C-Section vs. VBAC


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2013
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To those who have had a C-section already, what are you planning on doing with this pregnancy?

I had a planned C-section with my daughter 3 years ago (due to her being breech), and even though the recovery was difficult, I am still unsure what to do now that I am given the choice. Is the recovery from a second section more difficult? Given that I will have a toddler and a newborn that I will be unable to lift, I am a bit worried about this. The planner in me would like another section, I have had a very difficult pregnancy and knowing that I could have it over at 38 weeks excites me, but I also know that's no reason to have a major surgery again if it's not necessary.

Not looking for judgements here, just general feedback from people who have had a section and what they are doing with their second, or from people with multiple sections and how their experience was.

Thanks!!! :thumbup:
I want to follow. My first was a complicated vaginal delivery. My second was cs due to being breech. I'm not sure what to do with this one as I found my cs way easier in terms of recovery than my first birth.
I accidentally clicked this link and saw your post. I had to make the same decision that you are several months back. (My baby is 6 weeks old). My first child was an emergency csection. I was told I should have a section again bc I have a small pelvis. I opted to try for a vbac. I knew I didn't want another surgery and I have a 2.5 year old son that is very rough and rambunctious.

My reasons for going for vbac were:
-Quicker recovery
-Toddler at home
-Afraid of another surgery (first one didn't go well)
-I want more kids and know that risk of uterine rupture increaseso with each csection.
-personally I wanted to have child the way our body intended

That beging said i had a successful vbac with very little complications. I did tear down there. I went into labor at 37 weeks and pushed for 40 minutes and she was here. And I don't regret it at all. I also got to hold my baby right away.
Thank you for your reply Bella. My reasons for having a Vbac are the same as yours except for the fact that my first surgery went extremely smoothly, and this will be my last baby.

My biggest worry is that I will go to 42 weeks and then end up with a CS anyway, because they won't induce me if I go over. So I guess I feel that if I'm going to have one, I'd rather it be planned. I'm probably over-analyzing though, the baby will come when she is ready :) I wish the doctor would just make the decision for me!!!!
You have to do what feels right for you.

If having a section is your fear maybe this article will make you feel better.
I was looking for a positive to being uncomfortable. I wish you luck. Did you discuss pros and cons with doctor?
I had an emergency c-section with my first baby after a complicated labour following induction at 42 weeks.

I want a c-section this time; my reasons being that I don't want the same to happen again (going way overdue, long traumatic labour which ends in an emergency cs anyway), I had a really easy recovery last time, and also it should be easier to plan child care if I know when the c-section is booked for.

Everyone is different though, and if I had a different reason or c-section experience last time I might be going for a VBAC.
I had an EMCS with my son he was preemie and I had a traumatic birth and recovery, but there was an emotional aspect to it as well.

I opted for a VBAC with my second. With my first it took me days to get up and about, partly due to the pre-eclampsia, party due to the emotional aspect of having a baby in the NICU unexpectedly. Although I had no physical additional complications, like stitches pulling or infection, healing was textbook.

With my second, I was walking within 1.5 hours of the birth (I had an epidural). Slept fine, was up and about the next morning walking around the room caring for my newborn. I opted to stay a second night after the birth only because the 24 hr tests would have to be done late at night anyway, so I just stayed another night.

Night and day difference. I would opt for a VBAC, given the chance.
I have the same question. 3years since last baby who was breech so had section. Waiting to see what happens re. Section or vbac. Either way scares me enough.
I was looking for a positive to being uncomfortable. I wish you luck. Did you discuss pros and cons with doctor?

Yes I did, she is basically saying it's my decision and not pushing either direction.
From a little different persepective..

I had an emcs with dd1, it was extremely traumatic and I was under general, completely missed her birth, didn't see her until she was several hours old. Recovery rough although not terrible.
With #2 I was ADAMANT I wanted a vbac and thought I was with a supportive Dr but in the end I felt unsupported and like I was putting my baby at risk. So I had an elective c-section. Everyone told me it would be so much better than my emcs because it was planned ect... well it was even worse and even more traumatic . .. I started vomiting on the table and continued for 12+ hours despite iv meds to make me stop, they finally gave me phenergan which worked but knocked me out! So for 12 hours I couldn't stay awake I would be mid sentence and just fall asleep (I mean the awesome head falls back mouth wide open drooling kind).. and my recovery was HELL.. they cut into a nerve and it was the most excruciating pain ever made me almost pass out several times! I had to have injections into my stomach to try to numb the pain but it didn't work. There was so much more that was terrible..
I said I was done having kids because I just could not go through that again. It was awful. Well i fell pregnant while on bcp and now I'm with a new Dr and she has the highest vbac rates in our city and one of the highest in the countries.. she is encouraging me to try vba2c and I'm going for it. I regret so badly not trying for vbac!

I would suggest you look at all sides of it and make a decision best for you , but I will say that i feel like everyone throws c-section around like it's just no big deal but it is major abdominal surgery and is a huge deal! Consider whether or not you want more children and the other pros cons. In my opinion it's always best to try vbac if you are okayed to by your dr!
Pink Passion makes another important point. The hospital and midwife/doctor has to be supportive. I selected a practice that was well known for having successful VBACs. Their stats supported that they were vbac friendly. My midwife supported this decision until the end and helped keep me calm.

I also hired a doula to support and advocate for me.

I also feel that the chiropractor helped me have a smooth vbac. My spine was in perfect alignment to allow baby to slide out.

Pink- good luck with your vbac2. My ecs was so traumatic that I had a lot of anxiety this time around. If you feel anxious feel free to chat with me. I think my husband was tired of dealing with my hormones and anxiety. Lol.
Bella I definitely could use people who've had successful vbac to talk to, I feel like sometimes the threads are cold and dead lol no responses and no support! Follow my journal if you'd like, I've been talking a lot about it!
I'm still on the fence with this one.. probably won't make a final decision till a bit nearer the time but my midwife is really supportive with which path I choose luckily.
I just want the baby out safely. I see these ladies on TV give birth and they make it look so easy. I may do antenatal classes this time which may help. I went in a bit unprepared with DD and came out traumatised. :/
I have to make this choice too but I'm probably going to go with the repeat c-section...

With DS I had an emcs after 32 hellish hours of labor. I was terrified and in crazy, unimaginable amounts of pain. I remember feeling like my uterus was going to explode from all the pressure. I don't really remember this, but DH says I was screaming and sobbing and begging people to help me. Towards the end my blood pressure absolutely skyrocketed (I never knew it was possible to have bp that high and NOT be in the midst of a heart attack) and then they broke my water finally and there was meconium in it. They were concerned DS was becoming distressed which terrified me because we have a history of stillbirths in my extended family.

By contrast the actual c-section was a breeze. The doctor on call happened to be the one who is said to be the best at c-sections, and I had no pain at all and was up walking around right away. This doctor said he'd be happy to do my next c-section as well if I go that route, though he says I should be fine to have a vbac too.

I'm with the same midwives for this pregnancy and I'm worried they're going to try and pressure me into having a vbac. At my postpartum appointments with DS one of them was already cheerleading it and telling me I'd be a perfect candidate...But I really don't want one!! DH is also really against the idea - he's still traumatized by how my labor went too...
Hmm, sara... My DS was a vaginal delivery but due to a pelvic injury I may or may not need a c-section and there is just no way to know until that time comes. Like you, it was a big decision for me and I worried that if I needed a c-section it would better to have a planned one vs an unplanned/emergency one. My Dr said it was up to me and when I told him my concern his words to me were that there was really no difference to him between a planned one or an emergency one. He does the same thing either way. He said if I need one I need one and if I don't I don't. It helped me a lot to better understand his perspective on it. His response really calmed a lot of my fears as a lot of them were due to an emergency c-section just sounding scarier than a planned one. I've decided to try vaginal birth again and I hope it works out but if it doesn't I feel confident that my Dr will safety deliver my daughter either way.
I'm hoping to have this conversation with my ob about this soon. Ds was a scheduled c due to his measuring big and concerns about my hip that I had replaced several years ago. I went through years of pain to correct the hip and don't want any issues. My hip surgeon does not work out of the hospital where I'll deliver and I don't like the orthos there. If I go for the vbac, I have to basically agree to no epidural because I have to have full awareness of my hip, it's placement, and my pain levels. I'm strongly leaning towards the second c but also worry that I'll keep wondering "what if" and never know if I could have done it.
My body clearly isn't meant to birth babies vaginally, as evidenced by my failed natural hypnobirth...27 miserable hours in the hospital after 2 days at home. I'm having a planned c section at 39 weeks exactly this time. I'm not going through all of that again just to end up with another section.
To those who have had a C-section already, what are you planning on doing with this pregnancy?

I had a planned C-section with my daughter 3 years ago (due to her being breech), and even though the recovery was difficult, I am still unsure what to do now that I am given the choice. Is the recovery from a second section more difficult? Given that I will have a toddler and a newborn that I will be unable to lift, I am a bit worried about this. The planner in me would like another section, I have had a very difficult pregnancy and knowing that I could have it over at 38 weeks excites me, but I also know that's no reason to have a major surgery again if it's not necessary.

Not looking for judgements here, just general feedback from people who have had a section and what they are doing with their second, or from people with multiple sections and how their experience was.

Thanks!!! :thumbup:

Hey looks like they moved you a couple days one of my coworkers said that after her first C-section she preferred to have them for her subsequent pregnancies because it was easier to have everything planned and such hOpe this helps
You could compromise and have a natural c-section? I wouldn't beat yourself up about having one 'the way nature intended' - having a safe birth is more important than a natural one, and caesars have been going on for thousands of years (they were named after Julius Caesar, after all!).

I'm on #4 and will have to have a caesar as my first was an emcs (almost lost him) and subsequent two were electives (didn't want to take the risk). I'm obviously nervous about having another caesar but it has been 6 years since my last so I'm hoping it'll be ok.... and I'm probably going to ask if they can accommodate my wish for a natural one....or, at least, vaginal swabbing post-delivery so baby's microbiota benefits from my v-bacteria.

Also, we're 10'000 miles away from my family and my husband works 1.5-2 hours away 3 days a week, so if I went into labour I'd probably be on my own and have nobody to look after the kids at short notice, whereas with a caesar I can plan for them to go to friends' houses and hubby knows what day(s) to take off work for the operation.

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