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i hope that the hole closes up itself, its hard having an extra thing to worry about. hopefully it will resolve stress free and you can enjoy your baby girl with no complications asapHi ladies! It’s been a crazy few weeks. We moved in last weekend. The old tenants basically refused to move their stuff til last minute and told them they cleaned…they did not. The house was def not ready so before we could set up rooms we had to scrub everything and paint because they patched holes but didn’t paint over the giant white plaster patches. We still have quite a bit left, but it’s feeling more like home every day. Then I got an upper respiratory infection…probably from the dust. Pregnancy-wise things are ok. We found out baby girl has a small hole in her heart so I have to go in 2 weeks for an echo with a pediatric cardiologist. They said it’s not life threatening and will most likely close on its own, but needs to be monitored. At my appt today my BP was a tiny bit elevated, but I’m hoping that’s just from the stress of the week.
@shaescott I hope he hears something soon!! I literally laughed so hard at your comment about your DHs grandpas girlfriend looking like a thumb!
@RedRose It will all be over in no time! I hope they can help you come up with a plan though, that’s hard being so far away from the hospital. How often do you have appts? I had that with my son. I was so round and he flipped around many times, they told me there was a good chance I was getting a c-section because he was sideways. Then when I was induced at 37 weeks he had flipped completely head down. It was insane how much water there was when it broke!
@gigglebox I’m good not being more north. I wouldn’t be able to handle the snow and prolonged colder weather. I’m in PA. The weather is bipolar here and the winter was really cold this year, but not even close to what they deal with. It’s going to be 73 tomorrow and I’m here for it! I’m glad to hear things are going well with pregnancy. At least you’ve had bigger babies so you know what to expect!
i have my appt tomorrow and ill either be admitted again or given a plan hopefully. i get appts twice a week currently. but the fear is going into labour naturally so far away. i lost a bit of my plug this morning and im only 35 weeks and loads of BH i think my body is over this pregnancy already ha