Can I have some advice on talking ladies?


Expecting Baby 3!!
Aug 5, 2008
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Im really concerned about the amount Willow talks
She says about 50 words and can put 2 words together but some of her words are said with a D the whole time when i know she can say it properly

Ive seen 3 toddlers in the past 2 days who are speaking in small sentances and know loads and loads of words!!
These children also go to nursery full time where as Willow doesnt, do you think that makes a difference? It doesnt seem fair that as I look after her at home her speech isnt as good!!

We saw a speech therapist last Friday who said she was ok for her age range but im still concerned.

She doesnt seem to want to learn new words or say new things.
Im getting really frustrated with her because it seems she is lazy with her speech.

Is she really behind??
Can i can speech therapy on the NHS? the lady we saw last week was a free 1/2 hour thing.

Please give me your advice ladies
Well my LO is a little older than yours and says much less. I don't know if it's different between boys and girls but my HV said when he was 18 months not to worry as he'll pick it up. I think it may be the same with your LO. Just keep trying and I'm sure she'll get there in the end. Sorry if this seemed like I was babbling lol Hope I've helped in some way x
I wouldn't worry too much about her pronunciation: Rowan is two and a half and very talkative, but she's only just learned to say 'biscuit' rather than 'bixit', and she still can't say her thorns - "Mummy, pick up lat box and put it lere!"
There are some sounds that aren't properly formed until much later, so I wouldn't worry about pronunciation yet! It sounds like she is doing well though. At Buns toddler preschool all the kids are around 2 or 2.5 years and sooooo different in regards to their speech at this point! xx
Personally I think she is fine.

My DS is similar. Well he will say a word once and that is it - never again! Regularly all he says is yes/yeah, no, mummy, dar (dark) and that is about it. He has said a LOT of things once, but refuses to use them regularly. However I keep encouraging, talking, asking questions and reading to him etc.

Out of DS's peer, the best talkers are the girls and the one boy who goes to nursery.

I am honestly not worried: life would be easier if he talked, but that is it. His understanding his excellent and he babbles for England... just that I don't understand an awful lot of that babble!

Apparently I was the same (slow at talking, but then it all came tumbling out!), but I excelled in school and have a good degree and an advanced Masters (with commendation) from a top British university. Daddy isn't a complete slouch either, yet also not a keen linguist (despite being Bi-lingual).

ALL people/toddlers have areas that they excel at more than others and DS is VERY physical (doesn't stay still long enough to talk! *winkwink* )

What does you intuition tell you about your LO generally? I think that is right - if everything seems alright apart from lack of words/sentences, then I don't think there is a problem :). Comparing with peers can often be disheartening one way or another...

The important thing is not to show your frustration infront of LO: if speaking becomes an issue in their minds, then it will start to become a problem. I say this from experience! DH's Dad used to slap him if he didn't read well from the Times newspaper as a young child (English was not DH's first language). DH has had issues talking English infront of his parents since and is only currently tackling it with counselling (at 39!).

I think that LOs benefit from being at mum HUGELY (maybe not always in language development): I am sure that you'll see benefits in other ways. My DS doesn't do nursery yet and wont until 3 years old.


Best Wishes.
personally i dont think you need worry at all, its amazing how quickly they pick up words in such a little time, your LO is not even two yet, i really dont think speech therapy is needed...... my youngest LO seem to pick so much the months after her 2nd birthday and everyday she says a new word or express's herself in a different way.....all children are different and develop at their own pace. x
I KNOW you dont need to worry - Sam is under a specialist as he doesnt walk yet (hypermobile ankles) and at the childrens centre they evaluate every aspect of his development. We saw his pediatrician consultant on Thurs and I was asking her about speech as both boys only have about 25 words atm. She told me that its not the number of words that is significant at this stage (the boys are 22 months for those on phones and cant see my sig) but the understanding and how they communicate. She told me that its age three that they expect all to be at the same level and there is such a vast difference in how language is acquired to be within normal range.

Soooooooo all sounds fab to me!!!!!!!
Thankyou ladies soooo much!:hugs:

You have completly re assured me! :flower:

i was just thinking that i think part of the problem is that im expecting WAY too much from her! At this age there not supposed to be talking sentances but as others are it makes me feel Willow should.

I know deep down that theres no huge problem, she understands everything i say and her actions say loads. I just get frustrated when its sometimes difficult for her to commuicate something. I must try not to let her see im frustrated!

Thankyou all very very much!!!!!!!!!

I know deep down that theres no huge problem, she understands everything i say and her actions say loads. I just get frustrated when its sometimes difficult for her to commuicate something. I must try not to let her see im frustrated!


You see, she will speak in her own time and she will be fantastic - just relax and enjoy her :hugs:

I think that her (and my DS's) reluctance to speak early, probably says something about their personalities (maybe a bit of a perfectionist?) and I don't think it is a bad thing at all! :winkwink:

Honestly I wouldn't worry about your LO, which I know is easier said than done. My LO didn't start speaking until 20months but now I can't believe the amount he can say, he astounds me every day! But still he mispronouces things but I find it cute because I know he'll grow out of it and start saying the word properly. Like he used to say Li-Li for a lion but says lion now and, ok it's correct, but Li-Li is so much cuter!

I used to get frustrated by not being able to understand LO for a long time but when I think back it wasn't as long as it felt at the time.

a good way of promoting development in this area is to provide a language rich environment with lots of examples of different vocabulary. Read to her lots discussing the pictures, provide lots of chatter when out and about and give her things like story cds to listen to. Toddlers vary at this age but as long as you are providing lots of language at home she will catch up with her peers eventually. There were some links i posted in another thread that may be worth looking at .

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