Bump Buddy Due May/june 2013

We are only supposed to have 2 one at around 12 weeks and one at 20 weeks but im high risk so they allow me to have more... Last time i had one at about 35 weeks as well only because they wernt sure which way baby was facing they thought he was up when he was really facing down (well sorta) he was transverse when i went to the actually giving birth part which was horrible
Yeah we get a 12 and 20 too. I had more with DH because he was breach and also with my other issues there was worries about his placenta too.

I am off to see my GP next Wednesday and then they should pass me onto the midwife.
that is so exciting for you :) i bet you are very excited to finally have things on the go so you will be seeing your midwife and all of that! :) We have midwifes here but ive chosen to not go that way and just go to the doctor at the hospital :)

are you going to be have a scan to find out the sex of the baby?
We have to see your local midwife for check-ups here regardless of if you are midwife led or consultant led care. I want midwife led but because of my last pregnancy I might have to get consultant led. Either way I know I have to see a consultant because I had a c-section before. I can opt in to have another but I want to have a VBAC if I have a low risk pregnancy. But I will be glad to get things rolling. I am looking forward to getting some information about trying for a VBAC though.

We can find out the gender at the 20 week scan if we ask. Some hospitals have a policy not to tell people (in case of selective termination based on gender in areas where particular cultures do that) but my hospital will tell people. My husband is going to find out but I am actually planning on not finding out this time. But I may end up changing my mind because it is hard to stick to it.

Are you finding out?
Oh that is cool. The midwives here i think are basically used if the person is opting for a home birth which is something id love to do but i think we'd be more comfortable having a birth at the hosptial anyway because of the complications i had during birth with DS. He was transverse so his head was sideways, and they tried to get me to push naterally but it was hard for me to do so and after 3 hours of pushing they had dicided to do the vacuum extraction with him to move his head, which ripped part of his skull which was heart breaking :( I hope you will be able to have your VBAC delivery :)

We usually have to go to a differant clinic to find out the gender but they do it at 20 weeks and its a differant scan all together than the normal Scan you get at 20 weeks, we arent going to find out the gender we didnt find out last time either its hard to wait but it is totally worth it in the long run :) thats totally disqusting some one deciding to terminate the pregnancy because it isnt there gender preferance.. i would never do something like that.. thats horrible :(
Our healthcare is free so I guess midwives are cheaper for the day to day stuff. I would love fully midwife led care but I know at best I will have involvement from consultants too.

I am surprised they kept you going so long. Did they not know in advance? The midwives here check position at each appointment and for breach or transverse position they try to move them before going into labour. I had other issues so moving DS who was breach was not an option for me though. Aww, I am so sorry to hear that, it must have being a horrible thing to go through.

It is a horrible thing. Basically in the UK in the cities with a high population of cultures that strongly favour boys they do not tell you the gender. I can not quite understand the reasoning though because gender scans privately are cheap and if someone was going to do that they would be willing to pay for one. I have an option of 3 hospitals close enough to go to and the one I will go to which is the closest to me will tell you the gender but the second closest will not and from what I have read the other one says it will not tell you but sometimes they will if you are not in an ethnic minority.

I want to stick on team yellow this time and try it both ways around but that fact that DH will know will mean I can change my mind after the scan and I wonder if I will end up asking him. :shrug:
i have a friend that is a midwife, but i think it would be a little strange having some one i know to be there with the baby and all that fun stuff lol.. that is cool that you can do both im not sure if you can here or not..

I had a trainee nurse doing it and i was only the 3rd delievery she had ever done and had never had seen a transverse before of doing this which kind of sucks, in complicated delieveries it would really help if you had some one there knowing what they are doing, it would of saved a lot of effort and a lot of pushing i was so tired by time they decided i was not able to do it with out a little assistance i asked for a csection even but they didnt believe me that it was as bad as i said tell the trainee talked to the professional doctor and he told her what she had to do.. er it was so frusterating! That really sucks that yours was breach that would be so hard to deal with :(

thats weird, ive herd that in places in china where the male is favored over the female that they do that.. but i never really believed that will actually let you do that, makes me sad. Your lucky you have a few places you are able to choose from in regards to ultra-sounds and hospitals and what not.. we live in a small town where the is only one clinic the hospital we go to is aprox 45 mins away but there is 2 ultra-sound clinics one is in the hospital and the other one isnt.. where we are getting our ultra-sound isnt at the hospital.

i think for me if DH knew the sex of the baby and i didnt i would find it so hard to not ask to see what it is.. i think id probably want to know if DH new lol i am not good and not knowing stuff haha
I think a lot of the difference comes down to the fact you have to pay for it all there and here we have free healthcare so a lot of the smaller jobs that doctors have over there get passed on to nurses and midwives here to save money. Although here people would get pretty upset about the extra effort of going into hospital for every appointment rather than their local doctors office if they had a low-risk pregnancy.

Wow, you must ever felt pretty scared with a trainee doing it.

The breach part was not so bad really. Because I had a high risk pregnancy and pre-eclampsia and stuff the breach part did not really mean much.

It happens in Muslim cultures too and a few cities in the UK has a lot of Muslims and it it those cities that tent not to say at the scan. I do feel quite sorry for the Muslims who innocently just want to know and get judged though.

In the UK there is actually a legal right for a woman to have the type of birth that she wants. Obviously if there are major issues that might change but all women have the right to demand a home birth, midwife led or consultant led. So we can pick any hospital in the UK but we tend to be given the option of our closest and since the UK is small and overpopulated that normally means there are 2-4 cities within a reasonable distance. People in the UK complain about the NHS a lot and there are a lot of issues and lack of funding but I personally think we are quite lucky to get free healthcare. I have no idea how you all cope with the costs over there.

It is a tough one. He really wants to know and I do not think it would be fair to stop him. It is pretty much the only part he is involved in that helps him bond. But it will come down to me being strong and not asking. I am not sure he would actually tell me if I asked anyway. :haha:
In Canada actually our health care is free and all of that stuff there is free, like ultra-sounds doctor visits/ midwife visits are all free.. but there just arent a lot of midwives here around where i live im sure if we lived in a bigger city perhaps things might be differant but in the surrounding area here which is aprox 4-6 hours there is only roughly 3-4 midwives, and if everyone wanted a midwife i dont think it would work very well lol.. we live in a area where there is only one city around where we are which covers most of our major medical care, there isnt even a hospital that delievers babies that close to some of the towns around here.. we are lucky as we only like 45 mins away from the city which we give birth in, the other towns arent so lucky there is one out there that they live about 2 hours from the city to give birth in.. its just nuts i think it should be set up a bit better than that lol.

it really was horrible having a trainee, i mean it wouldnt of been so bad if i didnt have complications and all of that fun stuff, but of course when ever you need a professional you wont have one lol. its just sucks especially since he was my first and everything and i didnt know what i was doing at all. lol was like a rookie leading a rookie haha

Ah i know what you mean about pre-eclampsia thats why i ended up having to be induced on my due date was because of my blood pressure and they said if they had left it any longer i could of developed pre-eclampsia, another reason why they are watching me over a little bit more this time ;)

i know what you mean some people just want to know because they want to know and its horrible to think that there are people that live in a culture where they cant just know for the sake of knowing, it must get really frusterating one would think!

That is interesting and cool that you guys are able to pick how you want to have your birth and all of that.. ive had a few friends that have had home births and ect and enjoyed it so much more than going for a stay in the hospital they said it was more comfortable but to me i think id honestly feel more comfortable doing it in the hosptial where i know that there are a ton of people there to help me :)

hehe, yeah i dont think my DH would tell me either if i was set on not knowing and he new, i dont know i dont think id have enough will power to not ask the sex at the next prenatial appointment or what ever haha im so weak lol
That is good. I have no idea how people cope in America.

It is crazy. Here if someone is training they have to be supervised. I can not imagine how scary that must feel.

Mine was threatening from the second trimester but thankfully I did not fully get it until near the end. My mum got it in her first pregnancy as well but not in her other two. I am hoping I do not get it again.

It is crazy to think that anyone could care that much about the gender of a baby. It is so sad.

I wanted a home birth last time but obviously that was ruled out quite quickly. However I would not have one now. I think they are the best option for low risk pregnancies but with any risks they are not the best option. Even if everything goes great this time I still have the small risk or my c-section scar rupturing.

If everything is normal then there is no scan after the 20 week one and they do not write it on your notes. I do not think that DH would would tell me.
i know what you mean about america i wouldnt be able to handle that i herd some people saying before there medical care for this was like $50, 000 .. yikes im glad we live in a place with free medical care.. Plus we also have DH's extended medical plan as all.. which pays for our private room at the hospital hehe some rooms there are 4 people to a room, we like our privacy plus in a private room DH can stay if he chooses too :)

Thats good that they have to be watched i really wish it was like that here, it would make more sence.

at least they caught it soon enough so that you didnt go threw labor and delievery and have something tragic happen that would be awful.. fingers crossed for you it stays away this time!

it is very sad that people would care that much.

yikes that would be pretty scarey to have that happen if you had a home birth. but at least you know where you feel safer delievering your baby.. id really like a water birth i think its an option at our hospital which is something i may talk about with my doctor when the time comes, ive herd that the water birth be more relaxing but im not to sure on that one lol

ah that makes sence :) im not sure how they do it here if they wright it in the notes or not..

Are you guys planning on having any more kids after this one?
There are 4 in a room here too but people who have privet healthcare get a single room but the privet healthcare is really expensive and they often do not cover pregnancy related things anyway. However if there is a single room available you can pay extra to stay in it. I hope that I do not have to have an overnight stay for recovery this time but if I do we will pay for one. I had a few hospital stays while pregnant and would not pay for the single room for that, it would add up too quick, but if I have to stay after the birth it would be worth it. I stayed for two nights last time and it was awful. I was the only one breastfeeding so my son did not sleep as well while we was establishing it and I heard all the other women in the room gossiping about me. I know that does not sound bad but I had only had about an hour or twos broken up sleep over that two nights and I was struggling to feed DS so I found it really upsetting at the time.

They can not do anything until they are fully trained and I think in some cases they have to ask the women if it is okay that there is a trainee even there.

They do urine tests to check for protein in all women at every midwife appoint meant here anyway but I had extra checks for that and a lot of extra blood tests because I had severe pregnancy induced hypertension.

I love the sound of a water birth too. They do not allow it in most hospitals for VBAC's though because of the risk of the scar rupturing. but I do think they seem great.

This is our last one. Do you plan on having any more?
i really hope that we wont have to stay over night as well with this one i here that will the second the stay really isnt that long.. with my son we were in the hospital for a week including labor time.. he had jaundice after so was put under the lights for 2 days which was awful and i hated it, and he wasnt latching properly at first either so they made us stay just so they could keep an eye on us and make sure that he latched properly.. but i was in labour for 26.5 hours which was burtal so we were in the hospital for a day and a half before my son was even born.

They had to ask us if it was okay to have the trainee too which of course i said it was fine but thats when i thought i was going to be fine and have no complications.

They do those checks here too.. i had my first prenatial today and she reminded me that every prenatial visit im going to have im going to need to do a urine sample and i said yup i know haha it sucks but its for the best :)

it makes sence that they wouldnt alow it there is just too much that could go wrong :(

If its a girl it will be our last but i said if we get another boy i will try for another one, but that will be our last..
HI hope you dnt mind me joining :) Im due around May 24th aswell, iv got 2 girls, not bothered if this baby is girl or boy though just want a heathly baba :) My oh would love a boy though. I would love a bump buddy :) x
Hi, sianii. Of course you can join us!

Wow that is a long stay. I was in 2 nights which is good because normally after a C-sections they make you stay at least 3 nights.

I have started getting headaches which turn into migraines now. My list of symptoms is getting massive. I can not believe how many I have so soon.
:hi: sianii.. of course you can join us :D the more the merrier :D

i spent all of yesterday morning violently sick yup not fun lol thats why i wasnt on as when i was done i spent most of the day sleeping as im going back to do now im still not feeling very great and feel like im going to throw up.. really seriously hope this doesnt last long i hate throwing up :(
I was a little sick about a week ago but have only really had nausea and a gagging feeling since. I am able to eat meals again, not huge meals though. The headaches, heartburn, leg cramps (did not expect them until the third trimester again) and utter exhaustion is getting worse though.
im feeling better today i havent thrown up since that day but i get the feeling like i want to or am going to but nothing happens of it which is good, first tri cant be done fast enough lol i really am getting impatient to finally start to feel better :) i have crazy exhaustion too..
I'm expecting #1 in June, I haven't seen my gynecologist yet but I'm planning on calling her tomorrow morning. Congrats to all of you ladies on your bfp!

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