Hi I'm a T1 diabetic since I was 9 years old.
I have the insulin pump and I don't let it effect me at all. It hasn't ruined my life, if anything it has made me realise that life is so precious. As long as your blood sugar is under tight control then you will have an easier life with no or little complications
I have type 2 diabetes, diagnosed just over 4 years ago. My symptoms were losing weight and being so thirsty but the reason i was tested was because i had a boil (in the same place i had one 2 years before so i knew i needed antibiotics) so when i went to the nurse she did a finger prick test and my sugar level came back at 18 when it should be between 4 & 7! I made changes to my diet and lost more weight and my sugar levels were great. I was very strict during pregnancy and didn't put on any weight.
Tbh being diagnosed has made my life better, it made me lose weight and become healthier.
I’ve heard that early symptoms can be things like fatigue, constant hunger, and blurry vision. It can definitely be life-changing, but with the right diet, exercise, and meds, people manage it well.
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