I wouldn't with such a tiny baby.
I think I might have a tiny glass once DD is eating solids but even then will worry as its so unnecessary.
I figure I've gone 13 months without alcohol (& caffeine)- what's another year or two.
Found this online:
"Levels of alcohol in breast milk remain close to those in the mothers bloodstream. Levels will be at their highest between 30 and 60 minutes after drinking, or 90 minutes if youve been drinking with a meal. It takes two-to-three hours for a unit of alcohol (a small glass of wine, or half a pint of ordinary-strength beer) to leave a nursing mums milk.While large amounts of alcohol in breast milk can have a sedative effect, its more likely to make your baby agitated and disrupt sleep patterns. Alcohol inhibits a mothers let-down (the release of milk to the nipple). Studies have shown that babies take around 20% less milk if theres alcohol present, so theyll need to feed more often although infants have been known to go on nursing strike, probably because of the altered taste of the milk."
No way is a 1 week old going to go long enough between feeds for it to leave your system. Also at that young age you don't want baby to be put off feeding or taking less milk. X