So I am new to all the checking the cervical position and all that, but when I went to check it just out of no where (curious i guess) it was really high and firm, took me a min to reach it. I am not sure what that means. We are currently NTNP for #2. Lately I have been really tired and sick, like I want to throw up but can't. My nipples are a little sore (Not normal for them) And my boobs are kinda sore (Also, not really normal). I took a test this morning, but it was BFN, but AF is due today, just hasn't shown up. Had some cramping the other day, but it was just little mild cramps. I don't know whether I am or not, but hubs keeps telling me that I am cause I am so moody. I threw up the other day when I was watching a movie and eating some dinner (SO not normal). I don't know, not trying to get my hopes up yet, but part of me still says maybe. Ideas? Thanks so much!