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Carpel tunnel.


1 beautiful little lady.
Oct 2, 2009
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I'm sure there was already a thread on here but I can't seem to find.

Carpel tunnel is starting to drive me up the wall now. My fingers are constantly numb and are starting to constantly hurt when I bend them. It's getting bad at night too, waking me several times. My fingers have also swelled up. It's mainly my right hand that's effected all the time but my left does flare up in the evening.

I've tried keeping my hands warm
Shaking them regularly
Stretching my fingers
Keep my hands down by my sides so the blood flows better
I bought a splint but it's horrible, seems to make the pins and needles worse
Bought an elastic wrist strap but again makes the pins and needles worse.

I'm at a loss, is there anything else I can try that's worked for anyone?
I have it too and it's getting real bad now. I wake up at night wimpering. I read on another thread that someone suggested wrapping a heatwrap around your wrist and then putting the splint on so I'm going to try that tonight, hope it works, I'll let you know tomorrow. You might be putting on the brace and wrap too tight, might try to wear it looser. sometimes when I lay on my side and dangle my hand over the edge of the bed, straight down it helps for abit. Problem is I fall asleep and draw my hand back up and then wake up in pain again. It is getting real bad, but it'll be over soon. It always goes away when I have the baby (this is my third pregnancy, get it every time) Good luck!
Yep it can be awful, I had it with my son and again this time.
I have never found anything to really help it tbh.
I wake up most night in loads of pain, and then the rest of the day there numb and hurt and feel weird to bend.
Keeping them straight and not to high up or low down helps a little.
Thanks ladies.

Basically just put up with it then lol. I might get dome heat pads and try that at night with out the splint. I Defo didn't have it too tight,perhaps it's just not a good one. Roll on giving birth so this goes away :)
Yep, I know after baby's born if it carets on your can have steroid shots, even an op to sort it.
I guess it's just one of them things that we just have to try different things and hope that we find something to help.
The heatwraps around my wrists under the brace trick worked! For the most part, until the heat wore off about 4 am. Then I slept on my back for the rest of the night (morning). Try it, it really worked for me, I was able to get several hours of sleep (except for the every couple hours trip to the loo).
I have problems at night with this. My hands go numb and my fingers really hurt. For a while, the pain was lasting through the day too and didn't go away for about 5 days. Lately, when I get up in the night to pee I wash my hands with really cold water and crack my knuckles and the pain has been so much better.
I was sent to see the physio for this and she gave me some advice on keeping my wrists level and gave me a stint to wear for both hands. Been using the stints now for a week - every evening and throughout the night and occasionally during the day if my wrists get tired or fingers hurt. Can't say its completely gone but has improved a little. Iv'e resigned to the fact that I'm just going to have to put up with it till baby arrives. Had it with DS too and it went pretty quick after the birth so fingers crossed.

If its really bad though I've heard you can get injections?
Hiya, I am sorry for your pain, hun. I suffered the same at the time of 1st DS, but got better within three months of the baby being born. Cut back on activities that force your wrists into a flexed or bent-back position such as typing, riding a bike, and holding very tightly onto the handles of exercise machines like treadmills, stair climbers. Avoiding such activities and icing your wrists may bring some relief, as may reducing your sodium intake to keep your water weight down.
If is really bothering you, try consult physiotherapist. As you probably know, most painkillers are out of bounds during pregnancy, but you could try taking paracetamol to relieve any pain you are experiencing. Alternatively, you may choose to consult a qualified, registered reflexologist, aromatherapist or massage therapist for a more personalised treatment. Acupuncture can also help to ease the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome.
I read on the other forum, that eating foods high in vitamin B6 such as dark green vegetables, hazelnuts, avocados, and fish can help to promote a healthy nervous system. Also, if your breast size increases a lot, make sure you are fitted early for a proper supportive maternity bra. This will take the weight off your ribcage and breastbone and help to prevent compression or irritation of the nerve anywhere along its path.
I had that problem in one of my hands for about the last month. I found that wearing a firm brace really helped, but I know it doesn't help everyone. My carpel tunnel luckily went away within hours of birth, I didn't realize it could be that quick!
I hope mine goes that quick cause it is really driving me nuts now. My fingers are constantly numb now, nothing seems to be helping either. :(
VickyLou, I hope it goes away quickly for you too! I was kind of amazed; I had to take the brace off to get the IV when I was induced (they blew out the vein on my other hand so there was no choice) and I remember it still affecting me a bit that first afternoon, but it was gone by the next morning.
Seriously there must be something that can help? It's getting to the point now that I can't do anything, my hands are constantly numb, I have no strength whats so ever. I can pull the plug out of the bath, I can't hold a knife to cut bread, I can't open a bottle, I honestly have no strength at all. Splints don't work, spoke to the midwife she doesn't care, she just said I have to live with it (how? When I can't hold anything).

I read put hands in icy cold water, I did this the other night but it was sooooo painful and only helped for about 20 minutes :(

Please recommend something I'm willing to try anything. I need some feeling in my hands!

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