Just to let you know, there will be a little bit (tmi) here and there I had my last normal af on 26th october. Beginning on 15th november i start being constipated for 5-6 days (not normal for me at all, never happened before). On 20th november i start having very mild cramps and they didn't stop yet. They are like the ones i have on the first day of af, just milder. On the 25th af was supposed to arrive, but it didn't. Today i started bleeding, but i'm still not sure that is af. It's more liquid tha usual, heavy flow when i go to the bathroom, but a little on the pad. I have mild pain and it's strange because usually i can not get out of bed on my first day. I usually have a headache on my first day, but not today. Last but not least, i'm feeling nauseous for a week now in the morning and at night and starting today i'm feeling dizzy, with a moment of very strong dizziness. Can i be pregnant or my hormones are messing with me or it's just not an usual af?