Bump buddy!!

I am due July 14th unless the Dr. says different at my first visit..... Lets be buddies!
I am 5w5d today and I just noticed my boobs are sore when I push then from the side....I never had any symptoms with myother 2! How are your boobs?
exactly the same, sore when i push from the sides (or when i sleep on my front). this happened to me with my first too though, i think its one of the most common symptoms. Im also really tired but other than that no symptoms :). you really had no symptoms with your other two? Luck you! :D
When I say no symptoms, I really mean it. Never got sick or anything and when I delivered, I had to stop pushing till my Dr. actually was there, I think I pushed for less than 10 minutes each time... Oh I hope for the same this time!
i hope you get that too! i didnt have all that many symptoms either, although labour with my first was a nightmare!

I just noticed youre living in Chicago! im planning on moving there after this baby is born :D
The windy city! I am in the suburbs outside of Chicago, the city itself is to busy, trafficie and congested for me, especially downtown! Where are you from now? How old are you? How old are your kids? what do you do? haha fun!
My name is Anastasia, Im 30, I have a 2 year old girl, Sofia and I was born in Boston but grew up in Greece, I studied in the UK where i met my ex and we had Sofia, but he turned out to be abusive so I came back to Greece, I met an amazing guy and we were planning to go to the states together (he's from Michigan) and then i got pregnant (which we wanted to do eventually anyway)! How complicated it that! haha :D
how about you?
My name is Dawn and I am 31 years old. I have always lived here. I was married to my x when I had my son who is 7 and my daughter who is going to be 6. I am remarried now and my husband has a 7 year old daughter so we wanted one together. So next year we will have 4 kids and 2 dogs.... We really hope for a boy so we can have 2 of each.... We did the deed the night of ovulation and the morning after so hopefully my odds will be in my favor.
My name is Dawn and I am 31 years old. I have always lived here. I was married to my x when I had my son who is 7 and my daughter who is going to be 6. I am remarried now and my husband has a 7 year old daughter so we wanted one together. So next year we will have 4 kids and 2 dogs.... We really hope for a boy so we can have 2 of each.... We did the deed the night of ovulation and the morning after so hopefully my odds will be in my favor.

Good luck! I hope you get a boy :flower:
Hi I'll be bump buddies lol Im 11weeks. ps i didn't have any obvious symptoms till i was 7weeks
I was just wondering the same thing whats the job of a buddy and can i have one :) xxx
I would love to be bump buddies, if you'll have me. We're due July 8th. This is our first and we were trying for so long (over a year) that we're both still shocked, excited but nervous.

BTW: I'm originally from Chicago burbs (north side), lived in the city for 5 years. Loved it, miss it. Family still all back there. Living near Seattle now. Just chiming in...Hello everyone!
congrats on your pregnancy ttc11 :D ill add you soon! Whats your name? how old are you? im really nervous about moving to chicago! (well, im nervous about moving from greece all the way to the states actually !)
congrats on your pregnancy ttc11 :D ill add you soon! Whats your name? how old are you? im really nervous about moving to chicago! (well, im nervous about moving from greece all the way to the states actually !)

Thank you! I'm Erica, 37 and DH is 34. I don't blame you for being nervous about moving to the states. But chicago is a great city. Are you going to move within the city limits or around the city? It's a very friendly city, I miss the neighborhood feel. But I don't miss the snow and cold in the winter/spring. Good luck with that. :thumbup:

We're in a weird situation also. We moved to Washington in spring and besides DH family, we don't know anyone here. Working from home, freelance. Not by choice. It's not easy out there with finding secure jobs. But now it's not just about us, little one hopefully on their way, so we need to step it up fast. Even though I can't imagine going on interviews right now, with this nauseous and constant tiredness. Plus who is going to want to hire a pregnant woman who is going to be off for 2 mths. :dohh: So we're kind of in a rut out here, need full-time job, and would of liked to have a house before baby (but life isn't always perfect). ah well. tmi? :wacko:

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