Can i demand a c-section in UK?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2011
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Hi ladies, just been to the mw and she has worried the life outta me. My baby's head circumference is >97th centile and i mentioned that i am scared of giving birth and him getting stuck (hes big all over too not just his head). She said 'you should be worried'!! :nope: obviously wasnt the response i was expecting. She said baby's head could get stuck and could require foreceps which would leave my baby 'battered and bruised'. I obviously dont want this and would rather just have an elective caeserean. Ive wrote my birth plan and said i want a section and under no circumstances want forceps delivery.

Thing is, i was at the hospital last week and my consultant said my baby's head size isnt a concern and when i asked if i should have a section she laughed and said 'god no' so i know its gonna be very difficult for me to get one. Ive googled the NHS guidelines and i think i can have one if i want one. There has just got to be a proper reason and maternal anxiety about birth is one of them. Anyone else asked for a section and got one?
Honestly your midwife is a complete bloody idiot for saying that to you.

Both my children have and still have 98th percentile heads and I had no issues at all. Infact W came out in 2 pushes. I fully expect this babe to have the same size heads and I have no concerns at all.

Csection carry more risk o you and baby then a normal vaginal delivery.
Forceps are used a lot of the time because the heads already out but baby is in a funny position.

I really wouldn't go for a csection based on your midwifes stupid and actually unprofessional comments.
Seriously, can't believe how blunt the midwife was for saying that!
A girl I know wanted a c section and got one. She just didn't want to give birth and that was it. They did try to talk her out of it as a c section has more risks with it and basically is major surgery. But if you really want it, then you can have it.
Honestly your midwife is a complete bloody idiot for saying that to you.

Both my children have and still have 98th percentile heads and I had no issues at all. Infact W came out in 2 pushes. I fully expect this babe to have the same size heads and I have no concerns at all.

Csection carry more risk o you and baby then a normal vaginal delivery.
Forceps are used a lot of the time because the heads already out but baby is in a funny position.

I really wouldn't go for a csection based on your midwifes stupid and actually unprofessional comments.

She was probably the worst MW ive ever seen. I said id been worried sick about the HC because id wondered if there was something actually wrong with my baby because his HC is off the scale now and she just said 'probably not but she cant be sure'!! :wacko: Ill discuss it at my next appt but im sure the consultant would rather me have a vaginal delivery. Im glad im not the only one with a baby with a large head and find it reassuring that you had successful vaginal births :)
Babies with larger heads are easier to push out IMHE. I have been told that the internal dimensions of my pelvis are smaller than average and consequently my babies do come out a bit bruised (seems to be hereditary as my mum had the same) but I have never needed forceps. My second eldest his head was the size of an average 3 month old and off the charts, although I needed a few stitches for a minor year he was easy to give birth to, oddly he was also the least bruised out of all my kids. Second youngest had HC top of the charts, both hands on his face and his hands were huge and chubby and the cord round his neck when coming out so the midwife had to reach in and unloop it-still didn't need an episiotomy or forceps or anything like that, he was born very successfully at home. Some midwives seem to be very sadistic and I honestly wonder why they are in the job at all if they can't be supportive :( xx
Oh my, your midwife is a total idiot! I'm sure you will be able to deliver your baby just fine. I read on the news the other day that a woman gave birth to a 15lb baby vaginally. Our bodies have been made for this so don't worry :hugs:
My sons was 98th centile for head and big body but there was no forceps needed. I sure you will be ok x
One of my friends recently had a bub with a head in the top 95th & she was fine.

I agree with one of the above posters, your midwife was not very professional saying that! TBH, the idea of a C-section scares me, having to be sliced open & then have such a long recovery time worries me & I would personally only do it if medically necessary.
Babies with larger heads are easier to push out IMHE. I have been told that the internal dimensions of my pelvis are smaller than average and consequently my babies do come out a bit bruised (seems to be hereditary as my mum had the same) but I have never needed forceps. My second eldest his head was the size of an average 3 month old and off the charts, although I needed a few stitches for a minor year he was easy to give birth to, oddly he was also the least bruised out of all my kids. Second youngest had HC top of the charts, both hands on his face and his hands were huge and chubby and the cord round his neck when coming out so the midwife had to reach in and unloop it-still didn't need an episiotomy or forceps or anything like that, he was born very successfully at home. Some midwives seem to be very sadistic and I honestly wonder why they are in the job at all if they can't be supportive :( xx

Woww i think should just listen to my consultant and not this midwife i think might just be a bit of an idiot!! thank you, i feel much better after reading your post and knowing that you didnt even need forceps/episiotomy :)
The head sort of squooshes so it will fit. I wouldn't worry about.
My sons head was 97th centile and I didn't even tear... We had a wonderful birth. Your midwife is an idiot to be honest with you.
I'm shocked! She should be reported! Lots of luck in your birth I'm sure you'll do fine. Use gravity and keep active rather than pushing on your back - it can really help.
Your consultant would know better. She's trained for years and years and years, so listen to her over midwife is my suggestion.
I had a small tear with two stiches but this was the speed he came out! And to be honest I didn't even need the pain killers for it, it wasn't bad at all
Both my sons heads were 'off the charts', and I had two quick labors. I did tear but it healed great. Remember babies heads flex! I had little come head babies for a day or two, but I actually think my big headed babies made for easier deliveries, as it made room for the shoulders to slide right out easily.
I would ignore your mw. But if you do want a c section you are within your rights to request one. I am having one. Im very anxious after losing our little girl.

My coworker had a forcep delivery. She said it was fine. The baby's head was a little squished but it went back to normal after a few hours.
I requested a c-section and got one - it was a wonderful, positive experience. If you'd like any more info PM me.

Feline xx
God, it seems to be an epidemic of useless midwives - - or prob we just hear about them more!

Mine is the opposite our yours............just brushed aside my 2.6LITRE blood loss and the fact LO never engaged and I never went past 4cm in 12 hours. I have asked for a c-section because of the bleeding and how scared I am about this birth. I have a growth scan to check the size on tues.
My LO was 98th percentile when born, but I maintain it was my pelvis that would not let baby down as my seat bones are closer together than usual.

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