Hi ladies, my DS has been on nutramigen since 12 weeks. I now want to try him on normal toddler milk (SMA) and he just wont drink it. It tastes very very sweet compared to Nutramigen (which tastes like potatos yukk)!!
Can you actually mix formulas? Could i put one scoop of SMA into his nutramigen evening bottle to get him used to it. Didnt know wheter you can mix formulas like this??
He usually has 6oz on a morning and 6oz before bed. Hes 18 months.
thanks ladies
Can you actually mix formulas? Could i put one scoop of SMA into his nutramigen evening bottle to get him used to it. Didnt know wheter you can mix formulas like this??
He usually has 6oz on a morning and 6oz before bed. Hes 18 months.
thanks ladies