Can I come in... ?

Same question nkbapbt: do you think you could think of having any more? TEll me to sod off if im being too nosey!! x

Right now it doesn't look like I can due to complications from a rape when I was 16. (there is more in the preemie section about it if you are curious :hugs:) Should I be able to "fix" that issue, then I will for sure think about having another baby. Right now the doctor said this to me "in my profession and within my own personal belief I do not use the word miracle very often, if ever, but the fact you even have a child is a miracle!"

I would love to give Lakai an younger sibling be it naturally or through adoption. I think he is meant to have a younger brother or sister. :hugs:

And nothing is very too nosey for me, Im very open and honest about anything in my feel free to ask! :thumbup:

Yes it is very reasurring to know that your child's condition is treatable, i was lucky that i knew that Alex would have problems from approx 11wks of pregnancy. (high nuchal measurement is an indication of a HD)
Heart Defect was confirmed by 16wks, at first they were between 2 conditions but as time went on the scans showed it to be the less serious of the two. However we were told that Alex would be fine at delivery and wouldnt require surgery till he was a few months old. Guess we lived in a bubble thinking we would take our baby home then go for surgery.
Looking back i am so glad that Alex got his op sooner rather than later. I know first hand how Alex was before his op and how hard his heart had to work in order just to feed and breathe.

Did you know before Sam was born that he would have his conditions? I am sure you are with me when i say Alex is my hero, i think if i had to go through what he or Sam did i would curl up and just cry.

How long will they leave it on a wait and see basis? I guess its hard at the moment for the docs as young babies are not very mobile. Does Sam seem to manage with his leg/foot problems? I am presuming that he isnt in discomfort?

Alex's surgeon and consultant are very positive, we have been told that he will never be an olympic athlete but if you wikapedia it there is a champion snowboarder with the condition.

Time spent in hospital passes is a blur i am sure your week felt like ten. When its your child having an operation/ill its the only thing thats on your mind.
My 5weeks were spent in my own little world, all i could focus on was Alex and what would happen in that day.
Looking back i dont know how i got through it, here was me recovering from a c section miles from home and of course my daughter looking after Alex. An average day was 8am arrival at the ward and leaving at 11pm once he was settled for the night.

To look at Alex you wouldnt know that he had any problems, his only ill effects as such are his cold/clamy hands and feet, he can sometimes look very pale but he does have white blonde hair and very blue eyes. He also has a great big whacking scar running down his chest which is a constant reminder of what hes been through.

One of the nurses gave me some lovely advice, she told me to take lots of photos while Alex was in hospital then do him a photo album of dates etc etc. As time passes dates become unimportant but as Alex gets older she said it will be nice for him to look back at even more so as he will require more surgery. It might make it seem less scary.

Having more kids ermmmm its a hard one, Alex needs at least 2 more surgerys they say at approx age 5 to 10 years then late teens to early twenties. It depends on how he out grows the donated vessel. I think it would be very hard/not fair to leave any more children to be with Alex for surgery as there is only one hospital in Scotland that does heart surgery and its 160mile round trip from home lol.
Thing is who knows perhaps in 6 months i may change my mind still a bit real and raw at the moment.

How have your friends and family been with yourself and Sam? My mum wants Alex wrapped in cotton wool. lol

God i dont half waffle lol will end this novel for now lol

Hi Aidedhoney, sorry for the delay in response, LO has been unsettled the last couple of days so haven't had the time to post in great length!!

I can't believe you found out so early about your LO, must have been good in one respect as you had time to prepare, but not good in the respect that you had a very long time to worry and probably felt you had your pregnancy taken away from you in some respects? I know that I felt a little robbed of the pregnancy experience in as much as I spent most my time worrying about what was wrong rather than the excitement of actually having a LO iykwim? (I found out at 21weeks btw)

Gosh reading what you went through in the hospital does sound really tough, i cant imagine what it would be like for you to be so far from home and also your daughter, it must've been dreadful for both of you - does it seem like a million miles away now though? Like a distant memory?

I didnt think about the scar Alex would have but of course he would have one :dohh: how is that healing? i know my LO's scar on his tummy has healed magnificently - they will have to go back in though at a later date so dont know how that will end up, but babies/kids do seem to heal tremendously well dont they?

It is so true about photos, etc, at least they can see that even though they dont remember, they went through it and handled it so it may make them more likely to be able to cope!! i know i have taken a photo of Sams foot/leg so that i can show him when he's old what he looked like when he was born!!

I understand where you are coming from re: other kids, it's difficult to see how you can possibly stretch yourself out fairly for all concerned and with the hospital being so far away (that is so far, I thought when Sam was in Leicester and we had to travel from Birmingham that was bad enough) I guess you have to look at the practicality of it all - I guess none of us know what the future holds though and things have a tendency to happen when you least expect them to don't they!!

I have to say that I'm a bit surprised with how friends and family have been up until now. Most don't actually like to really talk about it, almost as though they don't really know what to say so think best to avoid it? Its hard sometimes as although I don't want Sam's problems constantly made an issue, it would be nice for people to acknowledge what he's ging through you know? My mom really is the only person who has beeen AMAZING. She is so supportive and loves Sam so much, but doesn't pity him and worries a healthy amount, but is also positive and treats him like the normal baby he is. SHe's my rock :) :)

we have just found out that Sam's next operation on his bowel (well to form an anus and to disconnect his bowel from his urinary tract, etc) is scheduled for 2nd Dec.... eeek!!

Also, he will have an operation in January to remove his 2 extra toes, straighten out his knee-cap and a re-attempt at stretching the tendon in his heel... phew, a hectic few months for us me thinks!!

x x x x
Hi hun,

I don't post in this section either but I lurk. Harry was born 10 weeks early and as a result as had problem after problem with his lungs. At the minute he can't do a lot of moving, especially fast because his lungs can't cope with it. He was put into an induced coma last Christmas due to him almost dying because his lungs gave up the fight, it's more one lung than the other and we've been told to expect he'll need lung transplantations some time in his life and until then he will need constant medication and lots of medical appointments. I don't feel like I fit in here either but thought I'd make myself known.

I'm sorry you have had such a hard start with your little man, he sounds like such a strong, little man though. I pray he continues to stay strong. x

Hi hun, thanks for posting!! goodness you and your little one have really been through it, I have to say throughout our journey so far we have never had to fear for Sam's life, this must be so scary and youre so brave. Is Harry your first? Would you consider more children? x x
Thanks hun, it was scary at the time, he was only tiny then still and it was just horrible but he's come through it, he has his problems but he came through as will your little man. They're stronger than they let on!! Yep, Harry's my first and I certainly would, I'd do it all again to get what I go, that may seem selfish because he went through a lot too but he's such a joy now. If I did find out I was pregnant, the first thing I would do is tell my Midwife that I want special care and not stop until she gave it me because Harry's birth could have been prevented had the Midwife taken me seriously, I'd also get the steroids to mature the babies lungs aswell just to be on the safe side.

Lots of love and :hugs: :kiss:

Hun have you ever thought of taking legal action with regards to the mistakes that were made? I know it wouldn't change anything now as what's done is done but I was wondering whether you had made your peace with that or not? x x x x
I have thought about it, deeply but I think it'd be a lot of hassle and it wouldn't necessarily go in my favour. We've mentioned now and again about how the M/W palmed us off over the phone saying how I was getting normal pregnancy symptoms and we've just been told that we should have gone straight to A&E or should at least have booked an appointment for the GP to see what was really happening as she couldn't know exactly what was what on the phone but you know, I take (well I should say took) what medical professionals say as the truth. She never said anything like "but I'd get seen anyway", she just passed them off as regular symptoms. I obviously don't trust medical professinals now but at the time I had no reason not to believe her so I just don't know if it'd work :shrug: :hugs:
Hi Ladies!

Welcome to this bit of the forum! All your LO's look gorgeous - and they're all so strong; I'm sure you're hugely proud of them.

My little girl Daisy has Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. It was completely undetected through pregnancy, I took all my folic acid for 3 months before and after and so thought everything was fine. It wasn't. I'll never forget the paed saying she was 'alive but not perfect'. She was also undiagnosed breech (well until I was in labour) so it was an emergency c-section too. She spent her first week at the childrens hospital in Birmingham, on the 2nd day she had an op to close her open back.

Day 1 we were told she wouldn't walk, would have bladder and bowel issues, would need a shunt, would have developmental issues etc. etc.

Today we're the proud parents of an incrediably sociable, intelligent little girl who sits unaided, is beginning to crawl, doesn't have a shunt, so far has 'normal' bladder and bowel function and does everything any other baby does. We've been told she's about a month ahead developmentally.

Ok, we still have the physio and the checkups at Birmingham but they're nowhere near as intense as they were for the first few months and they've all been really positive.

Having said all that, it's really difficult when you're thrust into this 'world' with no preparation, help etc. There are still some days now where I just want to walk away from it all.... then I look at Daisy.

As for another child, we always intended to have two close together; when Daisy was born we figured we'd wait and see how she got on first i.e. if she needed more of our love and attention we would wait / not have anymore. Since she's doing so well we've decided we've just got to carry on with life as normal and will start trying next Feb / March. There is a 5% chance of it happening again but the way I look at it then that's a 95% chance it won't.

Our LO's are so strong and determined; they will continue to amaze us all and with medical science how it is, there is no reason why they shouldn't all live full and healthy lives.

Big :hugs: to you all x

Hiya Emmylou, sorry for the delay in posting, have had to pick my moments the last few days to get the time!! lol

Can I just say your LO looks absolutely gorgeous, just wanna munch her! lol

Sounds like you have had a tough road but it also sounds like your LO is doing absolutely fantastically, you must be so proud of her!

I cannot imagine what it would have been like to only know about Sam's problems once he was born, to be able to mentally prepare for what we might have to deal with made such a massive difference to us in being able to handle things. So I have complete admiration for you, must have been such a mind blow to take it all, as well as being parents for the first time, etc. I think people truly underestimate that. It's tough being a first time parent, it's a MASSIVE adjustment in normal circumstances, but the added stress is enough to tip you over the edge. But as you say though, one look at your little girl and it is all worth it i'm sure :)

I'm the same as you with regards to having another one, I do want to wait and see how much time and attention Sam will need from me before I can think of another. I think when Sam is 3 is the right age, BUT I know for a fact tht I will probably get broody before then, so I guess I won't put any pressure on us in any way regarding it - just see what happens really!!

Thanks for the welcome to this part of the forum, I feel I can express myself more honestly and freely in here for some reason - and you sharing your story with me about your LO has helped that thank you!

By the way, I am at Birmingham Children's in the Physio dept every Thurs/Fri, what day do you go... I may have seen you there!!

Hello ladies!!

I have been floating around here for ages! In fact I was the first member of this group:)

I know what you mean about not fitting in. I did, until my son was born, even though I knew he would be born with spina bifida and hydrocephalus. Since then, I read everyone else's joys which made me feel rotten, and everyone else's lows, which often made me angry to be so frivolous!! Things can get heated on here and people also get insensitive. But here should be our sanctury!!

I am mummy to tommy, 16 months old. Like daisy above, he was born with a spinal defect, a hole a the base which was closed at a day old. He suffered nerve damage to his feet, legs, genitals, bowels and bladder as a result. He also has a drain in his head.

He cannot urinate, I have to empty his bladder three hourly by catheter. He has no sensation in his rectum and can't push either, making him doubly incontinant. However, at 14 months he started walk, and he won't stop for a second now! He had numb patches in his legs, and individual muscle weakenesses, so he may need braces on day soon.

He had a third operation to remove his foreskin to make cathetering safer.

He also has a teathered spine which at the moment doesn't mean much, but it may cause him to start to deform in the legs and spine, and leave him wheelchair bound. Also his brain is being pulled into the spine. Again this means little right now, but in the future, it could cause a lot of problems.

For all of his problems, there is a surgery to fix it, but each is so risky that it cannot be contemplated until they are really needed.

Despite this, he is perfect to me. I and everyone around him loves him so much. He is such a happy delightful little boy, and intelligent too. He always smiles and never really cried. He roared at a very early age and soon figured out how to get the attention of everyone around him!!

It has been great to read your stories ladies. Your babies are so cute and they have very special mummies. *hugs*

Hiya Em! Sorry for delay in responding to your response!

Glad we can come and keep you company in here beens you've been here for so long!

I agree sometimes that I have gotten a bit miffed at the trivial nature of people's problems on here when they have healthy children but then I have to stop myself because, if I'm honest I would be the same had Sam been born with no issues. And at the end of the day, if something upsetting or hard for someone who am I to say it's less important than the problems I'm facing - so yes it is a battle but I manage to pull myself into line pretty quickly on that one!

I read your situation with such admiration, your LO has been through so much and you ahve to go through so much too in order to care for him... all that as a single mother... you are very strong!! It does sound like you have a good support network though and that must make such a difference?

I have to say I feel that my LO's problems pale in comparison to yours, and it really does humble me somewhat!!

It's amazing that your LO can walk now, I bet you're so proud of what he has achieved so far!!

I know as regards to Sam's bowel problems that if he doesnt retain much muscle sensation there is a procedure called an ACE or MACE which is like a stoma but a lot smaller which you can flush the bowel out once a day, something they can later do on their own, is this something that would be considered for Tommy? I believe there is an equivalent for the bowel too and largely people can lead quite normal lives with them?

Same question nkbapbt: do you think you could think of having any more? TEll me to sod off if im being too nosey!! x

Right now it doesn't look like I can due to complications from a rape when I was 16. (there is more in the preemie section about it if you are curious :hugs:) Should I be able to "fix" that issue, then I will for sure think about having another baby. Right now the doctor said this to me "in my profession and within my own personal belief I do not use the word miracle very often, if ever, but the fact you even have a child is a miracle!"

I would love to give Lakai an younger sibling be it naturally or through adoption. I think he is meant to have a younger brother or sister. :hugs:

And nothing is very too nosey for me, Im very open and honest about anything in my feel free to ask! :thumbup:

Hunnie you never cease to amaze me honestly, you have been through so much!

I do hope there will be a chance for oyu in the future to add to your family. I too would definitely consider adoption if more biological children weren't an option!

THank you for being so open, it's really refreshing!! xxx
I have thought about it, deeply but I think it'd be a lot of hassle and it wouldn't necessarily go in my favour. We've mentioned now and again about how the M/W palmed us off over the phone saying how I was getting normal pregnancy symptoms and we've just been told that we should have gone straight to A&E or should at least have booked an appointment for the GP to see what was really happening as she couldn't know exactly what was what on the phone but you know, I take (well I should say took) what medical professionals say as the truth. She never said anything like "but I'd get seen anyway", she just passed them off as regular symptoms. I obviously don't trust medical professinals now but at the time I had no reason not to believe her so I just don't know if it'd work :shrug: :hugs:

I can certainly understand where you are coming from as regards to the decision you have made but it does make you angry to think that you have trust these people but when it comes to crunch you're then told that you shouldn't have really trusted what she said and seek another opinion? it is very hard to swallow and unfortunately as you have stated, it's left you with a distinct lack of trust where health professionals are concerned and that's a shame as with what your lO has to go through or has been through, these are the very people that you need to trust and rely on!!

Yes it is very reasurring to know that your child's condition is treatable, i was lucky that i knew that Alex would have problems from approx 11wks of pregnancy. (high nuchal measurement is an indication of a HD)
Heart Defect was confirmed by 16wks, at first they were between 2 conditions but as time went on the scans showed it to be the less serious of the two. However we were told that Alex would be fine at delivery and wouldnt require surgery till he was a few months old. Guess we lived in a bubble thinking we would take our baby home then go for surgery.
Looking back i am so glad that Alex got his op sooner rather than later. I know first hand how Alex was before his op and how hard his heart had to work in order just to feed and breathe.

Did you know before Sam was born that he would have his conditions? I am sure you are with me when i say Alex is my hero, i think if i had to go through what he or Sam did i would curl up and just cry.

How long will they leave it on a wait and see basis? I guess its hard at the moment for the docs as young babies are not very mobile. Does Sam seem to manage with his leg/foot problems? I am presuming that he isnt in discomfort?

Alex's surgeon and consultant are very positive, we have been told that he will never be an olympic athlete but if you wikapedia it there is a champion snowboarder with the condition.

Time spent in hospital passes is a blur i am sure your week felt like ten. When its your child having an operation/ill its the only thing thats on your mind.
My 5weeks were spent in my own little world, all i could focus on was Alex and what would happen in that day.
Looking back i dont know how i got through it, here was me recovering from a c section miles from home and of course my daughter looking after Alex. An average day was 8am arrival at the ward and leaving at 11pm once he was settled for the night.

To look at Alex you wouldnt know that he had any problems, his only ill effects as such are his cold/clamy hands and feet, he can sometimes look very pale but he does have white blonde hair and very blue eyes. He also has a great big whacking scar running down his chest which is a constant reminder of what hes been through.

One of the nurses gave me some lovely advice, she told me to take lots of photos while Alex was in hospital then do him a photo album of dates etc etc. As time passes dates become unimportant but as Alex gets older she said it will be nice for him to look back at even more so as he will require more surgery. It might make it seem less scary.

Having more kids ermmmm its a hard one, Alex needs at least 2 more surgerys they say at approx age 5 to 10 years then late teens to early twenties. It depends on how he out grows the donated vessel. I think it would be very hard/not fair to leave any more children to be with Alex for surgery as there is only one hospital in Scotland that does heart surgery and its 160mile round trip from home lol.
Thing is who knows perhaps in 6 months i may change my mind still a bit real and raw at the moment.

How have your friends and family been with yourself and Sam? My mum wants Alex wrapped in cotton wool. lol

God i dont half waffle lol will end this novel for now lol

Hi Aidedhoney, sorry for the delay in response, LO has been unsettled the last couple of days so haven't had the time to post in great length!!

I can't believe you found out so early about your LO, must have been good in one respect as you had time to prepare, but not good in the respect that you had a very long time to worry and probably felt you had your pregnancy taken away from you in some respects? I know that I felt a little robbed of the pregnancy experience in as much as I spent most my time worrying about what was wrong rather than the excitement of actually having a LO iykwim? (I found out at 21weeks btw)

Gosh reading what you went through in the hospital does sound really tough, i cant imagine what it would be like for you to be so far from home and also your daughter, it must've been dreadful for both of you - does it seem like a million miles away now though? Like a distant memory?

I didnt think about the scar Alex would have but of course he would have one :dohh: how is that healing? i know my LO's scar on his tummy has healed magnificently - they will have to go back in though at a later date so dont know how that will end up, but babies/kids do seem to heal tremendously well dont they?

It is so true about photos, etc, at least they can see that even though they dont remember, they went through it and handled it so it may make them more likely to be able to cope!! i know i have taken a photo of Sams foot/leg so that i can show him when he's old what he looked like when he was born!!

I understand where you are coming from re: other kids, it's difficult to see how you can possibly stretch yourself out fairly for all concerned and with the hospital being so far away (that is so far, I thought when Sam was in Leicester and we had to travel from Birmingham that was bad enough) I guess you have to look at the practicality of it all - I guess none of us know what the future holds though and things have a tendency to happen when you least expect them to don't they!!

I have to say that I'm a bit surprised with how friends and family have been up until now. Most don't actually like to really talk about it, almost as though they don't really know what to say so think best to avoid it? Its hard sometimes as although I don't want Sam's problems constantly made an issue, it would be nice for people to acknowledge what he's ging through you know? My mom really is the only person who has beeen AMAZING. She is so supportive and loves Sam so much, but doesn't pity him and worries a healthy amount, but is also positive and treats him like the normal baby he is. SHe's my rock :) :)

we have just found out that Sam's next operation on his bowel (well to form an anus and to disconnect his bowel from his urinary tract, etc) is scheduled for 2nd Dec.... eeek!!

Also, he will have an operation in January to remove his 2 extra toes, straighten out his knee-cap and a re-attempt at stretching the tendon in his heel... phew, a hectic few months for us me thinks!!

x x x x


Hope Sam is a bit more settled, wow the 2nd of December isnt too far off. Big hugs for Sam and of course you. How long will Sam be in hospital? I am presuming that this operation will make a huge difference to Sam?
Its a very scar and stressful time ahead for you and your family.
Just think though Sam will be on the mend in time for his first Christmas.

Sam's op in January sounds very complicated i have everything crossed that it all passes without incident.

Pregnancy was very tough, in total we had about 15scans it seemed that we were up and down the road each week seeing every Tom, Dick and Harry.
I remember when i was pregnant someone on BnB was moaning that they were peeved that they were only getting 2 scans. I longed for the pregnancy that only required 2 scans and the words off you go and enjoy been pregnant. I was lucky that i kept very well during pregnancy but looking back i think i was an emotinal wreck half the time.
The night before an appiontment i would be all grumpy poor OH was walking about on eggshells. I didnt know if i was coming or going one day i would be so positive and upbeat then the next i was convinced that i would be coming home with no baby.
I am sure you know the highs and los of pregnacy knowing that something is wrong.

I dont think anything can prepare you for something been wrong with your baby. I purposly didnt spend too much time looking up Alex's condition, i knew the basics and i was very content with that.

Alex has the typical zip scar, he recovered very quickly from surgery but sadly he took an infection on his scar which is common when the chest is left open. (Alex's surgeon likes to leave the chest open for 24hours after surgery in case the heart swells)
So the bottom of his scar is a bit wonky looking where they had to reopen it but its fading very fast. Not nearly as red and angry as it was.

Hospital seems so long ago but i get funny flashback kinnda things, hard to explain but when we first got home i would wake up drenced in sweat with silly thoughts going round in my head lol.

Thats brill that your mum is your rock. Mine is just a bit daft at times and says silly things.
My OH is my rock with Alex he keeps me very grounded and i know that he will do his best to ensure that Alex is treated just like any healthy child.

Friends, when we were in hospital i found support from the most unlikley of people. I had a girl from here who was brilliant, without her txts and words of support i think i may have gone insane.
I guess its different for Sam and yourself as the operations are still happening for you guys. You need the friend that calls with kind words or visits with cake and a listening ear.

Our fears and worries now are how Alex will be with coughs, colds and other childhood illnesses. No one knows if him getting a cold will make his heart work harder or if he will be just like any "normal" child who gets a cold.

How does Sam keep in terms of illness? Is he a well baby? Has he has many coughs and colds?
Alex has yet to have anything dreading the first cold he gets but part of me cant wait to see how he copes.

I have thought about it, deeply but I think it'd be a lot of hassle and it wouldn't necessarily go in my favour. We've mentioned now and again about how the M/W palmed us off over the phone saying how I was getting normal pregnancy symptoms and we've just been told that we should have gone straight to A&E or should at least have booked an appointment for the GP to see what was really happening as she couldn't know exactly what was what on the phone but you know, I take (well I should say took) what medical professionals say as the truth. She never said anything like "but I'd get seen anyway", she just passed them off as regular symptoms. I obviously don't trust medical professinals now but at the time I had no reason not to believe her so I just don't know if it'd work :shrug: :hugs:

I can certainly understand where you are coming from as regards to the decision you have made but it does make you angry to think that you have trust these people but when it comes to crunch you're then told that you shouldn't have really trusted what she said and seek another opinion? it is very hard to swallow and unfortunately as you have stated, it's left you with a distinct lack of trust where health professionals are concerned and that's a shame as with what your lO has to go through or has been through, these are the very people that you need to trust and rely on!!

I know, I feel a bit stupid for not getting a second opinion at the time but I really wasn't expecting Harry to come early because of the symptoms I was getting, I was just expecting them to be normal pregnancy symptoms :dohh:.

But as you say you are meant to trust these people, they have taken all their exams and done everything to prove they are professionals and to be trusted so why should I have not taken what she said for truth? If she'd have said to go and get a second opinion anyway or to go in and see her, I would have without a second thought but the fact that she said straight away that they were common pregnancy symptoms just made me feel like it was normal, you know?

Of course when we tried to get in contact with her after the birth of my son (which was just TWO days after she told us what I was experiencing were common pregnancy symptoms), we got a whole load of shit (excuse my language) and excuses off different Midwives because she could never "come to the phone" which just proves she had a guilty conscience and was obviously in the wrong. The Midwives tried to blame everything they could but the real reason for the birth of my son 10 weeks prematurely, my age (I'm 17), my build (I'm tall and thin so "wouldn't carry well") and just everything they could.

It certainly has left me with a lack of trust which is a bit hard to savour because of the fact Harry will need lifelong care from these people who I am meant to trust. Everytime I go in with Harry to get him seen, I have to have either another Medical professional in the room at the same time or I have to get a second opinion, I just won't trust a Doctor anymore and that's really hard work as I say but I'd rather be safe than sorry because I've been sorry and unsafe before. When he needs operations and transplants in his later life which are the inevitable, how am I going to trust anyone then? :growlmad:

How is your little man doing at the minute?? Hopefully he is staying strong for his mummy. He is completely gorgeous by the way :cloud9:.

Anyway sorry for the ramble :blush: and I'm sorry if it has made no sense, it's late :haha:!
I obviously don't trust medical professinals now but at the time I had no reason not to believe her so I just don't know if it'd work :shrug: :hugs:

Me neither... I love my little girl to bits but am still amazed as to how her condition was missed in scans and tests. Also, the fact that none of the MW's picked up on the fact that she was breech and had been for a long time when she was born. In fact, two days before her birth one of them patted my tummy saying 'there's her big bum'.... hmmmmm, it was actually her head!

I honestly don't know how I'll build up the trust enough for no 2 - have an appointment on Friday though with docs to discuss increased folic acid dose so will ask all the questions then.. he, he, poor doctor!

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