Um I don't agree that there aren't backlashes when other religions are offended, there have been cases in just the past few years of a Sikh playwright getting death threats from fellow Sikhs, riots in India by Hindus leading to many deaths (in Gujurat a few years ago it was mainly Muslim victims) and there are nutjob purportedly Christian groups in several African countries who kill innocent people for spurious reasons. However it is only when it comes to Muslims that these things are widely reported, even though the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful law abiding people. The vast majority of news stories in this country regarding Muslims being offended regarding x, y or z are in the best cases, grossly exaggerated and at worst completely made up. Many Jewish leaders are deeply alarmed at the headlines about Muslims these days, because they are often very similar to news headlines in the 30s about Jewish people. I'm really quite disappointed that some ladies here take media hysteria at face value when it comes to Islam and Muslims.
As a Muslim, while I am offended by what Terry Jones is doing, it's between him and God at the end of the day, and the vast majority of Muslims feel the same. In Islam killing of innocents is completely not allowed and even proper wars have very strict rules and guidelines which even include not damaging crops and trees as this would destroy the livelihoods of the enemy after the war. We have to remember most Muslim countries are developing countries, even so most people there are extremely hospitable, friendly and peaceful people. Most people in Afghanistan can read the text of The Quran and other scripture but don't understand a word. I also suspect strongly that the governments in these places whip up anti western sentiment as it detracts from the massive corruption going on. There is a similar thing happening in some European countries against Muslims, making out that how some Muslim women choose to dress is the biggest problem facing society. It's called divide and rule and it's a well known political strategy.