General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Hi ladies! It’s been a crazy few weeks. We moved in last weekend. The old tenants basically refused to move their stuff til last minute and told them they cleaned…they did not. The house was def not ready so before we could set up rooms we had to scrub everything and paint because they patched holes but didn’t paint over the giant white plaster patches. We still have quite a bit left, but it’s feeling more like home every day. Then I got an upper respiratory infection…probably from the dust. Pregnancy-wise things are ok. We found out baby girl has a small hole in her heart so I have to go in 2 weeks for an echo with a pediatric cardiologist. They said it’s not life threatening and will most likely close on its own, but needs to be monitored. At my appt today my BP was a tiny bit elevated, but I’m hoping that’s just from the stress of the week.

@shaescott I hope he hears something soon!! I literally laughed so hard at your comment about your DHs grandpas girlfriend looking like a thumb!

@RedRose It will all be over in no time! I hope they can help you come up with a plan though, that’s hard being so far away from the hospital. How often do you have appts? I had that with my son. I was so round and he flipped around many times, they told me there was a good chance I was getting a c-section because he was sideways. Then when I was induced at 37 weeks he had flipped completely head down. It was insane how much water there was when it broke!

@gigglebox I’m good not being more north. I wouldn’t be able to handle the snow and prolonged colder weather. I’m in PA. The weather is bipolar here and the winter was really cold this year, but not even close to what they deal with. It’s going to be 73 tomorrow and I’m here for it! I’m glad to hear things are going well with pregnancy. At least you’ve had bigger babies so you know what to expect!
i hope that the hole closes up itself, its hard having an extra thing to worry about. hopefully it will resolve stress free and you can enjoy your baby girl with no complications asap

i have my appt tomorrow and ill either be admitted again or given a plan hopefully. i get appts twice a week currently. but the fear is going into labour naturally so far away. i lost a bit of my plug this morning and im only 35 weeks and loads of BH i think my body is over this pregnancy already ha
@RedRose19 funny and true story, I've been having contractions like crazy since last night as I mentioned, so I went back in this thread to late 2018 when started going into labor at 34 weeks and change with ds3. There was someone else on here back then who had her girl during 35 weeks and she emphasized that all was OK and baby was healthy. I ended up having baby about 38 weeks...but in both our cases we did lose a bit of plug first (reading back...truthfully I didn't remember that). So maybe start making some plans and getting your bag ready "just in case"...but hopefully you have more insight after this next appointment. Could you maybe do a short term rental closer to the hospital? I mentioned, I just went back and relived my last birth lol. This all started because I wanted to have some sort of insight as to how the heck I could tell the difference between false labor and real contractions because I couldn't remember how things went down last time with my "premature contractions" with ds3. I also thought it happened earlier, so my memory failed there. But the difference seems to have been the were 5-6 minutes apart with some mild discomfort in my lower back. Mine last night were 10 minutes apart (with one 5 minutes and a couple at 9 minutes, then would go up to 15 minutes then back to 10) and although they were really, really annoying the pressure didn't feel any different than normal braxton hicks and no pain. They've calmed down this morning but I am definitely still getting them. I guess it'll be something to keep my eye on and maybe put a call to the OB about for some guidelines as to when to go in to get checked.

This is also making me feel like I should get a hospital bag packed just in case I'm stuck in there for monitoring like I was last time....though it wasn't overnight I don't think.

Anyway all this to say, I am so thankful for you ladies and for this forum. It has really gotten me though some tough times! Everyone is so sweet and supportive here. I just wanted to say thank you! I sure do miss some of the ladies that were here back in the day. And OMG the discussions! It was so crazy to me, we were posting like 10 pages in a day back then. So wild.

This thread will be 10 years in August. That's insane. I wonder if it's among the oldest ongoing threads on the internet. Surely it must be!
Good luck Gigs I'm praying everything goes smoothly. But hope that baby will stay put for a while yet!!
@gigglebox @RedRose19 Praying for you both! Those last few weeks are such a guessing game. I remember losing plug with all my pregnancies a few weeks before I was in labor/induced. I had contractions and Braxton hicks for like 2 weeks before my first who was born the day before her due date. My second was born at 36 weeks and was good, no nicu. She was just tiny and still is. lol My son was 37 weeks. Def pack those bags though! I had nothing packed for my 36 week baby and was literally throwing things in bags. I ended up doing a target order at the hospital so she would have clothes because she was premie size. It’s so nice to look back and see how everything went, it’s crazy how much I forget.
I've been admitted for good now. I'm 35 weeks plus change. I wanna get to 36 weeks. I feel abit miserable from the tone of meds etc. And I'm tired but I'm so close now. Taking it day by day
@RedRose19 You got this! I’m sorry you’ve been admitted, but at least you don’t have to worry about the drive and what’s going on.
oh rose fingers crossed!!! Do they think she'll stay put until 36 weeks? Do they plan to intervene or just let her cook as long as your body is OK with it? So sorry you're stuck in the hospital but glad you're in good place now and not having to rush there later.

Jules I think the forgetting is why we keep having them lol! I am glad I have some things documented. I should probably write them down but I know myself, and I won't haha

Afm my contractions fizzled out the other day. They kicked in again today after the grocery store at about 5-6 minutes apart, but when I got home and sat down they slowed down again. I can see this getting annoying, it already is. I'm just watching for more consistency in them as well as pain/pressure in my lower back/pelvis when the happen which will be my cue to get checked.

For now I am feeling a bit frustrated/handicapped by my body. There is still soooooooooooooooo much to do...and I feel like it's getting so close. Less than 9 weeks now.
My cousin had her girlie yesterday. Weirdly they came back anhd said her hydroamino whatever resolved and she did not have cholestatis. She did have a c section but anyway just lurking for announcements. Any typos are sadly not from drinking but me buying my first set ogf fake nails and idek how my students are out here typing with stilettos fake nails. I have short almonds and the struggle is real
I'm currently walk the halls of the hospital with intense period cramps that I can't seem to sleep through and regularly but non painful contractions so.. I guess watch this space lol I just want the labour to start or pain go away
Rose any updates???????????

Dobby that is so weird that she was told baby had those issues and then....nope, nothing actually, just jokes. Wait your students?? how old are these girlies with their fakies?? and I hear yah. I'm wearing press-ons now and they are Kiss brand "petite". I just prefer short nails. I don't feel like I can function when they're long. I "work" with someone on youtube and she wears the longest nails, and I just don't even know how she functions with them at all. Like how do you type on your phone? How do you unbuckle a seat belt? Never mind more private functions like washing/grooming......but to eat their own. They sure are pretty though, I will be the first to admit!
No updates except every night my body had loads of bh and every morning I loose another chunk of my mucus plug.. but it's not progressed passed that. I'm being induced thursday night if nothing happens beforehand. But I've had so many signs of labour... but nothing has happened !

Those that have spontaneously gone into labour.. would you mind telling me your pre labour signs ? Please
Just popping by and looks like I've done it at an exciting time! @gigglebox can't believe you are so close to having your baby!! This was the surprise omg baby right? Am i remembering correctly lol?

@RedRose19 sorry I'm not up to date with why you are stopping in the hospital but I hope baby doesn't keep you waiting too long! X
Just popping by and looks like I've done it at an exciting time! @gigglebox can't believe you are so close to having your baby!! This was the surprise omg baby right? Am i remembering correctly lol?

@RedRose19 sorry I'm not up to date with why you are stopping in the hospital but I hope baby doesn't keep you waiting too long! X
All is good with baby except small. I got diagnosed with pre-eclampsia so I have to stay until the baby comes
@josephine3 Yes this is a little bonus baby! frankly I'm still in shock some days lol but his brothers can't wait to meet him and that melts my heart.
@RedRose19 when is your official due date? I can't remember. But that is so wild you'll have a baby by the end of the week! ahhh how are you feeling about that? Probably happy to no longer being in the hospital lol. I hope baby thrives once she's out and your stay there is close to through. So for my 3 kids -- my first actually started with my water busting (like a gush, not the trickle) at 40+3, then I went in and got induced because contractions hadn't started. With 2 and 3, it started with light contractions that were evenly spaced (maybe about 8-10 minutes at first) and then started to get closer, accompanied by a bit of pressure down low and pain in my lower back (all my kids were facing the wrong way though, I was in back labor with all likely because of my funky shaped uterus). The pain/pressure is kind of how I can somewhat discern between "real" and faux contractions. Are you feeling anything like that?

afm.......contractions picked up again last night and had me proper freaked out. At about 9:30pm I was starting to text family to see if anyone was up, "just in case"...but no one responded lol. My contractions were getting pretty close (about 4-5 minutes) but no pain or anything, just slight period-like cramping here and there. When they got pretty close, they then started to slow back down again, and eventually it was back to every 15-20 minutes. So I said a prayer and went to sleep lol. I have an appointment this afternoon so will of course be bringing this up, and wondering if they'll do a cervical check "just in case". I wanted to have the end of my pregnancy be as hands off as possible, but I'm going to need to know if my body is trying to go into premature labor again (as mentioned, it tried with ds3 at 34-ish weeks); need to know if my cervix is changing early again so I can modify my lifestyle if needed.

Anyway freaking out about being in labor last night made me really realize how much I have left to do around the house. The nursery is not ready at all. I'm not even sure if our crib is functional. We have a bassinet for the bedroom, but it's still in a box. The place I want to put it has a table with a bunch of craft stuff on it. Ugh I need to get my ass in gear and start really sorting through things. At least I got clothes washed and a bag for baby packed, but now I'm also realizing I don't have any smaller clothes in case he's smaller than they predict or he comes early. I also haven't packed a hospital bag for myself yet!

Wooooweee what a reality check.
I'm being induced at 6am tomorrow.. it's currently 11:43 pm and I'm bricking it.. will update once she's here
Any updates??? Hoping all went well!

Good news on my hormone level results, everything came back normal and my AMH (egg reserve number) did not drop, in fact it rose a little, which apparently it can do through age 25 (which I am). I was worried it was going to drop again like last year, so this is very reassuring to me. The photo shows last year in gray vs this year in black.
So baby Willow arrived March 26th at 9:16 after a long induction but fast labour.. I mean.. my waters went and she immediately followed!
She was 5lbs 12.5ozs. Bit slow with the feeding but she's letting me syringe in milk in between feeds which is helping keep her blood sugars normal and her jaundice at bay.


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