can anyone help me out?


Me, My Hubby & My Lil Boy
Sep 30, 2009
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hey everyone.
i wasnt sure where to put this post so im sorry if its in the wrong part.

(this is a long post so i understand if you cant be bothered to read it).

anyway, AF was due around 23rd - 25th december 2010, but i still havent started. i havent had any signs of it starting either.

i should probably give you a background for this though....
i had a baby boy on 30th july 2010. i was induced 4 weeks early to have him because i was diagnosed with Pre-Eclampsia. (that was traumatic). i nearly died, my son was healthy but i was very ill. i was in hospital from 29th july til 2nd august 2010. i ended up being taken back into hospital on 4th august and was then diagnosed with Severe Post Partum Pre-Eclampsia. my Platelets were dangerously low too. the doctors put me on medication (Nefedipine) and i had another blood test. my Platelets (& Urine, etc) went back to normal and my blood pressure was stable. so on 6th august 2010 i was discharged from hospital. i had check ups with my doctor every 2 weeks.
i stopped taking my medication in october 2010 because i didnt have time to get to the doctors for more tablets. ive been busy with family, my son, my husband, house, etc. so end of november 2010 i went to see the doctor and he put me back on my medication (my blood pressure was still high without them). i took them for a couple days but noticed some side-affects, so i rang the doctors but they couldnt fit me in so i read up that Grapefruit is a natural way to lower blood pressure. so since beginning of december i have been eating/drinking grapefruit instead of taking my medication. the side-affects have stopped and i feel good. i just need to get my blood pressure checked to see if its working.

well about periods...... i had my first one around 23rd october 2010 (3 months after birth). my cycle used to be every 30 days before i got pregnant with my son. so i guessed that my next period would be around 23rd november 2010, and it happened.

23rd december 2010 came, my period didnt show. no cramps, no blood, etc.
24th december came and went, but nothing.
christmas day came and went, but still no period or cramps etc.
days went by and i still had no period or any signs of it starting. so i took a test on 27th but it came back negative (cheap test though).
3 days later i took another test (cost abit more this time but still a shop brand), but negative again. was also not the first urine of the day either.
so i waited and took a test today (first urine of the day) but negative again (was another shop own brand).
ive got in to the doctors for 7pm today so i suppose i wont know what they suggest til then.

i know it can take a few months for your periods to get back to normal, so i gave myself a couple extra days for this period. but its been 12 days since i worked out my period was due.

3 days ago i had a very light brown spot of discharge when i wiped. i had it for just 2 days, once the first day and about 3 times the next day. ive had nothing since. ive had no period cramps, no flow, no dark blood or red etc.
since ovulation ive had light aches on bottom left side of abdomen (doesnt feel like period aches though, i usually suffer badly with those, but these didnt hurt much). the aches last for about 2-5 minutes and then i have nothing for hours. i only get them about 4 times a day and its about 3 times a week since ovulation.
my breasts feel tender and sensitive since ovulation too.
ive felt light headed/dizzy for about a week.
i feel so sick since xmas too.
but the main thing that confuses me is that ive had acid reflux for about a week too, with the sickness. i havent had that since i was pregnant with my son, and i had it bad.
and for about 3 days now ive been gassy. i got that during the early stages of pregnancy with my son too. it basically feels like my belly is bubbling sometimes and i get windy. :blush: lol.
i just keep getting negative results on tests.

with my son i was due my period on 19th november 2009 but it didnt show, i had negative tests, symptoms etc. so on 14th december my doctor sent me for a blood test. on 23rd december 2009 it was confirmed through the blood test that i was pregnant. i was only about 4-5 weeks pregnant when they did the blood test.
so im wondering if i need a blood pregnancy test this time, or if im actually not pregnant and theres a problem with me.

if i am pregnant then i think i'd only be around 3-4 weeks at the most. but i dont know.
last year when i found out i was pregnant i worked it out that i conceived around 16th november (just 3 days before my period was due)......i worked it from my due date.
so i know its possible to catch just a few days before my period was due this time.
i just want an answer to why i havent started my period. i either want a positive test or start my period. its the not knowing that is messing my head up.

:blush: such a long post.

so now i'll get to the question.
has anyone got a young baby and found out they are pregnant again? if so how long til you found out? how did you feel before finding out? did you find out through normal shop brand pregnancy tests? or buy expensive ones? or wait to see a doctor?
can anyone give me abit of advice? should i wait about a week or so to do another test?
should i ask the doctor today for a blood pregnancy test?

im so confused about this. it all seems exactly like when i got pregnant with my son, but im trying to not over-think it. i dont want to think im pregnant and then find out im definitely not.
oh i should add ....
me and my husband have been unsafe around ovulation. i guess we are sort of trying. im on folic acid too, since november 2010. but deep down i cant bring myself to say we are officially trying for another baby.
anyway, we had sex around ovulation so its likely it could have worked.

didnt go to the doctors yesterday. i ended up cancelling because about 3 hours before my appointment i went to the toilet and when i wiped i had light pink blood. not much (about the size of a pound coin) but i thought that was a show for my period.

but when i went to the toilet again, i wiped away a very small amount of light brown "blood". but each time after that there was nothing.

when i went to the toilet this morning it was again a tiny amount of very light brown "blood". nothing in my underwear, nothing the second time i wiped, etc.

each time i check inside with a little tissue and theres hardly anything in there. (TMI). and i mean, its hard to even see.

so im unsure whether my period is starting still.

can anyone answer any of my questions, etc? i'd really appreciate some advice.
Hi Hun
I'm not sure really what advise to give except that sometimes periods are late and there isn't a reason for it, it can just be a one off.
I have occasionally had a random really late one.
Sometimes also you can have several days of on and off spotting before the actual proper flow starts so this could just be a random funny period messing with you.
Probably all you can do is wait and see if the bleeding picks up and if it doesnt after say another week re-test as a test should show for sure by then.
Good luck :)
thank you for replying. i have told myself that if i dont start for another 2 weeks then i will test again. i didnt pick up on HPT with my son til i was 4-5 weeks gone so if i am pregnant then it should show up in 2 weeks.
my periods have never been "normal" but after having my son they went really crazy, had to go on medication to help, as i hemorgarraged twice and was told id possibly need a hysterectomy.

Anyway ... One of my first signs of pregnancy seems to be bleeding, its very light and usually lots of increased CM TMI so i guess its possible you could be. I didnt think i could get pregnant, but after having some blood and Wisdom tooth pain (both had last time) i thought, maybe im pregnant, and i was.

let us know if you continue to bleed. Good luck xxx
well i havent had anymore "blood". i have had abit of clear discharge again. not had it since yesterday but noticed i had some a couple hours ago. i will keep a check to see if i bleed any more.
If you're ttc, I hope all goes well! I had a negative 5 days after my missed period. I tested 7 days later (making it 12 days later) and voila, positive.

Is it possible that maybe your body is adjusting still? I know everyone is different, but my mother use to have normal periods until she had us (me & siblings). She said after having kids, her cycles changed.
yeh i thought that maybe it was because of having my son so i spoke to my mum and my sister about it (because they have children) and they both have told me that because ive had normal periods since having my son then its strange for it to be weird this time.

so i gave myself an extra 4 (ish) days for it to start. i think if i was just a week late then i wouldnt be as bothered but its 2 weeks 1 day late now. so i dont know what to think really.

erm, update though...... lastnight after having a shower i noticed a wet patch on my nightie, didnt know what it was because the light was off. but i looked down and noticed there was a dark colour on it, i stood up and saw that it was a dark red clot. not a big clot though, it was about the size of a Pea.
so i went to the toilet thinking i might have started my period. i looked into the toilet and there was no blood but i wiped myself and there was some light blood with a few dark red clots about the same size as on my night shirt.
i wiped again but there was nothing. (TMI alert), i got some tissue and wiped inside but there wasnt anything then either, just tiny very light smears, nothing highly noticable.

anyway, i thought straight away that my period was starting, i wasnt even upset. (which was shocking). i told my mum and my husband, and now theyre both confused too.
i put a pad (sanitary towel) on just incase i started during the night. i still had no cramps (i used to have bad cramps when af was coming and during the course too).
i went to the toilet this morning and there was nothing on the pad. i looked in the toilet and there was no blood there either. i wiped myself and there was nothing there again.

so all i keep thinking is, what was that blood clot lastnight..... :wacko: im still thinking af will show today, but ive still got no cramps, no "leaking" sensation, no more blood etc. but i am wearing another pad just incase.

god my body is messing with me. :nope: annoying part is that i still have those pregnancy symptoms, and my sickness is getting worse each day. grrrrr :growlmad:
grrrr each time ive been to the toilet today theres been no blood AGAIN. im getting really fed up with this now. im tempted to do a test tomorrow (FMU) but i have a big feeling it will come back negative even if i am actually pregnant.

my sister says i should have a blood pregnancy test done like last year when i got pregnant with my son, because everything thats happening to me now is the same as then. but i dont think the doctor will send me for one because im only 2 weeks late this time. i had to wait a month before he sent me for it before.

i dont know what to do. :wacko: i suppose i need to find some will power not to take the test tomorrow.
Hope you get some answers soon XXX
well i still havent had any more clots etc. had a light creamy discharge once yesterday but its been clear colour the other times. not had alot of it either.
i didnt do a test. was going to this morning (FMU) but decided not to. im getting the will power not to test for at least another week.
if i still dont start by next week and get a negative test then i'm going to get appointment at the doctors to see what he says and to see if he'll send me for a blood test.
its getting abit easier waiting though, because at the moment we're looking for a new home. need a bigger house because my son needs his own room and if i am pregnant then will need more space.

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