ok heres my 2 pennies worth hehe.....
ive had steriod injections, physio and an op on 1 hand, but ive now had it cured!!!!
i would advise not to get the op as they dont tend to tell u they actually cut the muslce that goes from your thumb to your little finger and it will slowly make moving those 2 fingers very hard. ive noticed this already as i do alot pf physical work.
but ive found a new treatment that has come over from america, they first massage your lower arm muscles to relax them and make them lean again. carpel tunnel is actually caused by stress to these muslces causing them to contract and spasm resulting in the pain in your hand.
then once you have had enough sessions to really relax your forearm, they give u a few exersises to do each day and the pain never returns, ive not had it since! im waiting to see if it still works when i get pregnant again as i was in total agony last time.
i can try and explain the exersises u need to do each day if any ones likes?
heres the info from the guy that invented this treatment, i know it looks a bit like them sites full of crap but i swear by this treatment, im now going for treatment to cure my migraines!!! fingers crossed