Can't stop crying!


Blessed mommy to a beautiful girl and growing lo
Mar 12, 2011
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I had my daughter thursday, and besides being bombarded with visitors that i asked to wait until i got settled at home to come, to dealing with the "is she gettin enough" because i'm breastfeeding. i feel like my confidence has been shaken. they say baby's know or can feel when you're nervous and i'm kinda nervous because i think i could hurt her and i'm overly gentle. well to make this long story short. i've been crying lately and i don't know why. is there something wrong with me:nope:
darling i dont want to appear to brush it off but this is prime baby blues time for you where most women feel incredibly low due to hormones

couple that with actually having a real reason to be peed off - the unwanted not listening guests - then that is a recipe for feeling overwhelmed, not listened too, emotional and generally peed off - the hormones going round you at the moment will intensify that by a million!!!

like i said i dont want to brush your feelings off, you have some real valid reasons there to feel upset but sounds to me like the baby blues, of course if in the next couple of weeks you feel worse or certainly not better about things then talk to someone about it but i hate to say it but the label pnd can be thrown around a little too easily these days

i think you sound like a new mum who is peed off overwhelmed and isnow entering hormonal stage - which basically hun is every new mum xkx
I was told the same by the hospital in the early days after having LO. That initially it is your hormones & that should even out soon.

For now try to sneak a nap in when your baby naps. Don't feel like you have to enterain your guests either. I know that they're very excited to meet baby, but you need your rest. Let them know when a good time would be.

If your feelings of sadness continue longer contact your dr. as it may mean post partum, which can start to happen up to a year after having a baby.

Sending you hugs.
Thanks for responding
Hi love congratulations on the birth of your little girl!

It's totally normal to be feeling weepy for the first few weeks. If guests turn up uninvited just tell them it isn't a good time and you will let them know when they can vist!
Kick the visitors out or don't answer the door babe. I only had 2 visits in the first 3 weeks-I made it clear from the start we didn't want anybody, we wanted to bond as a family and get to know each other. Just try to get as much rest as you can, it does get better!
I felt really weepy for the first 3 weeks and it was gone after that. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi hun,

Congrats on your new little bubba!

And it is totally normal to feel like this!! Your proper milk should just being coming in or just have done so and this is when the hormones are all over the place and we get the baby blues.

I had a horrible time bf and had horrid baby blues and spent nearly a week in constant tears. I also made the mistake of allowing people to visit the next day, which I think was made worse by the fact that I was in and out of hospital on the same day, so had literally no time to myself.

If you don't want visitors, I am sure they will understand. You need to do what's best for you and if you want time to yourself then there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

The weepyness will get better, I promise. :hugs:

As for is your LO getting enough, I'm sure she will let you know if she is still hungry!!

I had my daughter thursday, and besides being bombarded with visitors that i asked to wait until i got settled at home to come, to dealing with the "is she gettin enough" because i'm breastfeeding. i feel like my confidence has been shaken. they say baby's know or can feel when you're nervous and i'm kinda nervous because i think i could hurt her and i'm overly gentle. well to make this long story short. i've been crying lately and i don't know why. is there something wrong with me

You are on day 3 which is the start of the "Baby Blues" (sometimes sooner, sometimes later), it is 100% normal to cry over everything and that's okay! Let yourself cry! Yes, your confidence will be shaken by a variety of people who will question every freakin' little thing you do.

Most people do not understand basics of breastfeeding: Milk can take 3-5 days to come in, 'cluster feeding' is normal and it can seem like they dont' feed enough (they are in fact going through growth spurts and are stimulating extra production), and of course, you are building your supply at 6-8 weeks and that takes a lot of work.

Imagine, if you are a 150lb woman and you need to weigh 300lbs in two months. How much constant feeding will you need for that? And that's why your bubs will be like this. It's okay - you are doing great :hugs:

And don't worry about hurting her, they are rubber!
Firstly congrats! and secondly, as others have said this is completely normal. I was exactly the same, cried day and night and not because of LO but everything else. I was in pain, tired, overwhelmed by people visiting in large groups and sticking their fingers in LO's mouth, trying to sort BFing and so on and so on. It will pass honey, keep strong.
Congratulations on your little girl and chin up! It gets a little better every day (although you'll have some where it feels like you're back to square one and things will never improve). Before you know it you will feel sane and in control again. The uncontrollable crying is just part of the early days. Give it a week or two and things will look MUCH brighter. :hugs:
Shut the door, switch the phone off, and give yourself time to find your way. These visitors just want to see a wee baby - and that can wait. Who cares if you offend them? xxxx
hi sweetie...

congrats on the birth of your bundle of joy. like the othes have said its completely normal. i felt fine in hospital, excited and full of the joys of having my precious one and proud of my labour, but the minute I got home I cried NON STOP! Especially at night. I enjoyed my visitors, but at the same time I wanted them to go, not to touch Isobelle unless they had washed their hands, nor even breathe on her!! I also panicked about our dogs reaction around her, I just went upstairs and cried and thought "what on earth have I done?" i just wanted my easy laid back life back with noone but myself to look after. Once my visitors had gone, I longed for them to come back and hold Isobelle so I didn't have too, awful isn't it?

I remember sitting in the living room and LO was in he moses basket, OH watching TV and just feeling likes the walls were closing in on me. Also when I went to register her at the doctors I kept stopping the pram to check her breathing ad panicking that if I took my eyes of hr, she would stop breathing. Then when the receptionist gave me my 6week check appointment card I stood and thought, "will I last 6weeks?" "Will she still be here in 6weeks" Hun, it was awful...

Although, I am glad to say it DOES get better, I promise. Isobelle is now 7months and I can still remember the ache in my tummy, time flies by so fast, just try and enjoy it.


I felt like this on and off till my lo wad about 10 weeks at first it was hormones after that i was just shattered and when ur exhausted and sleep deprived i cried a lot just for sleep. when my lo started letting me sleep a little bit the this went away.
hi sweetie...

congrats on the birth of your bundle of joy. like the othes have said its completely normal. i felt fine in hospital, excited and full of the joys of having my precious one and proud of my labour, but the minute I got home I cried NON STOP! Especially at night. I enjoyed my visitors, but at the same time I wanted them to go, not to touch Isobelle unless they had washed their hands, nor even breathe on her!! I also panicked about our dogs reaction around her, I just went upstairs and cried and thought "what on earth have I done?" i just wanted my easy laid back life back with noone but myself to look after. Once my visitors had gone, I longed for them to come back and hold Isobelle so I didn't have too, awful isn't it?

I remember sitting in the living room and LO was in he moses basket, OH
watching TV and just feeling likes the walls were closing in on me. Also when I went to register her at the doctors I kept stopping the pram to check her breathing ad panicking that if I took my eyes of hr, she would stop breathing. Then when the receptionist gave me my 6week check appointment card I stood and thought, "will I last 6weeks?" "Will she still be here in 6weeks" Hun, it was awful...

Although, I am glad to say it DOES get better, I promise. Isobelle is now 7months and I can still remember the ache in my tummy, time flies by so fast, just try and enjoy it.



I really appreciate this thread and this particular reply, it means a lot to know us weepers are not alone. :flower:
I remember on days 3 and 4, I spent all the time in tears and the midwife told me ig t was completely normal that length of time after the baby being born. I got myself worked up into a real state about expressing (my baby was in neonatal as she was born at 27 weeks) and visitors and the midwife ended up putting up a "do not disturb" notice on my door!

Big hugs - it will pass. It's all so new for you and overwhelming, and you need some time and space.

Congratulations on the birth of your LO, and please please don't beat yourself up - it's completely normal.

I was so emotional the first week i felt like a rabbit in head lights! Day 3/4 is the worst day as i was told by the midwives. It will get better and you will feel a lot more settled very soon. its so hard the few weeks, don't worry about everyone else just look after yourself and LO xx
My mom finally got the hint and is now diverting people away. she called me just a second ago and asked am i still crying :haha:
yesterday nite while in the hospital my lo got so over stimulated that the nurse's brought her to my room and asked could she have a pacifier. i said sure and they took her back to the nursery so i could take a nap. we got home today and after i fed, Burped, changed her and we cuddled i put her down and after she got fussy i gave her her pacifier and started crying because i thought she wouldn't want to feed from my breast anymore. then her cry changed i picked her up an she fed for a few minutes and snuggled up under me. i'm fighting the urge not to hold her too much because i know my elderly grandmother will be her sitter while i'm back at work. i literally watch her sleep and fight myself when she get's a little fussy. i try to wait at least two minutes to see if she'll come around.:baby:
I havent been able to read through all of the other responses, so forgive me if I repeat anything that has already been said.

First of all- what you are feeling is completely, totally normal. Although I KNOW that doesn't make you feel better, just try to keep that in mind. Not that I am in any way trying to say that your feelings should be undermined. I was the exact same way.

My baby blues started around day 5. Luckily, I had to take my daughter back to the hospital for a bilirubin check when she was 6 days- so I was almost forced to express my feelings to a nurse. I say forced because those darn hormones flared up as soon as she asked me how I was doing. I just started crying and telling her I felt like an awful Mom, and that i felt like something was surely wrong with me because, shouldn't I be feeling happier? She told me it was normal- the baby blues and that it often peaked around 4-10 days postpartum. Just as we were about to leave, my Midwife stopped by the labor ward and the nurse told her how I was feeling. My midwife and I had created a very strong relationship throughout my pregnancy- as soon as the nurse told her how i was feeling ( I started crying again, of course) and my midwife wisked me off to one of the delivery rooms for a private chat! lol. She again told me that it was totally normal and that i wasnt a bad mom.She again confirmed that it spiked around days 4-10 (give or take, of course) and that if I didnt feel better after that to come and see her and we would talk about other options such as medication. She said a lot of things that really made me feel better, even though they didn't change my feelings. Baby blues are unavoidable, your hormones are a mess and there is nothing you can do to change that. She told me to keep thinking about what my body had JUST done- carried a baby for MONTHS and then went through the most unbelievable stress to get that baby here (no matter HOW your baby was delivered)- She said to me- "Not everybody gets the baby blues, but many do. Either way, everyones body reacts to postpartum in different ways. After what your body went through to get that baby here- I would be worried if you DIDNT react in anyway." So try to go easy on yourself. My best advice is to just allow those feelings to happen, don't think you need to "be strong" all the time- allow yourself to just fall apart. If your body needs to cry, then cry, etc.

Try not to worry about hurting her. I was always worried about that too, until I saw how all of the nurses, doctors, etc handled her! They are so used to it they just fling these babies around like they are footballs. I actually mentioned how surprised I was to one of my nurses and she laughed and said "babies are meant to survive the most drastic stituations, they are very durable!" and if you think about it- yeah! she's right, think of the conditions that so many babies have had to live in throughout history- we've got it pretty easy now :) Babies are tough!

I honestly believe that baby blues and postpartum depression is something that neeeds to be talked about a lot more. For how common it is, its so sad that so many woman feel that they are alone in it. I dont understand why they dont talk about it more at like childbirth classes, etc. So many woman go through it, but we always feel alone, like something is wrong, when its totally normal. :shrug:

Oh! and breastfeeding- UGH! Those first few days, couple of weeks were so tough, unbelievably tough! How can something so "natural" be so difficult! I really thought I would give up. One time my poor husband was just trying to help and I screamed at him "shut the f*** up, you have no f****** clue how f****** hard this is..." and so on. And I am not one for swearing. Of course I started crying immediately that I had done that to him and sworn and yelled in front of DD. Oh, dear, I was such a mess. Getting all teary-eyed just writing this and thinking about all of that. My point is, that it SUCKS at first. But keep at it! And try not to worry about if shes getting enough. Babies bodies are prepared for that lull in supply the first few days. They have stored up extra fat to get through. Our bodies are AMAZING! Think about the whole idea of pregnancy- my goodness- how crazy is it what our bodies can do. Your body got you through that, and now you baby is here, in your arms- NOW you need to trust it to do its thing again. Give yourself a few days, your supply will come through. All in all, trust your body, it is an amazing thing! :)

I hope you feel better soon. Congratulations on your little one! :hugs:
if it makes you feel any better me I was an emotional wreck on days 3-7. Everything would set me off. It made me feel a lot better when the woman next to me in hospital was loosing her s*it too. She had her baby at the same time as me and as we were both wailing about the most trivial stuff. I have read its to do with your milk coming in - your pregnancy hormones are leaving and your prolactin is ramping up. If you are still feeling this way in a couple of weeks I would go see my doctor to have a chat :D

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