How is Eric? You haven't talked much about him is great isn't it! Think I'm driving my husband nuts telling him about every one! Eric likes to sit on meand feel them too...mad cat! xx
Ouch! Don't like those much, but thse are fun.Until you get a little foot under the ribcage... ouch
Eric has been up to his old tricks today oddly enough...he's started going out like a big cat and we were woken by crows. My husband went out to find Eric up a tree taunting these massive crows many times his size! He had to be focefully removed from the tree like a small furry eco warrior. He's now running in circles round my laundry basket...the cat is not getting any less mad he's just having longer episodes between escapades! xxx
Im still just getting little flutters, but he is quiet as a mouse ALL day then as soon as I shower and get in bed he's a little acrobat!