Can I have 1-2 glasses of wine?


Married Mommy of 2 Boys!
Aug 17, 2011
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I'm going to be over at the in-laws house tonight. They tend to have a couple mixed drinks or glasses of wine when company is over. Is it okay to have 1-2 glasses of wine & still breastfeed like normal?
I wouldn't with such a tiny baby.

I think I might have a tiny glass once DD is eating solids but even then will worry as its so unnecessary.

I figure I've gone 13 months without alcohol (& caffeine)- what's another year or two.

Found this online:

"Levels of alcohol in breast milk remain close to those in the mother’s bloodstream. Levels will be at their highest between 30 and 60 minutes after drinking, or 90 minutes if you’ve been drinking with a meal. It takes two-to-three hours for a unit of alcohol (a small glass of wine, or half a pint of ordinary-strength beer) to leave a nursing mum’s milk.While large amounts of alcohol in breast milk can have a sedative effect, it’s more likely to make your baby agitated and disrupt sleep patterns. Alcohol inhibits a mother’s let-down (the release of milk to the nipple). Studies have shown that babies take around 20% less milk if there’s alcohol present, so they’ll need to feed more often – although infants have been known to go on ‘nursing strike’, probably because of the altered taste of the milk."

No way is a 1 week old going to go long enough between feeds for it to leave your system. Also at that young age you don't want baby to be put off feeding or taking less milk. X
Okay thanks :)
I'll pass on the alcohol for awhile longer.
If you're ok to drive, you're ok to feed.

I drank champagne on day 2, and have had glasses of wine / beer a few times a lactation consultant said it was fine, and she was also my Midwife for 42 weeks so I trust her completely.
What's a couple more years???? Um, too much for me! I miss my wine. Ha ha. There is no need to avoid alcohol. Like the other person said if you're ok to drive, you're ok to feed. Even lactation consultants will tell you that.
What's a couple more years???? Um, too much for me! I miss my wine. Ha ha. There is no need to avoid alcohol. Like the other person said if you're ok to drive, you're ok to feed. Even lactation consultants will tell you that.

Congrats Dk on your 2nd littlen.....better size too ;)
I was just giving my opinion as to what I do.

Alcohol isn't good for you so I don't want it in my baby.

I like wine but I much prefer my baby.

I wouldn't have forgiven myself if DD had been born with a problem and I'd drank during pregnancy and I'm extending that attitude into my BFing.

And for what it's worth I never have and never will drive with even the tiniest bit of alcohol in my system.
I do now but at 12 days its a bit young, their liver is so immature. Maybe a very weak spritzer? Ive been either pregnant, bf or both for 3 years...i do have a couple now but how i long for a damn good few drinks once i stop bf!! :)
The "okay to drive, okay to feed" advice is for after they are three months old. Before then their liver is just too immature. This is the advice I had from my GP, midwife and friend who is a lactation consultant.
What's a couple more years???? Um, too much for me! I miss my wine. Ha ha. There is no need to avoid alcohol. Like the other person said if you're ok to drive, you're ok to feed. Even lactation consultants will tell you that.

Congrats Dk on your 2nd littlen.....better size too ;)

Yeah, much easier delivery however he was a little sickly. He came out with pneumonia poor guy. We're doing ok though and I'm sure hell be a chubby little man soon enough:)
I was just giving my opinion as to what I do.

Alcohol isn't good for you so I don't want it in my baby.

I like wine but I much prefer my baby.

I wouldn't have forgiven myself if DD had been born with a problem and I'd drank during pregnancy and I'm extending that attitude into my BFing.

And for what it's worth I never have and never will drive with even the tiniest bit of alcohol in my system.

Hmm, I'm not sure it's a toss up. Wine, or baby? Close call. Of course I prefer my baby but you don't have to avoid alcohol if you love your children. By the time I finish nursing this baby I will be pregnant and/or nursing for 3 years and sorry but I'm not gonna give up something I really enjoy when there is no real reason to for 3 years. 18 months was long enough. If you feel more comfortable, that's fine but I hate the assumption that you don't care about your children if you do certain things, especially when their is scientific evidence that its perfectly safe. I didn't pay attention to her babies age but you can get alcohol tests strips for breast milk which I have, or you can also wait to nurse (not pump and dump) until its had time to pass through your system. Alcohol during pregnancy isn't the same. You have no control over that.
Her baby is a week old.

Totally not an issue if BFing an older baby.

But I'm a worry wart so to me I'd rather not. (Maybe once she doesn't have night feeds I'll have a small one.)

Didn't mean to insinuate anything. Just that to me having wine isn't worth the worry I'd have the next time I fed her.
Oh well... the night is over. I turned down the wine. Said I was gonna avoid alcohol for another couple months. Maybe have a couple for my birthday in October.

In all actuality... I probably could have had a glass or 2 tonight. Because I did bring pumped milk for bottle feeding. Therefore it would have been a good 4+ hours after having a drink before I had to nurse again. But oh well... not a big deal :)

Thanks for the advice, maybe I will look for those alcohol test strips for future use.
I dont drink whilst BF, its only alcohol it can wait.

The HV has told me that the official stance is no booze at all.

The "if you can drink you can BF" argument doesn't really work because you can be well over the limit and no know it anyway.
Yes, absolutely fine.

I have a small beer (200 ml) with my dinner sometimes. If I can have it I choose non alcoholic beer but it is not always available. I haven't noticed any reaction from my baby when I have such tiny amount of alcohol.
Just make sure you eat w/ your drink because it makes a big difference in alcohol absorption.

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