticised for everything :( the list goes on....
I tried to speak to my manager about it but she glossed over it and was no help at all. I've never gone to HR about it as I didn't want the bullying to become any worse.

A new member of staff started about a year ago who I thought was great and we had a lot in common but after a few weeks she wasnt so friendly towards me and starting going for lunches and out after work with the bullies. :shrug:

Anyhow I've finally gotten up the confidence to apply for a new position - so fingers crossed for an interview! :happydance:
I never bderstand why peope bully. Its disgusting! Well dont for the new position.

DEfinatly contact HR though :hugs:
Sorry you've been through soo much, your a very brave person :hugs:

Really hope you get the new job!! Fingers crossed

I'm sorry to hear you've had such a bad experience at work :hugs: Being bullied is truly horrible. I hope you get the other job you want.

I was bullied at work 5 years ago. I was promoted into the role of finance admin and I loved the job because it was so much better than my old job where I was basically a dogsbody. I worked alongside the woman who used to do the job I had just been promoted into and she had been promoted too. She didn't want to be promoted as she was happy with a simple admin job as she wasn't interested in money or prospects even though she was actually a chartered accountant and could do so much better for herself! She took it upon herself to check all my work after I'd done it. I was new to the job and made a few mistakes when putting invoices onto the system but they were simple and easily rectified mistakes. She got so obsessed and would check each bit of work three times and tick it with a red pen!! If I'd made a mistake she would lecture me in front of the whole office. Totally humiliating :(

I hadn't got any financial qualifications and was nervous about going to night school to get them so I said I didn't know if I wanted to. She told me off in front of the whole office saying that I was only interested in money and didn't want to do the work to get it! I was so embarrassed. It was totally untrue and I then went to college for two years to do my AAT qualification.

People used to tell me to stick up to her, so once I said all she did was tell me off and I was fed up. She said sorry and that she wouldn't do it again, but after that she got worse. I found secret lists she kept listing all my mistakes on them! She wouldn't let me do any of the job I was supposed to as she didn't trust me, so she was doing my job as well as hers, stressed out and constantly telling me I couldn't do the job and I would be in such a mess if it wasn't for her. I went to my boss and begged her to demote me back to my old job, but someone had taken it.

I become scared of her as she was making my work life hell. It got to the point where I was just waking up in the morning crying and shaking because I was so scared to go to work. I felt sick all day, so anxious and trying to be perfect to avoid her shouting at me. I would get home from work and just go to bed and cry and hope I didn't wake up the next day. It was such a dark and horrible time and I never want to go back to how I felt then :(

I went through a year of this and then a PA job came up in the same office but a different team than her. It wasn't a promotion but I just wanted out. I got the PA job and I think part of the reason they employed me was because they knew how miserable I was in the current job. When I was offered the job I submitted a complaint about the woman who had bullied me. My boss felt awful as she knew something was going on but I kept covering it up because I was scared of the consequences. I had a talk with HR and decided not to make it an official complaint because I didn't want the atmosphere in the office to be tense. They made me think that they would still be having a word with her about it but they did absolutely nothing. I was gutted she got away with it, but so glad to have my old self back and to be happy again, the difference in me once I'd been told I had got that job was amazing!

I so hope that things improve for you soon and that the bully is dealt with by management, they really shouldn't be allowed to get away with it :hugs:
Oh hun that sounds awful - so pleased you got out of it and are back to your old self :flower: work is such a big part of life and no-one deserves to feel like that about it xx

I've never been able to fathom why they chose to single me out :shrug: I feel like they warn people off me so I don't have an ally in the office IFSWIM?!!

Have submitted my application for the new job this afternoon and thinking of joining up with an agency too

They are probably just cowards and have boring lives, so they need to pick on someone to entertain themselves. It's so sad :( I really hope you get another job and can get away from them bullies :hugs:
My old boss bullied me, it got progressively worse until I left. I honestly think that it was because I was good at my job, and she wasn't so good at hers. I think she saw me doing well and it made her feel better. She was utterly horrible.

I was so much happier when I left, I stayed with the company for a while and then took a lovely job somewhere else that suited me perfectly, and now I run my own business.
I'm sorry you're going through that it's horrid. I hope you get the new job you want :)

In one of my jobs I was sexually harrassed by a chef, and when things didn't go his way I had a steak knife thrown at me that I just dodged and it went in the door. My boss was amazing though and had it sorted there and then..He was out the door! I still talk to that boss and his wife a lot actually even though I left years a go :haha: And I wish I'd never have left :(

In another it wasn't so much bullying the boss was just a bitch. There was me and her 2 daughters in the same role working different days and her daughters would often decide they had better things to do or were too tired to work so it was always me that got called last minute and was told if I didn't go I'd lose my job..Bearing in mind this was a 8pm-9am shift! Of which I got paid less than minumum wage for..And after leaving I found out she'd been using a different national insurance number for me..I've no idea why but it definitely wasn't mine!!

Then the last job I had, I had a manager from hell. He was horrid, a right perv. One of the waitresses dropped 4 plates of burning hot food whilst we were waitressing for a wedding, and he ordered me to bend down and pick it up infront of 120 guests, when I pointed out it was hot and I had nothing to use he made me use my hands, and I got blisters and burns. Then when I got pregnant, and I was really ill, I ran to the loo and threw up, went to tell my manager and he said I'd be fine and to carry on working (which being a waitress even though it wasn't a bug is still a health and safety risk) which I did..And I then passed out in the restaurant..To be dragged into the kitchens, and once I come to told to get back to work..Not even a break! I was the only employee who didn't smoke and I was constantly having to cover all the smokers whilst they had fag breaks every hour and in my 12 hour shifts I didn't get one break as he would never let me take them, even for food or a drink, and would often be made to work late and wouldn't get home until 1am when my shift was supposed to finish at 11pm. Then I was hospitalised at 8 weeks pregnant, I was on a sick note to say I wasn't fit to work (obviously being in hospital..) and I was pregnant..And I got fired for missing a course. As soon as I threatened legal action they offered me a new contract and I took great pleasure in telling them where to stick it!

I've not had a great history with people I've had to work with really now I look at it like that :haha:
I was nearly bullied out of my job when my boss found out i was pregnant.

I'd phoned in sick just before christmas as i fainted in Tesco car park because i had the flu. He insisted that i'd get a phone call with shifts but i heard nothing for 2 months nearly and in the end i found out he was refusing to give me any shifts. I actually went to my lawyer and in the end my case for grievance was founded. I got my job back and full wages but the best thing was walking in the door and him grovelling, making sure i had my breaks, making sure i had a seat etc. I took them for everything i could and it was the best thing i ever did :D.

I hope you get the new job :flower:
Before I moved to Germany I was working in a care home looking after elderly people with dementia. For some reason some of the people I was working with had a problem with me - probably because I did the job better than them and they were jealous. They started rumours about me carrying my mobile phone on me while on duty. I did once, but only once. And that was because I was expecting an important phone call.

I was pulled into the office one day with my manager and assistant manager and they basically said that I had my mobile phone on me while working and I said this was a load of bollocks and I wanted to know who was spreading shit about me. Obviously they couldn't say. This all happened about 4 weeks before I was moving to Germany and I think they just wanted to make sure I'd have a crap reference or something. Sadly it didn't work for them and I stayed on until I finished.

I was utterly pissed off that someone who start such pathetic rumours about me and had no evidence to back their case. They also did it with other people and they managed to actually get one person sacked from their pathetic rumours.

Good luck with your interview, hope you get the job :)
I was bullied so badly when pregnant by my manager it caused me to have a breakdown even to the point where I wanted to end my own life infact tried :cry:.

It angers me still so much :growlmad:.

I was young (19) and pregnant I told my manager who was fine at first then started on me as soon as I got to 12 weeks pretty much. I told her I had my 12 week scan she on a Friday which coincided with the day I work she told me I either wasn't allowed to go or had to have it out of my holiday, I knew she was wrong but went home to do a bit a research to back myself up and I spoke to a different manager who said to me "yes you are right, she's not allowed to do this" and changed it for me. From then really I was victimised everyday from the moment I started to the moment I finished.

I work in a well known fashion store for women in one of the busiest shopping centres in the southeast on a Saturday night on the show section on my own as since I told her she took everyone else off my cection on put them on other departments. Bare in mind Aswell as pregnant I also have scoliosis. I was left for 4 hours made to carry heavy boxes 2 and frow on my own. In my first risk assessment I was told no heavy lifting but she would shout at me infront of customers I was shit scared of her:cry:.

On my next risk assessment I explained to the supervisor the night shifts were getting to much for me as I was being sick constantly and fainting (i didnt know at the time just how sick i really was) she agreed to get me taken off them and left a note for the store manager explaining this. Aswell as writing in my assessment what was going to happen.

Nearly a week later the new Rota was up and I hadn't been taken off by now I was feeling awful constantly I spoke the store manager who shouted at me and belittled me infront of the store saying she needed it in writing from me and that it takes 12 weeks to change my shift (despite the risk assessment which I explained also to her) or if I didn't like that to drop the hours to cut the Saturday I was to rough to argue so agreed to drop the Saturday.

Leading up to the next incident there's was digs everyday about how stupid I was a silly bitch by now I was a bag of nerves:nope:. I was I'll enough already but now I was getting worst as I wasn't sleeping where is was worrying to much about the next day, my dad would drop me at work shaking and unable to talk :cry:. But I didn't tell him why at first.

My morning sickness was awful... One day I nearly threw up on the shop floor so ran to the loo on the way out she stopped me and in her word "what the f**k do you think your doing" I appoligiesd and explained that I had to run to be sick she then went on to accuse me of trying to go out the back to steal as I didn't ask to go to the loo to be sick and then said I need to stop treating pregnancy like a disability telling me to grow up:cry:.

Then I would hide and cry in the corner.

In April was my 20th birthday and my oh was taking me away I and put my holiday form in the previous year I had it back signed for over 6months.... I was put on the rota to work for some reason I asked the deputy (who had now started ganging up on me with the bitch ) and he said tough you'll have to work i said I'm really sorry but I can't this has been booked and paid for for months he had no proof of my holiday form as now It had miraculously disappeared :nope:. So I rushed home and brought my copy in which they gave me back. He then went on to call me the company let down etc :cry:.

My sickness was so bad I was in hospital at one point because I phoned in 1 minute after 8am (no lie 1 min) they gave me a counselling and a disaplinary.
On my counselling they put I need to take better care of my health and my lifestyle :growlmad:. I'm pregnant not coming in with a hangover!

Another time I had pains in my stomach I was doubled over and very scared I asked if I could go home and she laughed at me and said yes stop being over the top as I walked out I could see in mirror infront she was laughing and sniggering to the deputy.

By now I was a wreck my oh would come home to find me in the corner shaking crying and screaming that I wanted to die! I don't wanna be pregnant :cry:.

They refused me my breaks made me lift still even though i wasn't meant to I was constantly told loads of fpeople would love your job stop being ungreatful and that we was all easy to replace.

The deputy said he needed to have a meeting with me one day as he was annoyed with me that I and a doctors appointment that afternoon as an emergency as I kept fainting etc.... I was called in the office now bare in Mind I was petrified. I though no this cant carry on. He said that I'd let the colleagues sown by going to appointment how my baby isn't important to them as they have a buisness to run. To which I said I'm very sorry but to me my baby's health and mine comes first if there's something wrong I'd never forgive myself for not going. He then went onto my morning sickness saying morning sickness is a controllable illness and that I should pull myself together. I said I wish! Some mornings I can't even lift my head where I feel so ill....... His reply well perhaps you should of thought about that before you got yourself in that state holly are you really cut for this ask yourself... I couldn't believe it!!

The last straw was about a month later I'd say may probably.i got left alone again on the shoe department a pair of shoes from the top shelf fell and smashed onto my foot immediately it came up in a massive bruise to scared to report it, I carried on with my day in agony. At 5 I went down to the car where my dad was waiting and he said I needed to report it and told me to go straight back up which I did. The manager and deputy were talking in the corner. I went over and and explained and said my dad told me it needs reporting Incase I've broke it etc.... Her reply to me " how does your dad know its broken ? What a waste of my time? So it feel broken to you? Does it!" I went I don't know it hurts to walk she then looked me really quite threatening "I suggest you go home and have a good think about it before reporting it"

I did report to hr they did nothing infact I heard my manager on the phone to them slagging me off " she had dealt with pregnant women like me before so ill just have to deal with it"

Well I never went back... I was sobbing and shaking threatening to kill myself my mum was I tears as she's never seen me like it she phoned to speak to her as I was I to much of a state. She was so rude to my mum.

My oh Tom caught me ripping my hair out in clumps, screaming I wanted to die
:cry: I was so mentally unstable because of them.

My doctor signed me off they refused me sick pay for the rest of my pregnancy and also refused me maternity pay!i blame the for my PND :cry:anxiety, and post traumatic stress disorder that im now suffering with everyday! for the temper I have they are the cause I was never like this before ever! I a, a changed person very angry and snappy to those that care and I wish I wasn't!

The only reason I've gone back is because she's left but now I've found out she is pregnant and I know it's nasty but I really hope she's treated the way she treated me just o she knows what it feels like for one second!

I'm now signed off work again for another relapse which started last week. My antidepressants are back on and at a max dose! I'm recieving therapy once a week!

I'm so depressed some days are a blurr even getting out of bed is a struggle.....

Please don't be beaten by bully's like I let them do it to me.... I struggle with everyday life because of it and its taring my relationship apart and I can't care for my precious daughter at the moment because of it all:cry::cry::cry:

Highhopes, I'm so sorry to hear that you had such a horrible experience :( It makes me so angry to read about cruel people who do things like this :hugs:
:hugs:highhopes im so sorry to hear what you have been though.:hugs:

i was also bullied quite badly at work it lasted almost 6 years and getting made redundant was the best day of my life.

The girl used to keep a diary about me on her desk i would cover her job for one hour a day (her lunch) she would come back late so i couldnt have a lunch sometimes, if i was in the canteen having my lunch she would come in screaming and shouting i had done something wrong & call me a idiot god i hated it.

I tried to report her but i was told to just ignore her.
Highhopes I'm can't believe they treated you like that - that's dreadful :cry: I hope you can get your confidence back and begin to feel like yourself again xxx
Star angel similar things have happened with me - logs of things have been kept, I was told to do certain tasks one way but then told this is wrong and they should be done another way
Star angel similar things have happened with me - logs of things have been kept, I was told to do certain tasks one way but then told this is wrong and they should be done another way


same girl who i worked with would go mental with me if i used a orange highlighter when she had been using a pink highlighter she was so crazy but i was petrified of her i barely spoke at work.

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