Can I join you ladies?

So yesterday went great. The lawyer was pretty nice and ready to get things started. We'll be starting by getting the birthfather to sign over his rights which we will start probably in two weeks when we get paid again. After that it'll just be a few court dates. Possibly a home study and birth mother consoling. Our lawyer said it will probably take about a month or two after Ave-Marie is born to finish everything.
So yesterday went great. The lawyer was pretty nice and ready to get things started. We'll be starting by getting the birthfather to sign over his rights which we will start probably in two weeks when we get paid again. After that it'll just be a few court dates. Possibly a home study and birth mother consoling. Our lawyer said it will probably take about a month or two after Ave-Marie is born to finish everything.

How wonderful HCas:happydance: So happy it went well:thumbup:

I'm assuming it won't be a problem having the biological father sign over his rights?
Sorry I wasn't on cramping too much on top of entertaining for the weekend. Not a fun combination.
That's ok HCas, hope you're feeling better now:hugs:

AFM nothing much going on. Trying to ignore my symptoms so I don't get too hopeful:wacko: Had a nice chat with my hairdresser today (really needed a haircut:wacko:) and despite the fact she's mid-20s and conceived her little boy easily (he's 7 months now), she was much more understanding than anyone in our families about having difficulties conceiving as she had a couple of friends who needed help as well:nope: The only thing I didn't agree with her on totally was just dye your hair and drink wine every weekend if that's what you're used to:wacko: Don't want to risk anything if I'm going to get pregnant at my advanced age:winkwink::haha:
Lol well at least she was understanding ^^ I had bought a test a few days ago just in case just for AF to show early Saturday morning. Now my sister's best friend is using it. Kinda made me pissy for an hour since she isn't in a spot for a baby and just wants one because she doesn't have custody of her daughter. But oh well. Onto a new cycle and the continued effort lol
Lol well at least she was understanding ^^ I had bought a test a few days ago just in case just for AF to show early Saturday morning. Now my sister's best friend is using it. Kinda made me pissy for an hour since she isn't in a spot for a baby and just wants one because she doesn't have custody of her daughter. But oh well. Onto a new cycle and the continued effort lol

Wait, what? She used your HPT and she isn't even in a spot for a baby:wacko: OK that'd have annoyed me to but I probably would've been an "evil" person and told her to get her own HPT:winkwink:

Hope things soon turn for the better HCas and you soon see those 2 lines :dust:
Yep. My sister asked me to bring it for her and we're trying to stay on her good side til Ave-Marie is born and her 30 days are up. Her friend got a negative to though she believes she just tested too early now and wanted to know if I had anymore she could use. I said no but truth is I have a really expensive one hidden away that tells you how far along you are. I'm saving that baby for when I get a cheapie positive XD

Same for you. I'm really eager to see you get those lines :hugs:
Yep. My sister asked me to bring it for her and we're trying to stay on her good side til Ave-Marie is born and her 30 days are up. Her friend got a negative to though she believes she just tested too early now and wanted to know if I had anymore she could use. I said no but truth is I have a really expensive one hidden away that tells you how far along you are. I'm saving that baby for when I get a cheapie positive XD

Same for you. I'm really eager to see you get those lines :hugs:

OK I can see the problem:wacko: I'd just lie than and keep saying you don't have anymore HPTs around and aren't planning on buying any more until you think you might be pregnant. Hide that test somewhere she will never find it or look so she doesn't want to use it. Pretty cheeky if you ask me that she used one of your tests and now wants to use another one instead of being thankful and now just buying her own :nope: She should be buying her own HPTs:growlmad:

Is it the Clearblue one that shows how many weeks you're along:) I was planning on getting one of those for when I see 2 lines on a cheapie as well:winkwink: I'm just wondering if I should order one soon from the UK so it's in English or buy one in Denmark which of course will be in Danish (so instead of the word "Pregnant", it'll be saying the Danish word for it "Gravid"):shrug:
Yep ^^ With my son my friend bought me that type and I really loved seeing how far along I was (even though I was a scared teen) so I decided I would use it every time to see how far along I am. It's so interesting.

Hmmm.... Well does it being in english mean a lot to you? If it were me I probably would go ahead and buy one just for the fact that I would be in denial if it said pregnant or not in another language XD
Yep ^^ With my son my friend bought me that type and I really loved seeing how far along I was (even though I was a scared teen) so I decided I would use it every time to see how far along I am. It's so interesting.

Hmmm.... Well does it being in english mean a lot to you? If it were me I probably would go ahead and buy one just for the fact that I would be in denial if it said pregnant or not in another language XD

Yes that's one reason I want to use one, thought it would be fun:happydance:

I'll have to think about that one:-k Or I could buy one of each maybe:blush: That might be a fun idea and post both here when the time comes :haha:
So bad news everyone, AF came today:nope: So we're heading for IUI#2. I'll be calling the clinic tomorrow as AF will be full-blown tomorrow. Oh well, didn't have high hopes anyway, partly due to my age. I'm blaming myself for my old eggs and DH is blaming himself for having spilt some of the sample:nope: Nothing to be done now other than hope #2 is our lucky number:shrug: Maybe I'll have 3 eggs instead of the 2 I had as they'll be upping my dose a bit:happydance: Think it's all chance as I've read of people having 3-4 eggs on one IUI and getting a BFN and then having 1-2 for their next IUI and getting a BFP.

Anyway told my sister and this was her reply: "Just got my period too..ughhh. Sorry...keep trying....":dohh: Like what do I care she got AF as well when she has 2 children and isn't trying for #3:nope: Geez my family is really hopeless when it comes to supporting me:dohh:
So just got back from the clinic and they've put my dose up to 66 IU this time. So we'll see. Maybe there will be 3 follies this time instead of 2 :winkwink: No cysts apparently so that's good, otherwise they wouldn't let me start IUI #2 this month.

The nurse was actually in a better mood today (was the same one I've had the last 2 times I was there) and said that IUI #1 didn't go according to plan apparently:haha: So she's hoping our luck is much better this time :thumbup:

Injection #1 starts tonight and my U/S #2 will be next Tuesday at 1 PM. This will be of course the most exciting one to see how many follies there are and if I'm ready to trigger:happydance:

Please let this IUI be the one:thumbup:
So just got back from the clinic and I have 3 large follies in my right ovary and 2 small ones on my left:thumbup: They weren't big enough to trigger so I need to continue with Puregon for a few more days and come in again on Friday morning so they can see if I'm ready to trigger them.

Had a feeling my right ovary was extra active as I've had more pain twinges from that one:winkwink:
Thanks deafgal:flower:

Wonder where HCas is? Seems she hasn't logged in since the 5th. Hope everything is going well with her adoption:flower:
So just got back from the clinic for my 3rd U/S and it looks like only 2 of those 3 eggs in my right ovary are going to reach to mature. But that's ok, still a slightly higher chance of it working with 2 follies than if I only had 1:happydance:

I wasn't 100% ready to trigger so will need to take Puregon tonight and Saturday night, then trigger late Sunday night and have my IUI on Tuesday morning.
So today was the day:thumbup:

I think it went well. DHs sperm count was 30 million and she said that was good. The only thing was I'd already Oed so she couldn't measure the 2 follies but since she could see that it had just happened, our chances aren't decreased at all and should be good.


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