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Can anyone help??


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2014
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I've just posted this in Postnatal Support but I've got a funny feeling it won't get seen or replied to in a while so I hope you ladies don't mind if I post it in here!! I've just had my baby 10 days ago and am in a lot of pain...

I know I've just had a baby and all, but I'm really in a lot of pain that I hadn't expected! Even the midwife couldn't really explain it as she said it can't have anything to do with my episiotomies (had 2) or stitches as they're all healing really well. I've been getting sharp shooting pains up there.. like just on the inside of my vagina, not far up. REALLY sharp, they take my breath away! And I've been getting this dull, shooting pain at the top of my right leg, kinda into my bum cheek. It's sort of constant and mild, but then if I bend my leg or put any pressure on it (ie. stand on it) it gets much worse. I mentioned these pains to the midwife and she seemed stumped. She just said she'd come back on Tuesday (I was meant to be discharged today) and see how I was going on but in the meantime if it gets any worse to ring up and I'd have to go into triage. Now it seems to have got much worse. It just feels wrong.. Like I know what the pain from the stitches feels like, and it just feels different.

What could it be?? Has anyone else had this before? I really don't wanna uproot my bubs in the middle of the night to go to the hospital so just gonna stick it out 'til morning and probably ring up then, but any advice in the meantime would be greatly appreciated!!

None of this has been made any better by the fact that I now have very painful piles that are bleeding a lot every time I go to the toilet, even when I don't have a BM I'm dreading the next time I do need one!!

Also I've nearly ran out of painkillers so it's pretty much just paracetamol from now on for me! I'm breastfeeding so can't take anything else really :(
Friend of mine had something similar. Turned out to be that they sewed some of the inside of vagina onto the outside while repairing the tearing. Also sounds like some nerve pain too. Did you have an epidural?
Definitely go and get checked out. You could give them a phone to see if it sounds ok to wait til the morning though.
Poor you with the bm worry too. It is awful. Have they given you anything for the piles? I'm wondering if it's all connected.
10 days pp is a tough period - euphoria wears off a bit and reality sets in. Hope is bf going well. How is your wee one? Xx
Oh I hope you get answers on this. And start feeling better :( I hate to hear that someone is in pain. Sorry I cant help. All I can think of is tearing inside the vagina maybe?What pp said about stitching inner bits makes sense too. You should really call the doc.
i was gonna say wht pp said about maybe scratch/tear in vag from bubs coming out.stitches for me were more like bruise. Deffo call hun as sounds like your in agony between everything an it probs not helping with bf lil one (be making you frustrated, bubs will sence this) hope bf goin well an bubs too. Take care.
Hmm sounds like nerve or ligament pain - tbh I'd get it checked again... the only times I've had pains like that I had a split tendon in my ankle... something may have torn? But you shouldn't be in this much pain (I had an episiotomy and nothing like this - although it was painful) xx
I was going to say it sounds like a bit of nerve pain too.

I'd definitely go and get it checked out Hun.

Fx'd you feel better soon :hugs:
Thanks everyone :flower:

I rang up and got the midwife back round today. Well, It was a different one.. I told her about the pains and she basically says they could all be related to labour/delivery. I did have a pretty bad time come to think of it. Was 7 days overdue then went through 36 hours of labour and an hour of pushing before being taken to theatre for a forceps delivery. So I suppose I'm gonna be in some pain!

Thanks again!

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