Can you do this in early pregnancy? advice please


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
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Following my recent miscarriage i just want abit of advice on what you can/can't do in early pregnancy as next time i want to be really sure.
I work in a wedding dress shop so I am frequently moving heavy dresses and lifting them over brides heads-how important is lifting heavy things in early pregnancy when you havn't even got a bump yet?
The second thing is D.I.Y as we are currentley renovating our house, obviously i wouldnt do any major work but things like using a hot gun to melt off old paint and re-painting.....does paint and things have fumes that could cause any harm?
Is it ok to have hi-lights and bleach put through your hair? iv heard somewhere that you can't do that in pregnancy?
Last thing is wheather or not its ok to have baths in early pregnancy....someone told me it could relax your cervix and cause possible miscarriage....just a myth???? :shrug:
sorry if these are all silly questions but im sure others who have miscarried will understand how anxious you can become about doing your normal day to day things!
x x x BABYDUST TO ALL x x x
Any advice/knowledge would be greatly appreciated :thumbup:
thanks I think their are a lot of thing out there that we think we can do in early pregnancy but find out in the long run that it has hurt the baby. All the info on this subject changes constantly. I know the minute I get a + I'm not even gonna get out of bed!!Good luck!!
Well, of course realistically you can't stay in bed all day... you have to work & go about your daily routine. I worry about this too, since OH is trying to get pregnant but has a strenuous job (cook at a hospital) and is on her feet all day & constantly picking up/carrying heavy things. I think they say not to lift anything over 30 lbs., but your doc may lower this restriction bc of your previous miscarriage. To my understanding, not lifting heavy things is to keep the mom safe due to backaches, stretching ligaments, weight gain/being off balance/chance of falling... that kind of thing.

I didn't dye my hair or paint my nails during my pregnancy... and didn't paint the nursery due to the smell of paint fumes. But i know many women who have done these things during pregnancy & their babies were fine. Plus i often see women working in hair salons who are pregnant... and they are around those odors everyday! :shrug:

You should talk with your doctor about do's & dont's specifically recommended for you. Go about your daily routine but don't push yourself... allow others to do some of the work for you (pregnant women have a valid excuse!!), take it easy, and take some precautions. If you are going to paint... make sure there are windows open, lots of ventilation, a fan circulating the air, and maybe even wear a mask?

As far as taking baths, i think they are fine...... as long as the water isn't too hot. Raising your body temp during pregnancy is what can be harmful to the baby...

The do's & dont's i tried to live by:


Take a prenatal vitamin everyday (with folic acid)
Get plenty of rest
Drink plenty of water
Have regular prenatal care
Avoid stress
Excercise and/or walk (nothing strenuous)
Eat healthy (include milk, fruits, veggies)
Count kicks/call doc with any concerns or red flags (not feeling the baby/headaches/dizziness/blurred vision/bleeding/etc)


Drink alcohol/use drugs
Drink lots of caffeine
Consume lots of fish (mercury)
Change kitty litter
Take hot baths
Eat lunch meat/hot dogs (limit these foods)
Dye hair/Paint nails

There are probably more, but these are a few that popped into my head (and they are just what i, personally, believe in).

And most importantly -- Try to relax & enjoy being pregnant!!!!!! :happydance:
When i was pregnant i moved house and lifted not to heavy stuff, painted my new house and even went up ladders to paint the top. I dyed my hair every 6-8 weeks and a good soak in the bath is what you need when your pregnant, to sooth your aching bones.

Don't take everything you hear as true, i also drank Guinness and my 3 kids are fit and well.

The only things i would say not to do are eat certain fish that contain mercury and touch any kind of Cat or Dog faeces.
I'm glad I saw this topic, as I'd like to know a few of those things too lol

I had a miscarriage about 10 months ago. I was recently told about the bath thing from my aunty... and I honestly think that was one of the factors that caused my mc. Problem is, I don't have a shower in our house. Is it ANY type of bath is bad? Or just a really hot bath? Is like a lukewarm bath ok or should I stick to having washes when I get my next bfp? That is one thing that is bothering me lately haha :/

Also, I work in a nursery where we have to put every last toy in and out of storage every morning/afternoon. My boss was pretty good when I found out I was pg before, but how much difference does it make in the 2ww? I mean, I know for the majority of that time you're not technically pregnant due to it not having implanted. Just wondering lol.

I know you're not recommended to eat too much fish such as Tuna etc even before you get pg due to the mercury, but is it all fish? Or just certain ones?

:) XxX
here is a list of food to avoid

This is on dying your hair

This one is for sauna or jacuzzi

This ones for Can paint fumes affect my unborn baby

If your worried speak to your gyno/docotor/midwife. or your mother i always find that if your mother conceived you and your healthy then she should know best.

Midwifes and doctors don't always now best
I had a miscarriage about 10 months ago. I was recently told about the bath thing from my aunty... and I honestly think that was one of the factors that caused my mc. Problem is, I don't have a shower in our house. Is it ANY type of bath is bad? Or just a really hot bath? Is like a lukewarm bath ok or should I stick to having washes when I get my next bfp?

:hugs: I'm sorry about your miscarriage.

I'm sure you didn't cause it by taking a bath. Lukewarm baths are fine -- Just not super hot baths/hot tubs/saunas.
All this advice is great, but I think the originial question was can one do these things during the TWW. That's the way I interpreted the question -- maybe I'm wrong.

My question is -- what is safe/not safe during the TWW?


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