Cat Driving Me CRAZY!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2012
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So, DH and I have had Kitty for 3 years. We found her outside when she was about 9 weeks old and have had her as an indoor cat ever since. When we first had her, DH had just lost his job and didn't get another one for 4 months, so they were best buddies, and remained that way for over a year. In fact, Kitty hated me and got mad whenever I went near DH. She totally ignored me the rest of the time. This was fine with me; I'm cat ambivalent. She eventually stopped hating me and we moved into a phase of mutual tolerance. We'd cordially greet each other and then go about our business. DH was still her sweetheart and got the bulk of her attention. THEN, we started TTC. I swear to God, she knew something was up and has abandoned DH and has attached herself to me every freaking second that I am home. It was like she knew we were planning on disrupting her perfect cat life with some horrible pink thing (baby) and needed to show me that we didn't need a BABY; she would cuddle with me and be with me and adore me FOREVER! Now that I am pregnant, I won't let her lay on my chest or lap any more at all (give her a millimeter and she'll take a light year), so if I'm on the couch, she lays on my arm, or smooshes herself right up against my leg, all the better to try to ooze onto my lap and then chest. When DH is home, she doesn't even acknowledge him unless I'm gone. She's always touching me. Always. She's making me crazy and I don't know what to do. I have seriously considered not letting her be anywhere near me at all, ever, but that seems really mean; it's not her fault I hate her guts, and I'm home more than DH. And I can't LIMIT her time, because I have TRIED that and I literally spend all my time kicking her off the couch or chair. It goes - remove cat to floor, cat IMMEDIATELY climbs back up. Repeat for HOURS until I give up and cat wins. It has to be all or nothing; she isn't smart enough to understand anything else. That's why she's never allowed on my lap; one 5 minute session and I have undone all the work I put in teaching her to stay off me and we have to start from the beginning.
If she's making me this crazy now, what am I going to do when the baby comes? I'm not going to let her climb all over us or get in my way when we're nursing or sleeping or changing a diaper on the floor, but I don't know how to teach her boundaries without banishing her from the main part of the house. She's SO STUBBORN. I wish she'd go back to hating me. It was so much easier. Or at least cuddle with DH when he's home.
It may ease off once the baby is born, not speaking from experience but I wonder if its the pregnancy hormones attracting her - my cats won't leave me alone since I have gotten pregnant.
My cat's all over me as well. Can't really help you though as I enjoy getting some cuddles for a change, normally he's very independent. Not looking forward to spring so much though. He's an outside cat and last pregnancy he started bringing me food (ie mice and birds). Thanks, but ewwwwwww!
omg i have the same problem but x2 both of mine are driving me mental like yours he starts off next to you then sneeks on your lap then up my chest and starts headbutting my face or climbs around the back of the sofa and down my shoulder i resort to either chucking him in the garden or into the kitchen i feel mean but my god does it drive me nuts shes not as bad she gets the hint eventually lol i would just suggest sticking at some light petting and just keep gently but firmly putting her back on the floor she should get the idea eventually x
Ahh I feel your pain. I really don't like cats! If I were ou I'd put her outside permanently. That's where animals belong. I can't stand animals in my house, especially when they start behaving like they own the place! Xx
I had the same problem when I was pregnant with my first baby. Our cat could definitely sense something and was all over me and very protective of me. I do like cats though and this cat has always been a sweetheart so I didn't mind it when I was pregnant in fact I suffered from terrible sickness and was house bound for much if my pregnancy and the cat was a constant loyal companion. However after having my daughter he became a nightmare, constantly under my feet, miaowing at the baby's door during the night and generally not giving us a minutes peace. I realise it was difficult for the cat too as he had always been the one getting all the cuddles and attention but I became very stressed out by it and in the end he went to stay with my mum and dad. They are retired and love having him around and he gets all the attention he needs there, also I see him every other day so I don't feel too guilty. He never once showed any aggression to my daughter though and whenever we go to my mums he comes straight to the front door to greet my daughter (now a toddler) and sits by her side while she is playing.
I have the same with my 2, won't leave me alone. they were the same in my first pregnancy too but it does annoy me which i'm presuming is pregnancy hormones because it's never bothered me any other time. Just keep pushing her away if you really don't like her. I do think it's nice they seem to know but it irritates me at the mo.
Ahh I feel your pain. I really don't like cats! If I were ou I'd put her outside permanently. That's where animals belong. I can't stand animals in my house, especially when they start behaving like they own the place! Xx

If I put her outside, she'll be dead in a week. We have tons of coyotes and raccoons and foxes and she's never been outside. She wouldn't stand a chance. I don't want her dead - just not ON me.
DH has been trying to win her back over to him and it's kind of working. If he sits still and cuddles her, she'll stay with him most of the night. It's just when he gets up to do anything (how dare he) that she's gets miffed and comes over to see me.
I think as mean as it is, I am going to have to start making her stay off of me all the time. If she keeps driving me crazy, I'm going to find a new home for her, and that is not fair to her or DH.
get a water spray and spray her if she comes near, she'll soon hate you.

I think the keeping her outside comment was uncalled for. I don't think people would get pets if they wanted to do that really!!
Raccoons and Cayotes! Wow I'm in Ireland, we're lucky if we get a few stray dogs lol xx
Yep, Raccoons, Coyotes, a couple wolves (!) down from Canada, someone saw a black bear last year, and there have been whitetail deer killed with panther tracks and sign around them. Looots of wildlife!
Maybe re home her? If it was me I would either make her an outdoor cat and kick her out when she is acting like that and only let her in to sleep. But like you say its not safe for her where you live) Or I would re home her to a loving home either with family's who already have children or have grown up children.

By the way - cats usually kick fox's ass ! especially tom cats.
its completely normal for cats to be attracted to pregnancy hormones, they can very much sense a baby growing in there, you'll probably find it settles down a heap once the baby is actually here and making a bunch of noise,
until then, maybe get a comfy cushion or something and sit it next to you on the sofa and encourage the cat to sit on that, when he climbs on you, put him back on the cushion and give him a treat if he settles there.
Another thing with cats is they like people who dont fuss over them all the time.... so the more you ignore her the more she likes you.... have studied this behaviour in cats lots, its also why people who are scared of cats seem to attract cats! They do seem to sense pregnancy should settle down in time.

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