Can you really refuse a forcep delivery? (UK)


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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Hi ladies,

Been thinking about labour and I 100% do not want assisted during labour with forceps, I would rather they section me.

I am personally against forcep delivery. My godson was born this way and came out black and blue, had a dislocated shoulder and cuts all over his wee head. He also wasn’t breathing on coming out and had to be resuscitated. Not to mention my friend suffered a prolapse, stitches (As in from her bottom right down) her bowel and bladder were also torn and she still have to take Movicol to aid her going to toilet peroperly. They took her to theatre for an emergency section after nothing was happening but decided they could do it with forceps... she was unaware at the time she could have refused.

However, I appreciate that sometimes things happen and they have to act quick to save baby... Is it actually quicker to take you to theatre and use forceps to deliver the baby opposed to just section you on arrival? I know the NHS do not want to section you due to stats and figures and want the “natural” birth to happen (even if assisted)

Just looking for advise that if I were struggling and they suggested forceps, if I could opt for a C-Section without putting my baby at risk? As to me the forcep delivery is such a traumatic experience for them. I do not care what happens to me I just don’t want my wee man to suffer unnecessarily.

Thanks xx
I'm not sure. I had a labour that needed medical help, my baby got stuck and her heart rate kept dipping. They prepped me for an emergency section and then her heart rate dipped and didn't recover. They decided it would be quicker to deliver her by ventouse than to take me to theater even though I was already prepped.
hiya u can write a letter stating what you would like to happen during delivery which is what you hand 2 the mw who will delivery your baby. i had to have them used during my birth they were going to take me down 4 c section but the theaters were full so had no choice my daughter had only a little mark tho which went a few days l8r must of been horrible what happened to your godson i think it depends on how they do it tho as they had to cut me as wel but perfer me to be sore than my baby x
I don't know. you may want to discuss your fears with your midwife. I am sure that your godson's mother was an extremely rare and terribly unfortuante case, however having never had a forceps delivery I can't really say.

I did however have a section, and the recovery of that was longer than an average assisted natural birth, I was not supposed to drive or lift anything heavier than my child for about 6 weeks, it was a painful recovery (not saying that your godson's mother didn't have a painful recovery) I struggled to bend for weeks afterwards and some women find that they have problems with their milk coming in (if you would like to bf) I was also constipated for ages afterwards.

As for taking her into theatre and deciding against the section, it could have been that the baby was too far descended at that point and they made the decision to try with the forceps.

I take it you would be open to a ventouse delivery instead?

Sorry if you know all this already, it's not meant to sound like I'm telling you not to have your opinion, just thought you would like to know my take on a C Section.
You can refuse any medical procedure that you don't want to consent to. You are still an adult who can decide what happens to her body. You can always say no, even if your refusal to consent is considered unwise by your doctor.

However, in some situations forceps might be the safest option if it is too late for a c-section perhaps. If the baby is almost out but getting distressed, forceps might get it out faster than c-section.

Personally, I intend to write on my birth plan that I would much prefer a c-section to a forceps delivery, so if they don't think they can get the baby out with the ventouse, please proceed to c-section if it is safe to do so. I will only want to consent to forceps in an absolute emergency when there is no time to discuss other options.
Thank you ladies.

Yes, thats what i was looking for, exactly what I was wanting to know.

Im my "scenario" they have the option to either try forceps or section me... I would rather the section. I am aware that is it major surgery but it would be my preference to the forceps.

However, if it was seen as quicker and the baby was in distress, then of course do what they need to do, if we dont have time for anything else to be considered.

But if it was a case of we are going to section you BUT forceps may get him out, if the babies stats were ok.. then I would rather they went ahead with a C section.

thank you. x
My 1st baby was delivered via ventouse and he had a small red mark on his head which disappeared after a few hours, what makes them choose forceps over ventouse or visa versa?
Well good luck and I hope neither are necessary!
Isn't there a point where baby is too far down the birth canal for c-section or is that a myth?

I would discuss this with your MW/doctor hun and see what they advise but I am sure they will always take your wishes into account x
Yeah maybe you could opt for ventouse instead of foreceps. I think that looks a lot easier too. Seeing it be done on one born every minute has scared the crap out of me...I'm terrified of needing a foreceps delivery but I think if it was neceassary I'd ask if they could do it ventouse. I also have a friend who had a foreceps delivery and although it was not extreme as your godson's birth their child was left with permenant scaring alongside her right eye and was bruised for days after. It looked awful and I wouldn't want to worry about my baby just after it was born like I would if it came out bruised and scratched!!
Ive put on my birthing plan i do not want a forceps delivery or any medical intervention! Like you id rather have a section than a foreceps delievery, i've seen the force they use to get baby out with them im honestly suprised babys head doesnt snap off !!
Oh me too! Lets hope he just slips out!! hehe.

your wee boy is gorgeous by the way. Im so excited to meet mine! xx
My DD was forceps delivery and it wasn't that bad - though not great. She wasn't breathing initally but I'd been in labour for around two days so she was distressed. They got her breathing immediately. She had red marks on her face and head that faded after a few weeks. I had a 3rd degree tear towards my bum and an episotomy which was my worst nightmare in the run up to labour but actually was fine. I had no pain after and excellent stitching, my only complaint being that they didn't dissolve for four months! I healed very well (salt baths) and though I had a few toileting issues to start with, had medication for that and no lasting issues at all.

I wouldn't want forceps again but mainly because of the tiring, drawn out labour that precedes it. If things are not favourable come my due date, I don't want to be induced as I am convinced that is why I had so much trouble birthing my DD. But a section shouldn't be rushed into either, it's major surgery and often takes longer to heal with more pain and discomfort.

The best advice I can give is don't make any plans (to avoid being disappointed) and go with the flow. Do discuss all your options with both your MW and whomever attends you when you go into labour so they understand your wishes.
Forceps look horrible but if used by a skilled OB they are quick, leave minimal bruising on the baby, and minimally damage the mother. They often require an episiotomy, true, but this is a much smaller cut than a c-section. Also, if baby is distressed, forceps are that much faster than a caesarean that they can make the difference between a baby that cries right away and one that is rushed to the NICU with an oxygen mask.

It's funny, thinking about it, forceps are one intervention that do not bother me in the slightest as I was a forceps delivered baby myself, without a mark. My mom healed quickly enough from the episiotomy that (according to her and I did *not* ask for this information!!) she and dad were at it like rabbits again within two weeks.

There are lots of horror stories about forceps, true, but I try to ignore those the same way I try to ignore stories about stillbirth and 5 day labours. Most of us will deliver normally with minimal intervention sometime between 38 and 42 weeks and have healthy screaming babies. I prefer to remain optimistic. I figure if everything turns out ok, then I would have worried and been miserable for nothing, and if something goes wrong, then I would have compounded the unhappiness by anticipation!
Naive question buit.. I know forceps.. but what are/is ventouse?
Ventouse is the vacuum one...looks a little like a plunger lol. It's suctions the top of baby's head and they pull it out that way. They have a bit of a cone head after but they do after birth mostly anyway and it goes down after a day or two
Ventouse is the vacuum one...looks a little like a plunger lol. It's suctions the top of baby's head and they pull it out that way. They have a bit of a cone head after but they do after birth mostly anyway and it goes down after a day or two

Ahh yes! I've seen this on TV!

I do'nt know which i'd prefer.. Ventouse or forceps :/

Why do they use one over another, just out of interest?
Ventouse is a suction cap. If the baby is in the vagina they can put it on his head and they use the suction to pull while you push. A bit less brutal than yanking him out by forceps.
Generally, when it's appropriate to do so, the doctors prefer to use ventouse rather than forceps anyway, I think they'd only do a forceps delivery if they were pretty sure that ventouse was not going to be effective.
think of it like getting the baby out with the sink plunger...
My understanding is that they use ventouse when you just need a bit of assistance getting baby out for example if you've had an epidural, or if you've been pushing for a while and just can't get the head out. My friend had both of those circumstances - epidural and pushing for two hours, and the baby's head kept slipping back down the birth canal. A bit of a tug from the ventouse stopped this from happening and her baby was born about five minutes later.

I think they use forceps when it's a bit more complicated, or if you've got a big baby that's a bit stuck. I am TERRIFIED of the idea of having forceps. I can't even begin to describe how much I don't want this to happen, and like many of you I would rather go straight for a c-section, even though I'm well aware of the recovery time, risks and the fact that it's major abdominal surgery.

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